If you're tired of boring pastels and doggies for your baby's clothes, you can easily make your own cool little onesie for your little champion from vintage t-shirts or rock tops. Here are instructions on how to make a onesie.

Step 1. Get a children's t-shirt and a pre-made onesie

Step 2. Flip the t-shirt over
Fold the t-shirt and onesie in half and spread the onesie over the top, aligning them with the crease. Trace the shape. See how the crotch on the onesie curls up because it's shaped like shorts? Ignore him. You'll have to tinker a bit for the bottom. Use the picture as a guide: You should tighten the sleeves (or take them off entirely, it's up to you). So basically you're cutting a piece from under the arms and letting it spread out for the legs.

Step 3. where the orange line is; click to enlarge image
] Sew on the armpit line only. Don't close the leg area.

Step 4. Unfold and cut just outside the line you just drew
Go ahead and cut the bottom line as well, making sure you leave enough room for the hem or you'll have a panty shape.

Step 5. Fold over and trace the one you just cut on the other side
Don't let the cat help you, it doesn't have thumbs.

Step 6. sew the armpit line from that side and cut

Step 7. Attach your closure
If you use clips, reinforce your fabric with something that does not stretch so that they have a better hold. Make sure your closures are made so that the flaps are looking at each other when you go to close them. So both sides should look up when they are stretched out.

Step 8. Stop here if you don't mind a homemade look
Otherwise, you will want to do the hems. Cut that little diagonal slit between the crotch flap and the rest of the leg so your corners don't curl.

Step 9. Turn the finished onesie from inside out

Step 10. Dress up your baby
- If you don't use sleeves, you can hem the arm holes for a more finished look.
- Using a children's t-shirt will minimize the curl on the shoulders. If you want to use a larger t-shirt, you will need to make the neck smaller. A seam on the back will solve the problem for you.
- For a larger t-shirt, it's best to avoid using sleeves unless you're willing to make some major changes.