How to Display a Brick: 7 Steps

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How to Display a Brick: 7 Steps
How to Display a Brick: 7 Steps

By exposing a brick inside the house, you can add character to any room. Usually the old houses are made of stone or bricks which, covered by the plaster of the walls, may still be in good condition. It is possible to display them and restore them to their original beauty. Tackle this project on your own by following the steps outlined below.

Exposing the bricks of a wall is not too difficult a job. The most important point is to be careful and precise in selecting a wall made of perfectly formed and non-porous bricks. It is ideal if the dimensions of the brick are: height 4 cm, width 6, 5 cm and length 12 cm.


Expose Brick Step 1
Expose Brick Step 1

Step 1. Test the wall on which you want to expose the brick

Make a hole in the plaster until you discover the brick and see what condition it is in. Brick is a common building material in the 19th century, but sometimes the quality isn't always the best. By testing a small area, you can see if the underlying brick is worth exposing. It shouldn't crumble or break when you touch it and should be free of any major cracks. If it looks fine, go ahead with the project.

Expose Brick Step 2
Expose Brick Step 2

Step 2. Prepare the room by removing or covering everything with protective plastic sheets

A fair amount of dust and dirt will settle from the bricks, so seal the doors or any air conditioning vents to prevent them from entering other areas of the house. Place plastic sheeting on the floor near the wall where you are going to work to catch debris and clean up more easily. Keep windows uncovered so that you can open them and air them while you work.

Expose Brick Step 3
Expose Brick Step 3

Step 3. Use a masonry chisel to remove the plaster

Start with the test hole. Place the chisel in the corner and hit the end with a hammer. When the plaster peels off, keep cutting along the edges. You can use it anywhere you see cracks in the plaster. It will help you remove larger sections. Eliminate debris as it accumulates.

Expose Brick Step 4
Expose Brick Step 4

Step 4. Scrape off the plaster with a wire brush

With moderate pressure, it sweeps away any dust that may still be on the bricks or mortar. Brush the entire wall, starting at the top and working your way down, so that the dust falls to the floor. Collect the debris.

Expose Brick Step 5
Expose Brick Step 5

Step 5. Fill a bucket with hot water

Using a clean cloth, start at the top of the wall and work your way down washing the wall and freeing it of any residue. Rinse the cloth frequently and change the water if necessary. There are several techniques to use to clean brick once exposed, such as sandblasting and using muriatic acid, but water is just as good once the plaster and debris are removed. It is the preferred method for those who do not have a sandblaster available or do not want to work with acid.

Expose Brick Step 6
Expose Brick Step 6

Step 6. Apply brick sealer to finish the wall

Since there will be no more plaster to cover the wall, the air that filtered through the bricks will no longer have any impediments. By using a brick sealer, you will seal the cracks and eliminate any drafts. Use a matte finish sealer to give a more natural look, otherwise the wall will look too shiny.

Expose Brick Intro
Expose Brick Intro

Step 7. Finished


  • Wear protective eyewear, rubber gloves, and a respiratory protective mask throughout the plaster removal and brick cleaning process.
  • Contact a professional if you have no experience with electrical outlets or wiring. The electrical wiring is housed in metal pipes connected to electrical boxes all anchored to the brick walls and covered with plaster. A professional will be able to clean these areas without damaging electrical outlets. If you give up on contacting a professional, remember to turn off the room power from the electrical panel.
