Ovulation is a fundamental stage of the female reproductive cycle. During this process, the ovaries expel an egg, which is then picked up by the fallopian tubes. The oocyte will therefore be ready to be fertilized within 12-24 hours. If fertilization occurs, it will implant itself in the uterus and secrete a hormone that will prevent menstruation from starting. If it is not fertilized within 12-24 hours, it will be cleared with the uterine lining during menstruation. Knowing when you ovulate can help you plan or prevent pregnancy.
Method 1 of 5: Monitor Basal Body Temperature

Step 1. Buy a basal temperature thermometer, which is the lowest body temperature in a 24-hour interval
In order to regularly measure and monitor your basal temperature (TB), you need a specific thermometer.
Thermometers that measure basal temperature are available at the pharmacy and come with a chart that helps you monitor it over the course of several months

Step 2. Measure and record your basal temperature every day for several months
To accurately track TB, you need to measure it at the same time every day - as soon as you wake up, before you even get out of bed.
- Keep the thermometer next to the bed. Try to wake up and measure your basal temperature around the same time every morning.
- Basal temperature can be measured orally, rectally or vaginally. Whichever method you choose, continue to use it constantly to ensure an accurate daily reading. Rectal and vaginal measurements can give you more accurate results.
- Every morning, write down the temperature on a sheet of graph paper or on the chart that comes with the thermometer - it's a ready-to-use graph you can track your TB on.
- You will need to log TB every day for several months, in order to start seeing a repeating pattern.

Step 3. Look for a sustained temperature spike
Typically, TB rises by around 0.2-0.5 ° C for at least 3 days during ovulation. Consequently, you need to record it in order to identify the times when this monthly increase occurs. This will then allow you to predict when you will ovulate.

Step 4. Try to predict ovulation
After recording TB every morning for several months, look at the tables to try to figure out when you will ovulate. Once you have a consistent pattern that tells you which days your temperature rises, you will be able to predict ovulation. Here's how to do it:
- Know when this regular temperature spike occurs each month.
- Mark the two to three days before the temperature peak: ovulation is likely to occur in this time interval.
- If you suspect possible infertility problems, it may be helpful to show this log to the gynecologist.

Step 5. Understand the limitations of this method
While TB can be a useful tool, it also has restrictions that you should be aware of.
- You may not be able to spot a constant pattern. If you are unable to identify one after several months, you may want to use other methods in conjunction with TB monitoring. Start using one of the other tools described in this article on a regular basis.
- Basal temperature can be altered by changes in circadian rhythms, which can happen due to night shifts, sleep deprivation or excess, travel, or alcohol consumption.
- Basal temperature can also be altered by periods of great stress, including holidays or illness, but also by certain medicines and gynecological ailments.
Method 2 of 5: Check the Cervical Mucus

Step 1. Start checking and testing cervical mucus
Right after your period ends, start checking your cervical mucus as soon as you get up in the morning.
- Pat dry with a clean piece of toilet paper and examine any mucus in it by picking up some with your finger.
- Note the type and consistency of the secretion; if he is absent, register him.

Step 2. Distinguish between different types of cervical mucus
The female body produces various types of cervical mucus each month because hormone levels fluctuate. Certain types of mucus are more conducive to pregnancy. Here's how vaginal discharge changes over the course of the month:
- During menstruation, the body secretes menstrual blood, which contains the expelled uterine lining, accompanied by the unfertilized egg.
- In the three to five days following menstruation, most women have no secretions. While not impossible, it is highly unlikely to get pregnant during this stage.
- After this secretion-free period, cloudy cervical mucus begins to appear. This type of mucus forms a kind of plug on the canal of the cervix; this prevents bacteria from entering the uterus, so penetration is difficult even for spermatozoa. A woman is unlikely to get pregnant at this stage.
- After a period of sticky discharge, you begin to notice white, beige, or yellow discharge with a thick consistency, similar to that of a cream or lotion. During this phase, fertility is higher, although not at its peak.
- Next, you will begin to notice thin, elastic, watery mucus, similar to egg white. It will be flexible enough to be stretched several inches between the fingers. On the last day of this stage, or the next, you begin to ovulate. This mucus is very fertile and promotes the survival of spermatozoa, so it is the most favorable phase for fertilization.
- After this phase and ovulation, the secretions will begin to have the same consistency as before, cloudy and sticky.

