How to Stop Burping During Pregnancy

How to Stop Burping During Pregnancy
How to Stop Burping During Pregnancy

Table of contents:


Burping is a completely natural act, even if it is socially unsuitable. During pregnancy, women tend to burp quite often, which can cause discomfort and embarrassment. While there is no way to completely avoid it during gestation, there are remedies to reduce the effects of gas.


Part 1 of 3: Changing the Diet

Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 1
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 1

Step 1. Eat smaller but more frequent meals

Eating large portions can make you burp more and also make you feel more bloated. Instead of the usual three meals a day you eat normally, consider eating six evenly distributed throughout the day.

  • In addition to reducing excessive belching, this change in the way you eat limits morning sickness. Many women find that having little food in their stomach throughout the day reduces this bothersome symptom.
  • Avoid eating three hours before bedtime. Give yourself time to digest, even if it's a small portion.
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 2
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 2

Step 2. Pay attention to the factors that trigger burps

Hormones change during gestation and the body reacts differently to food. A food diary is a tool to learn more about the body's response to certain foods. When you notice that certain foods trigger more belching, see if you can limit this symptom by avoiding them.

  • The most common foods that induce burp during pregnancy are fruit juices, chocolate or high-calorie foods.
  • Drink a glass of milk to relieve gas, especially if it is accompanied by heartburn.
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 3
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 3

Step 3. Make it your goal to eat balanced meals

Make sure that each small meal includes lean proteins, starchy or complex carbohydrates, fruits and / or vegetables. Lean proteins in particular are great for providing nutrients and causing very little gas.

  • Small balanced meals need to provide you with vitamins, minerals, proteins, antioxidants, and other nutrients you need.
  • Eating too much at once, or too quickly, often causes belching episodes. On the other hand, if you eat slowly, chewing each bite well, you can prevent them from occurring.
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 4
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 4

Step 4. Do not eat the foods that cause gas formation

There are some foods that more than others tend to cause it. Among them are: beans, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, asparagus and bran. Avoid eating them if you want to reduce the number of burps you emit.

  • You should also exclude sugar-free products from your diet, as they contain maltitol and sorbitol, both of which are responsible for gas formation.
  • Fatty and fried foods also often stimulate burps and heartburn. Instead, choose grilled, steamed or baked foods, which are certainly more suitable for your situation.
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 5
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 5

Step 5. Drink lots of water

Water helps to digest better and therefore to reduce the amount of burps. At the beginning of pregnancy, the muscles relax more than usual, and this relaxation leads to a slowing down of the digestive process, causing gas to form. Water is therefore useful for clearing the digestive system more quickly and reducing the gas that would otherwise remain blocked.

  • Try to drink at least 2 liters of fluids a day, especially water. Drinking water helps avoid water retention, another unpleasant consequence of pregnancy.
  • You should limit the amount of caffeine to 200mg per day, which is approximately 350ml of beverages such as tea, coffee, or other caffeinated sodas.
  • The water also carries nutrients to the baby and prevents dehydration. If you want something tastier than plain water, try adding a slice of lemon or lime or a sprig of fresh mint to the glass.
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 6
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 6

Step 6. Cut back on fizzy drinks

Sparkling water and other fizzy drinks contain compressed gas that stimulates burps. You must avoid drinking this type of drink if you want to avoid frequent belching phenomena.

  • Keep in mind that several of these drinks are high in calories, as well as contain caffeine. If you still decide to drink them during pregnancy, try to moderate yourself anyway.
  • During gestation you must completely avoid diet sodas. Studies have shown that there is a link between the consumption of these drinks and premature births.
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 7
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 7

Step 7. Try herbal teas

Mint is a carminative substance, i.e. a herb or a preparation that prevents the formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract and facilitates its expulsion. By drinking a peppermint tea, you can reduce burps.

  • Chamomile also has similar effects on the body.
  • There are many other carminative substances and some of these, such as cinnamon, garlic and ginger, can be easily added to your diet. However, talk to your doctor before trying other herbal remedies, as not all of them are safe during pregnancy.

Part 2 of 3: Reduce the amount of air ingested

Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 8
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 8

Step 1. Eat slowly

If you eat too fast, you can ingest a lot of air in addition to food and consequently burp more. Eating quickly can be a sign of stress, which is linked to increased gas production.

