How to Make Black Powder: 14 Steps

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How to Make Black Powder: 14 Steps
How to Make Black Powder: 14 Steps

Black powder is a simple mixture of powdered potassium nitrate or saltpetre, coal and sulfur. But simply mixing the ingredients together won't give you the results you want. Follow these instructions for making black powder - be very careful though as you will be dealing with explosives. If you want to save some money or want to experience the satisfaction of creating something yourself, thanks to this guide you will certainly be able to prepare some black powder at home.


Make Black Powder Step 1
Make Black Powder Step 1

Step 1. Buy the items you can afford

This is one of those cases where the higher the quality of the ingredients you have, the better the quality of the finished product will be. You can find saltpetre and sulfur in many pharmacies.

Make Black Powder Step 2
Make Black Powder Step 2

Step 2. Make your charcoal

You can use willow, birch, fir, oak, birch and maple wood and burn it. Put the wood chips in a large pot with a lid or a 200-liter barrel with a lid and make sure there is a thin gap (the opening between the lid and the container or a small hole), so that some of the steam can escape. Start a fire under the container. When the steam begins to escape from the container, ignite the wood inside and close the lid. Let the fires go out and let everything cool down. What will be left inside the container is your charcoal.

Make Black Powder Step 3
Make Black Powder Step 3

Step 3. Mash the ingredients separately

Use a mortar and pestle or hand grinder to grind the potassium nitrate. Set it aside. Crush the coal. Set it aside. Crush the sulfur too, and then set it aside. It is very important not to mix the ingredients at this stage. You may also decide to use a ball mill. In this case, put the coal and sulfur in the mill and leave it on for several hours. When the products have been reduced to a fine powder, remove them from the mill.

Make Black Powder Step 4
Make Black Powder Step 4

Step 4. Chill 600 ml of isopropyl alcohol for every 100 grams of carbon and sulfur mixture you have

When it is cold, mix it into the mixture.

Make Black Powder Step 5
Make Black Powder Step 5

Step 5. Measure your ingredients

The components of the black powder were measured by weight. Today you can use the proportions 75% saltpeter, 15% coal and 10% sulfur (or 25% coal / sulfur mixture).

Make Black Powder Step 6
Make Black Powder Step 6

Step 6. Prepare the nitrate

Measure 40 ml of water for every 100 grams of saltpetre and put them in an old pan. Add the saltpetre. Bring to a boil. Stir constantly. Add small amounts of water at intervals until the saltpetre dissolves completely.

Make Black Powder Step 7
Make Black Powder Step 7

Step 7. Add the coal and sulfur mixture to the boiling pot of saltpeter

Stir until the ingredients are combined completely.

Make Black Powder Step 8
Make Black Powder Step 8

Step 8. Bring the cooled alcohol and hot solution outdoors

Add the hot solution to the alcohol. Mix them together.

Make Black Powder Step 9
Make Black Powder Step 9

Step 9. Cool down this new solution

The faster you can get it to 0 ° C, the better.

Make Black Powder Step 10
Make Black Powder Step 10

Step 10. Filter the solution with gauze or an old cloth

This will remove all liquid from the solution. Discard the filtered liquid.

Make Black Powder Step 11
Make Black Powder Step 11

Step 11. Spread the solution on a piece of paper and let it dry in the sun

Make Black Powder Step 12
Make Black Powder Step 12

Step 12. Sieve the solution when it is still slightly moist

Spread it again on the paper and let it dry again.

Make Black Powder Step 13
Make Black Powder Step 13

Step 13. Pass the powder again through a sieve or through a series of nets to completely crush it

Make Black Powder Step 14
Make Black Powder Step 14

Step 14. Convey the black powder in boxes in a cool, dry place

Make sure you choose a place that is out of the reach of children.