Step 3. Write down and record the consistency of the cervical mucus over the course of several months
It will take several months of monitoring before we can distinguish a regular pattern.
- Keep recording for several months. Examine the table and try to distinguish a repeating pattern. Ovulation occurs just before the stage where the cervical mucus resembles an egg white ends.
- Monitoring cervical mucus along with basal temperature (TB) can help you more accurately identify the time of ovulation by allowing you to compare two indicative factors.
Method 3 of 5: Using Kits That Predict Ovulation

Step 1. Buy a kit to predict ovulation
It is available at the pharmacy. Basically, you need to take a urine test to measure luteinizing hormone (LH) levels. Levels of this hormone are usually low in the urine, but they rise sharply in the 24-48 hours before ovulation.
Compared to monitoring your basal temperature or cervical mucus, this kit can help you understand more accurately when you ovulate, especially if you have an irregular period

Step 2. Pay attention to your menstrual cycle
Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle (on average, about 12-14 days before menstruation). When you start seeing watery, egg white-like secretions, you'll know there will be a few days to ovulation.
When you start seeing these secretions, start using the kit. Since a pack contains only a limited number of test strips, it is important to wait until this point before starting. If not, you risk running out of all of them before you actually start ovulating

Step 3. Start testing your urine every day
Follow the instructions provided by the kit. You should be careful and always examine it at the same time.
Avoid being under or overly hydrated, as this could artificially raise or lower your LH levels

Step 4. Learn to interpret the results
Many kits have a stick or strip that needs to come into contact with urine to measure LH levels. This device indicates the results by means of colored lines.
- A line similar in color to the control line usually indicates elevated LH levels, so it is quite possible that you are ovulating.
- A clearer line than the control line generally means you are not ovulating yet.
- If you use the kits several times without any positive results, it is good to consult a fertility specialist to rule out any problems on that front.

Step 5. There are limitations that come with using the kit
Although the test is usually accurate, you risk losing your fertile window if you don't calculate the times correctly.
For this reason, it is best to use the kit in conjunction with another method that monitors ovulation, such as basal temperature or cervical mucus. This way, you get a better idea of when to start examining your urine
Method 4 of 5: Using the Symptothermic Method

Step 1. Monitor your basal temperature (TB)
The symptothermal method is based on two tests: recording physical changes and measuring the basal temperature to determine when you ovulate. Examining TB is the "thermal" part of the method, which involves a daily measurement.
- Since TB will experience some increase two to three days after ovulation, keeping track of this temperature will help you calculate the time you ovulate (for more detailed instructions, read the section on this method).
- It will take several months of daily recordings to establish an ovulatory pattern.

Step 2. Observe the symptoms of the body
This is the "basic" part of the method and requires you to carefully monitor your physical symptoms to determine when you ovulate.
- Each day, accurately measure and record the description of your cervical mucus (read the section on this method for more). Also, take note of any other menstrual symptoms you observe, such as breast soreness, cramps, mood swings, and so on.
- There are charts online that you can print to keep track of symptoms. Alternatively, design the tables yourself.
- It will take several months of daily annotations to distinguish a pattern.

Step 3. Combine the data to determine ovulation
Use both the TB monitoring information and the symptoms you observed to see when ovulation occurs.
- In theory, the data will coincide, allowing you to figure out when you will ovulate.
- If the data diverges, keep making all necessary daily measurements until an accurate pattern appears.