  • Avoid this problem by sitting upright, eating slowly and chewing your food thoroughly.
  • You also need to avoid talking while eating, as you may unknowingly ingest more air by chewing and talking at the same time.
  • If you think you've had a meal that will cause you to burp a lot, take a walk after eating. Walking helps food pass through the digestive tract and reduces the need to burp.
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 9
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 9

Step 2. Decrease the amount of air you ingest when you drink

Avoid this problem by assuming good posture, sitting very straight while drinking. Drinking directly from a cup or glass (as opposed to using a straw) prevents ingestion of air.

  • Also avoid switching too quickly from a cold to a hot drink (and vice versa), as a sudden temperature change in your stomach can cause you to ingest more air.
  • When you bend over to drink water from a fountain you can ingest air which will cause you to burp. Bring a bottle with you and fill it at the fountain when needed.
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 10
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 10

Step 3. Avoid consuming alcohol

Alcoholic beverages increase the acidity in your stomach, causing you to ingest more air, not to mention the increased risk of the fetus developing birth defects. Doctors advise to completely eliminate alcohol, especially in the early period of pregnancy.

  • If you find it difficult for you to get rid of alcohol, ask for help. If you do not feel comfortable talking to your doctor about this problem, there are many telephone services that you can contact and that guarantee anonymity.
  • Some studies have found that a very small amount of alcohol during the last period of pregnancy is not harmful. A small amount means 1-2 drinks per week (1-2 small glasses of wine).
  • Drinking more than 6 drinks a day can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome, a pervasive developmental disorder that will have consequences for the baby for life.
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 11
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 11

Step 4. Stop smoking

Smoking causes the ingestion of air, which in turn leads to increased gas and burps, as well as cigarette smoking being the main cause of negative consequences in infants.

  • Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, many of which are toxic to you and your baby. Since your baby's only source of oxygen is the air you breathe, these chemicals have a huge impact on your development.
  • Ask your doctor to help you quit smoking.

Part 3 of 3: Making More Lifestyle Changes

Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 12
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 12

Step 1. Stay calm and go through the pregnancy one day at a time

Tension and anxiety do not help either you or the baby and can cause you to produce more gas and burp more.

  • This is an opportunity to engage in non-strenuous activities that you enjoy. Watching a movie with friends, reading a book, or getting a massage can be therapeutic as well as fun.
  • Even taking deep sighs can cause you to ingest more air than normal and consequently lead to gas formation.
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 13
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 13

Step 2. Practice mindful meditation

In addition to relaxing, meditation causes you to breathe more calmly and effectively, thus avoiding ingesting additional air.

  • Meditation offers many benefits. It has been found to be effective in reducing mood swings, improving self-awareness and reducing stress, all of which are closely related to belching.
  • You can practice mindful meditation almost anywhere.
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 14
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 14

Step 3. Sign up for a yoga or meditation class designed especially for pregnant women

Yoga improves breathing and strengthens your abdominal muscles, helping you manage excessive air and burps.

  • Yoga has also been associated with better rest, reduced anxiety and headache.
  • Avoid doing a type of yoga that uses heat to increase the flexibility of the body; do not even do those positions that involve lying prone or supine and all those that put pressure on the abdomen..
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 15
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 15

Step 4. Exercise regularly

You may feel tired, but regular light or moderate physical activity plays an important role in the release of hormones, enzymes, gastric juices, and acids in the stomach. If you exercise regularly, you can reduce excessive burps and promote good blood circulation, thus allowing a better blood supply to the baby.

  • Go for a walk or do some undemanding work in the garden. Standing up and washing dishes after eating can also help reduce belching.
  • Talk to your gynecologist to find a suitable exercise program during pregnancy. Some doctors advise against strenuous activities; much depends on your personal health condition, so it is important to consult your gynecologist.
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 16
Stop Burping During Pregnancy Step 16

Step 5. Get enough sleep

Sleep is essential during pregnancy and being able to sleep well 8 hours a night helps reduce the annoying symptoms of gestation. When you go to sleep, lie on your left side with one or both legs curled up and bent. This position helps the digestive tract do its job by reducing the amount of gas the body produces during the night.

  • Do not engage in physical activity near bedtime.
  • Practice relaxation techniques to combat insomnia and reduce stress.
