Are you looking for a fun, Christmas-themed project to do with your kids (or parents)? How about making a snow globe? A snow globe is a cute and traditional decoration that is easy to make using everyday items found around the house. Otherwise, if you want to build a slightly more professional globe that will last for years, you could purchase the ready-made kits at a hobby store. Either way, follow step 1 below to get started.
Method 1 of 2: Make a snow globe out of objects found in the house

Step 1. Get a glass jar with a tightly closing lid
Any size is fine as long as the items you intend to put in it can fit
- Jars of olives or pickles (peppers, artichokes, and so on) or baby food jars are fine, but any container that has a good lid works - take a look in the fridge.
- Wash the jar inside and out. If you can't get the label off, try rubbing it with hot soapy water, and scrape it off with a plastic scraper or knife. Dry well.

Step 2. Decide what you want to put inside the jar
You can put whatever you want in it, such as small toys, winter-themed characters or cake decorations (a snowman, a Santa Claus or a Christmas tree) that you already have or that you can buy in thrift or thrift stores. hobby.
- Just make sure they are plastic or ceramic objects, as other materials (such as metal) may rust or otherwise change their appearance when submerged in water.
- If you want to leave room for your creativity, try making clay objects yourself. You can buy clay at a hobby store, shape it to your liking (snowmen are super easy to make), and bake it in the oven. Apply a coat of water-resistant paint and the characters are ready to use.
- You can also take pictures of yourself or your family members or pets and laminate them. You can cut out the silhouette of the person in the photo and place them in the snow globe, which will have a nice personalized touch!
- Even if it is called a "snow globe" it does not mean that we should limit ourselves to reproducing a winter scene. You can also create a summer scene with shells and sand, or do something fun with a dinosaur or a ballerina.

Step 3. Create the composition at the bottom of the lid
Take the lid of the jar and spread a layer of glue (hot glue, very strong glue or epoxy glue) on the bottom. If you want you can first sand the lid so that the glue adheres better.
- While the glue is still fresh, arrange the objects: glue the characters, laminated photos, clay sculptures, or whatever you are using.
- If the object you need to glue has a very narrow base (for example laminated photos, a cutout from a garland or a Christmas tree) you could glue some colored pebbles to the bottom of the lid, so that you can fit the object between each other. they.
- Remember that the composition must fit into the jar, so don't make it too big. Keep items in the center of the lid.
- Once the composition is finished, let the glue dry, which must be completely dry before it can be immersed in water.

Step 4. Fill the jar with water, glycerin and glitter
You have to fill it up to the brim with water and add 2 or 3 teaspoons of glycerin (you can find it in the department of the supermarket where you find the necessary to make sweets). The glycerin "thickens" the water, and causes the glitter to fall out slowly. You can achieve a similar effect with baby oil.
- Add the glitter. The quantity depends on the size of the jar and your personal taste. You have to put in enough to compensate for the fact that some of them will stick to the bottom of the jar, but not so many that they cover the composition you created.
- Silver and gold glitter are fine for a winter or Christmas theme, but you can choose whichever color you prefer. You can also buy special "snow" for globes both online and in hobby stores.
- If by any chance you don't have glitter, you can make some pretty realistic snow out of finely chopped egg shells with a rolling pin.

Step 5. Put the lid on the jar carefully, and screw it on
Squeeze as tight as you can and wipe off any drops of water with kitchen paper.
- If you are concerned that the lid will unscrew, you can put a string of glue around the rim of the jar before closing it, or you can put colored tape around the lid.
- Remember that you may need to open the jar to fix something that has fallen off or to add water or glitter, so keep this in mind before sealing it.

Step 6. Decorate the lid (optional)
If you want you can refine the snow globe by decorating the lid.
- You can paint it a bright color, tie a nice ribbon around it, cover it with felt, or glue berries, holly or bells on it.
- When you're done, all you have to do is shake the globe and watch the glitter gently fall around the beautiful skit you've created!
Method 2 of 2: Make a snow globe with a kit

Step 1. Purchase a snow globe kit online or at a hobby store
There are several on the market: some where you simply insert a photo, others for which you will have to model clay figurines, and others provide a globe, base and material to make a very professional looking globe.

Step 2. Build the snow globe
Once you have purchased the kit, follow the instructions on the box. In some cases you will have to paint some parts and glue the composition to the base of the globe. Once you have arranged the composition you will have to glue the glass dome (or plastic) to the base and fill it with water (and snow or glitter) from a hole in the base, then using the cap provided to seal the globe.
- Add glitter, beads, or other small items to the water. You can use any item that doesn't interfere with the main item!
- To give the globe a special look, you can add a few drops of food coloring to the water before putting on glitter, beads, etc.
- To make the object more fun you can add glitter or fake snow. You must first apply glue or clear varnish to the object and sprinkle it with glitter / fake snow. Note: of course you have to do this before putting it in the water, and the glue / paint must be well dry, otherwise it won't work!
- Fun things to use are: small plastic dolls, plastic animals and / or pieces of board games like Monopoly, or parts of an electric train.
- If you decide to use food coloring choose light colors, not blue, green or black / dark blue that would prevent you from seeing the inside of the globe. Also make sure that the object inside does not get stained!
- It can happen that the homemade snow globe starts to pour, so be sure to place it on a surface that won't get damaged if it gets wet!