Step 4. This method also has limitations
It's an ideal tool for gaining greater awareness of your fertility, but it has restrictions.
- Some couples use this method as a form of natural contraception, so they avoid having sex during the woman's fertile period (before and during ovulation). However, using this technique is generally not recommended, in fact it requires very careful, meticulous and constant registration.
- However, those who use this method for contraceptive purposes have a probability equal to about 10% of facing an unwanted pregnancy.
- This method can also be problematic when you are dealing with periods of great stress, travel, illness or sleep disturbances. Such changes can alter the basal temperature. The same goes for night shifts and alcohol consumption.
Method 5 of 5: Using the Calendar (or Rhythm) Method

Step 1. Learn about your menstrual cycle
This method involves using the calendar to count the days between one menstrual cycle and the next, predicting what the fertile moments will be.
- Most women with regular menstruation have a cycle of 26-32 days, although it can be shorter (23 days) or longer (35 days). However, it is normal to have a larger swing in cycle length. The first day represents the beginning of a cycle, while the last the beginning of the next.
- However, remember that the cycle can vary slightly from month to month. You may have a 28-day cycle for one or two months, and then see a little variation the next. This is also normal.

Step 2. Record your period for at least 8 periods
Using a classic calendar, circle the first day of each cycle (the first day of your period).
- Count the number of days between each cycle (when you calculate, include the first day).
- Constantly observe the total duration of each cycle for several months. If you find that all cycles last less than 27 days, do not use this method, as it will give you inaccurate results.

Step 3. Predict the first fertile day
Find the shortest cycle of all you've recorded and subtract 18 from the total.
- Write down the result.
- Next, find the first day of the current cycle on the calendar.
- Starting with the first day of the current cycle, add the total amount of days calculated. Mark the resulting day with an X.
- The date marked with an X indicates your first fertile day (not the day you ovulate).

Step 4. Predict the last fertile day
Find the longest cycle you've noted and subtract 11 from the total.
- Write down the result.
- Find the first day of your current cycle on the calendar.
- Starting with the first day of the current cycle, add the total amount of days calculated. Mark the resulting day with an X.
- The date marked with an X indicates your last fertile day and when you should ovulate.

Step 5. Know the limitations of this method
This technique requires careful and constant registration, so it can be prone to human error.
- Since monthly cycles may vary, it is difficult to accurately calculate ovulation with this method.
- Better to use this method in conjunction with other recording techniques for more accurate results.
- If you have irregular periods, this method will be quite difficult to implement accurately.
- Even when you face periods of great stress, travel, illness, or sleep disturbances (all of which can alter your basal temperature) this method is problematic. The same goes for night shifts and alcohol consumption.
- Using this method for contraceptive reasons requires careful, meticulous and constant registration for it to be valid. Even then, people who use it as a birth control method can still face an 18% or greater chance of unwanted pregnancy. Consequently, it is a technique that is generally not recommended for this purpose.
- If you believe you have had sexual intercourse around the time of ovulation for at least six months but have not conceived, you should see a gynecologist, midwife, or reproductive endocrinologist for further tests (especially if you are over 35). There are a number of reasons why you don't get pregnant, including fertility problems linked to fallopian tubes, sperm, uterus, or egg quality. A doctor should be examining these factors.
- See if you feel any pain or discomfort about five to seven days after the last day of your period. Often women feel pain on one side of the abdomen during ovulation, so this may indicate that the ovulatory process has begun.
- If you lose a lot of blood between periods, you should see a gynecologist.
- At some point in their reproductive life cycle, many women face anovulation, which is the lack of ovulation. However, chronic anovulation can be a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome, anorexia, post-pill anovulatory cycle, pituitary gland disorders, low circulation, high stress, kidney disease, liver disease, and other conditions. If you are concerned that you have this problem, consult a gynecologist or reproductive endocrinologist.
- These methods are recommended for knowing when you are fertile, not for contraceptive purposes. By using them as birth control tools, you risk unwanted pregnancy.
- These methods will not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases or infections.