4 Ways to Get Rid of Back Acne Quickly

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4 Ways to Get Rid of Back Acne Quickly
4 Ways to Get Rid of Back Acne Quickly

Acne is the most common skin disorder among adolescents and adults. It does not only affect the face, it can occur on any area of the body. One of the most problematic areas is the back. If you have back acne, there are several methods that will help you get rid of it.


Method 1 of 4: Fighting Back Acne

Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 1
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 1

Step 1. Take a shower every day

Showering every day helps remove the sebum and impurities that cause back acne. If you can't reach your back, buy a specific device to perform the procedure. Some have handles that reach the central part of the back, which is the most difficult area to reach, while others are designed to expand over the entire back. They are equipped with heads manufactured with a soft cloth, natural bristles or sponge. Apply the cleanser directly to the back washer head. If you prefer to take a bath, you can still clean your back thoroughly with a soft back cleaner. Use an exfoliating shower gel or shower gel containing sulfur, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or benzoyl peroxide.

  • Be sure to sanitize the back cleaner after each use. After washing, it can become fertile ground for bacterial proliferation.
  • Wash after exercising. Sweat residue can cause pimples and impurities to form.
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 2
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 2

Step 2. Avoid back scrubs

While they may seem effective in getting rid of acne, they can actually exacerbate the problem, as they irritate and damage the epidermis. Instead, it is good to wash your back gently. Also use a mild, non-comedogenic cleanser - you should find this information on the package. Here are some brands of products that do not cause the appearance of blackheads: Neutrogena, Aveeno, Cetaphil and Olay.

You can also use acne cleansers designed for the face to wash your back. These products contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or alpha hydroxy acids

Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 3
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 3

Step 3. Apply acne cream to the affected areas

If someone is willing to help you, ask them to apply an acne cream or gel containing benzoyl peroxide (2.5-10%), salicylic acid (0.5-2%), or alpha-hydroxy acids. The product should be tapped directly on the affected area using a cotton swab or cotton swab. If you can reach the back area on your own, you won't need help.

  • To make sure you are not sensitive to these chemicals, start by using a product that contains a lower concentration of them.
  • Make sure you follow the instructions and don't apply excessive amounts of cream or gel.

Step 4. Use a medicated body spray

There are also several types of spray acne treatments that contain cream-like ingredients. This is often a more effective and easier to use option, as you can spray the spray on your chest or back yourself.

Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 4
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 4

Step 5. See a dermatologist

You should go to a dermatologist if home remedies don't work or you have large, inflamed pimples. The most severe cases of acne can hardly be solved at home.

  • Your dermatologist will prescribe stronger over-the-counter or prescription medications. Topical or oral medications may also be prescribed, depending on the severity of the acne.
  • Even taking medication, it can take months or years to completely heal from acne, so it's important to be patient.
  • Some women are prescribed oral contraceptives, which can be effective in treating acne. In fact, they help regulate the hormones responsible for the disorder.

Method 2 of 4: Using Unverified Natural Remedies

Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 5
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 5

Step 1. Take an essential oil bath

Try this treatment a couple of times a week. Since your back comes into contact with purifying essential oils during soaking, bathing can help reduce back acne. Pour 10 to 20 drops of essential oils into the hot water. Be sure to test them on your skin before using them for bathing. It is possible to have an allergic reaction if you have sensitive skin. Try one of the following essential oils:

  • Lavender;
  • Melaleuca;
  • Origan;
  • Bergamot;
  • Rosemary;
  • Roman or peppermint;
  • Thyme;
  • Calendula.
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 6
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 6

Step 2. Try taking a sea salt bath

Salt helps fight acne. Make a cup and pour it into the bathtub. You can also use Epsom salts. Let them dissolve and soak in the hot water.

You can also add a few drops of essential oil to the water

Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 7
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 7

Step 3. Dab some diluted tea tree oil on the affected area

Tea tree oil is considered a good natural remedy for acne. However, it must be diluted before use, otherwise it can attack the skin. Mix one drop of tea tree oil and one drop of carrier oil, such as jojoba. You can also dissolve it in a teaspoon of aloe vera gel. Apply it to the areas affected by acne with the help of a cotton swab or cotton swab. The oil can be left on the skin or rinsed off with warm water.

Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 8
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 8

Step 4. Use apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used to make an effective toner to fight impurities and cleanse the skin. Mix a tablespoon of vinegar with two cups of water. Massage the solution into your back with a cotton ball.

Apple cider vinegar can irritate sensitive skin. If you have reactive skin, measure more water and less vinegar

Method 3 of 4: Prevent Back Acne by Changing Your Lifestyle

Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 9
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 9

Step 1. Keep the sheets clean

Sleeping on dirty, oily sheets can make your skin blemished and cause back acne. Wash them regularly to avoid contaminating your skin with dirt and sebum residues.

Try using light cotton sheets, as they trap less moisture than other fabrics

Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 10
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 10

Step 2. Put on clean clothes

Dirty clothing can transfer oil and other dirt to the skin, causing back acne. Always wear freshly laundered clothes. If you continue to have impurities on your back, be sure to use soft-fitting clothing. By allowing the skin to breathe, they do not trap sweat and impurities.

Wear clothes made of breathable materials such as cotton. Synthetic fabrics can trap sweat, causing breakouts and dirt

Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 11
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 11

Step 3. Avoid irritating products

Some lotions and laundry detergents can irritate the skin and cause breakouts. Try using fragrance-free or specific products for sensitive skin.

Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 12
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 12

Step 4. Keep your hair clean

If you have them long, you risk contaminating your neck, shoulders and back with residues of sebum and dirt. Wash them frequently to minimize the problem. Also, it is important to shampoo frequently if you are using styling products, as they can clog pores.

Try to wash your back after using shampoo and conditioner to remove any product residue left on the back

Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 13
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 13

Step 5. Protect your back from the sun

Taking lamps and exposing your skin excessively to the sun is harmful. Stressed and damaged skin is more prone to acne. In addition, some acne medicines make the skin extremely sensitive to UV rays. Avoid exposing yourself to the sun to combat the disorder.

Method 4 of 4: Preventing Acne with Diet

Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 14
Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 14

Step 1. Limit sugars

Foods full of sugar can cause acne. Numerous studies have come to the conclusion that low-glycemic foods are effective in fighting the disorder. Low glycemic index (GI) foods release sugar into the blood more slowly. Here are some of them:

  • Most vegetables;
  • Most of the fruit. Mango, banana, papaya, pineapple, raisins and figs have a medium GI;
  • Brown rice, barley and wholemeal pasta;
  • Bran and oat flakes;
  • Whole grain bread;
  • Dried fruit;
  • Legumes;
  • Yogurt.
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Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 15

Step 2. Increase your intake of Vitamin A, as it has been shown to strengthen the immune system

It is also a natural antioxidant. You can take supplements or get it through your diet.

  • Vegetables are rich in vitamin A. Try dark leafy greens, carrots, broccoli, red peppers, summer squash, and squash;
  • Eat fruits like cantaloupe, mangoes, and apricots;
  • Legumes contain a good dose of vitamin A;
  • Meat, especially liver, is a good source of vitamin A.
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Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 16

Step 3. Incorporate foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, which are supposed to help control sebum production

Omega-3s are commonly found in the following foods: fish and fish oil (such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, white fish, and tuna), nuts (such as walnuts and almonds), seeds (such as flax seeds, flax and chia seeds) and avocado.

You can also take supplements

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Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 17

Step 4. Get more vitamin D, which has many benefits for the skin

It helps strengthen the immune system, fights inflammation, has antifungal properties and reduces sebum production.

  • The sun is the best source of vitamin D. Get out and stay in the sun for 10 to 20 minutes. If you have dark skin, sunbathe for longer.
  • Vitamin D can also be taken at the table. Fish (such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and cod liver oil) is one of the richest foods ever. You can also eat eggs, mushrooms and oysters. There are also foods fortified with vitamin D, such as milk and cereals. Don't overdo the milk though, as it can make acne worse.
  • You can also take supplements.
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Get Rid of Back Acne Fast Step 18

Step 5. Limit your dairy intake

If you overdo it, you risk having more outbreaks and impurities. So try to limit them in your diet. Replace them with larger amounts of fruits and vegetables.

Step 6. Try garlic

It is believed to have antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral and antifungal properties, so it can be effective in preventing acne. It should be eaten raw (if possible) to make the most of its benefits.
