How to Play Checkers (with Pictures)

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How to Play Checkers (with Pictures)
How to Play Checkers (with Pictures)

Checkers is a simple and fun game that dates back to the 12th century. To win a game, you must move your pieces to the opposing side of the board. You can move them faster by jumping over your opponent's pieces and "capturing" them and kicking them out of the game. The concept behind checkers is pretty simple, but you can use different strategies to increase your chances of winning. Thanks to this article you can learn the rules and start playing with a friend right away.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare the Game

Play Checkers Step 1
Play Checkers Step 1

Step 1. Determine who has the first round advantage

Before setting up the board, you need to decide who will open the game. You can decide based on who won the previous game, flip a coin or use another method. The person who makes the first move will have the black pieces and the other will have the white ones.

Remember that the player with the black pieces is always entitled to the first move

Play Checkers Step 2
Play Checkers Step 2

Step 2. Prepare the board

Sit in front of your opponent and place the board between you. It is a square table made up of 32 black boxes alternating with as many white boxes. The boxes are arranged in eight rows of eight. Orient the board so that each player has a white square in the lower right corner.

Play Checkers Step 3
Play Checkers Step 3

Step 3. Arrange the pieces on the board

Each player must place their pieces on the 12 black squares found in the first three closest rows. Each row will have 4 checkers; remember that the pieces only move diagonally on the dark houses.

Since the board is made up of a total of 8 lines and 6 have been occupied by the pieces, between your pieces and those of the opponent there will be two empty lines

Play Checkers Step 4
Play Checkers Step 4

Step 4. Evaluate if you need to set a maximum time for each move

In an official tournament, each player has 5 minutes to move their pieces; if you have decided to apply this rule to make the game more fluid, remember to put a timer near the board before starting the game.

Part 2 of 3: Playing the Game

Step 1. Start the game

The player with the black pieces makes the first move. Remember that, in the beginning, the pieces move diagonally only one square at a time towards the space occupied by the opponent. The pieces must remain on the black squares.

Step 2. Jump and capture the opponent's pieces

If your piece is on the diagonal square bordering the one occupied by the opponent's piece, then you can jump it and capture it. Just physically jump the pawn by making yours "land" in the diagonal black square diametrically opposite to the starting one. When you capture the opponent's piece, remove it from the board.

  • Remember that the "landing" square must be clear in order to proceed with this move.
  • If you have the ability to jump and capture a piece of the other player, you must do so;
  • If you have the ability to skip more than one opponent's piece, then you will have to choose which piece to capture.
  • While capturing a piece, you can only move one square. However, if from the new "landing" position you have a chance to make another catch, then you can make a multiple catch and continue like this as long as there are opposing pieces to catch.

Step 3. Promote the pieces when they reach the opposing end of the board

To do this, place another pawn, which was previously captured from you, on top of the "promoted" one, which now becomes a queen. Thanks to its double height, you will be able to easily distinguish it from other pieces. A king can move forward and backward, making it easier to grab.

  • When not capturing a piece, the king can only move one square diagonally. However, during grappling, he can move forward and backward in the same turn. This is possible only when the king has to perform a hold that requires changes of direction, such as when two pieces are aligned on the same horizontal line but on two diagonal spaces parallel to each other. To capture these pieces, the king must move back and forth.
  • Some game sets feature pawns with a crown on the underside; in this case you just need to flip the piece to promote it to checkers.
  • There is no limit to the number of ladies you can have.

Step 4. Keep jumping over the opponent's pieces and catching them

The aim of the game is to remove all the opposing checkers and ladies from the board and, at this point, you will have won the game!

Another less common way to win is to block all opposing pieces so they can't move

Part 3 of 3: Improving Your Game

Play Checkers Step 9
Play Checkers Step 9

Step 1. Play offense and not defense

A beginner is tempted to keep his pieces along the edge of the board to prevent the opponent from catching them, but this is the wrong strategy. Work on capturing enemy pawns instead of finding a way to defend yours. There is no problem if some of your pieces will be taken, as long as the number of your losses is less than the number of opposing pieces you capture.

Be brave and try to take opposing pieces whenever you get the chance

Play Checkers Step 10
Play Checkers Step 10

Step 2. Move your pieces in a coordinated way

If you move a piece of some squares without the other elements following it, then it will become easy prey for the opponent. Instead, try moving the elements "as a group", as a single block. The central area of the board should be occupied by a group of pieces that protect each other as they advance; However, avoid having all your pieces in this area, as it may become difficult to move them.

If the pieces move together, it will be difficult for them to be captured by the opponent; however, if the other player manages to take one of your pieces, you will surely have another one available to "eat" his piece in turn

Play Checkers Step 11
Play Checkers Step 11

Step 3. Try to keep the bottom row line-up intact for as long as possible

If your opponent manages to get past your defense lines and reach the row closest to you, then his pawn will become king and it will be more difficult to capture. If you keep the lineup of the last row intact, you can capture any enemy pieces that come close.

Step 4. Recognize when it is time to sacrifice a token

There is a right time to sacrifice pieces; when you are ahead or at a standstill in the game, do not be afraid of losing a piece, if that allows you to capture an opponent. Keep pushing your "army" forward.

  • Do your best to avoid losing a queen, as she is a far more valuable item than a regular pawn.
  • Don't sacrifice pieces if that makes it easier for you to catch your lady.
  • You lose a piece to catch two. You can give up one of your elements to be able to capture two opponents on your turn.
Play Checkers Step 13
Play Checkers Step 13

Step 5. Focus on the ladies

You must be able to "promote" as many pieces as possible and at the same time prevent the other player from doing the same. This should be your priority as you improve in the game. However, don't aim for ladies if that means losing a lot of pieces; try to apply some strategy and weigh the losses and the benefits.

Step 6. Block the opponent

If the enemy pieces are blocked and cannot move, then they lose the turn. Try to keep them still for as long as possible, strive to capture more opposing elements and to promote yours to checkers.

Play Checkers Step 15
Play Checkers Step 15

Step 7. Continue playing

There is no perfect rule for winning every game, but the more you play, the better you will understand the strategies. If you want to become a true expert, you should practice as much as possible to improve your game.

Try to play with someone better than you; the challenge will inspire you to improve your skills

Play Checkers Step 16
Play Checkers Step 16

Step 8. Observe how an expert plays

See how the pros perform, whether by watching a tournament in person or watching a game on television. Try to take several ideas to improve your technique, observing how a good player handles the pieces on the board. Pay attention to how she reacts and how she behaves in certain situations.

Learn about strategies by reading books and consulting forums. Some professional players have described their techniques and you can take advantage of them to improve your skills

wikiHow Video: How to Play Checkers
