How To Get Rid Of Acne Cysts Quickly

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How To Get Rid Of Acne Cysts Quickly
How To Get Rid Of Acne Cysts Quickly

Cystic acne is a skin problem that can cause pain and great frustration, but luckily it is treatable. The cysts won't go away overnight, but you can take steps to reduce them over the course of a few weeks. The dermatologist will be able to prescribe drugs for external or internal use and give you valuable information that will give evident results. It is also useful to know how to treat the skin in the right way every day and to take precautions to promote the general health of the organism. Sometimes cystic acne can leave scars, but it is possible to reduce them through targeted treatments. Also remember that while some people see their skin improve quickly, others have to wait longer to heal.


Part 1 of 4: Treating Cystic Acne with Physician Help

Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 1
Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 1

Step 1. Make an appointment with the dermatologist

The fastest and most effective way to fight cystic acne is to undergo the treatments recommended by a skin care specialist. The dermatologist will prescribe the necessary medications or personally perform non-invasive procedures on your face.

  • If you don't know a good dermatologist, ask your doctor to recommend one. You can also ask friends or relatives for advice or search online.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is important for your dermatologist to know.
Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 2
Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 2

Step 2. Ask the dermatologist if it is possible to drain and extract the cysts

This procedure consists of having the cysts purged by piercing them with a needle. This is the quickest way to get rid of them. If done properly, it can help reduce pain, swelling and even the risk of scarring.

  • This procedure cannot be performed at home alone, it is essential that it is carried out by a certified professional. Improper use could cause an infection or scarring.
  • The dermatologist may also find that it is best to inject a drug into the cysts.
Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 3
Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 3

Step 3. Get a prescription for an antibiotic

Its job is to kill bacteria, in this case those that cause acne. Your dermatologist may prescribe an antibiotic to be taken orally or a cream product to apply directly to the face. In both cases, a medical prescription is generally required.

  • Side effects caused by antibiotics include increased sensitivity to sunlight, liver damage, and complications in pregnancy.
  • Strictly follow the dermatologist's instructions regarding the use and dosage of the antibiotic drug.
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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 4

Step 4. Get a prescription for topical retinoid treatment

These are drugs for external use that work by clearing clogged pores to allow substances that can fight acne-causing bacteria to effectively penetrate the skin. It is a treatment to be performed daily.

  • A prescription is required for most topical retinoids. Over-the-counter versions are low-dose, so results may be limited.
  • Topical retinoids are generally prescribed for moderate or severe acne, when other treatments have not produced appreciable results;
  • Topical retinoids include adapalene, tazarotene and tretinoin;
  • Using retinoids, acne may get worse initially, after which it will gradually improve. It may take a few weeks before we see any progress.
  • Discuss possible side effects with your doctor. Unwanted consequences of topical retinoids include increased sensitivity to solar radiation and skin dryness, redness and peeling.
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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 5

Step 5. For severe cystic acne, use oral systemic retinoids

If other treatments have not worked, oral therapy based on systemic retinoids, such as isotretinoin (active ingredient for example of the drug Roaccutan), may be the most suitable option. Take the drug orally following the dermatologist's instructions in a scrupulous way.

  • Isotretinoin can cause very serious side effects, which among others include depression, birth defects, miscarriage, deafness and intestinal diseases.
  • Only the most severe cases of cystic acne can justify the use of such powerful and dangerous drugs.
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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 6

Step 6. Treat yourself with hormone therapy if you are a woman

Acne is affected by the hormones produced by the body. The birth control pill or hormone therapy with antiandrogen drugs could help stop the breakouts. Consult your doctor to find out what is the best therapy to effectively fight cystic acne in your specific case.

  • Evaluate the possible side effects of hormone therapies. Side effects include irregular menstruation, fatigue, dizziness and breast pain.
  • Women with or at high risk of developing high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, blood clot formation, or breast cancer should not undergo hormone therapy.
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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 7

Step 7. Eliminate acne cysts with laser therapy

The procedure that is traditionally used to remove scars can also be used to treat acne. The laser is used to burn hair follicles and "shut down" the sebaceous glands to regulate sebum production or to improve oxygenation and kill bacteria.

Cases of moderate or severe cystic acne may require multiple sessions, but progress may be noticed after the first treatment

Part 2 of 4: Caring for Your Skin Daily

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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 8

Step 1. Wash your face twice a day with a cleanser that contains benzoyl peroxide

It is an organic substance that helps reduce acne by destroying bacteria and regulating sebum production. Wash your face morning and evening by first moistening the skin and then gently rubbing it with the cleanser. When finished, rinse it thoroughly and pat it dry with a clean towel.

  • If you use makeup, remove your makeup completely before washing your face with the acne-fighting cleanser. You can use special make-up remover wipes or a liquid product to completely remove make-up.
  • You can buy a detergent that contains benzoyl peroxide in pharmacies, perfumeries or in the most well-stocked supermarkets.
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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 9

Step 2. Apply a toner containing salicylic acid to clean skin

Use it to remove any residual dirt particles, thereby counteracting the onset of acne. Moisten a cotton pad with toner and gently wipe your face.

  • Salicylic acid helps clean the pores and prevents clogging of hair follicles;
  • As a precaution, if you are pregnant, you can try using a product that contains azelaic acid instead of salicylic acid to avoid any risk to the unborn baby, although salicylic acid is generally not dangerous.
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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 10

Step 3. Use a topical treatment that contains benzoyl peroxide

After washing your face, apply a cream or gel that contains benzoyl peroxide to the areas affected by acne. It can be helpful in speeding up healing. You can get a suitable product from your dermatologist, doctor or pharmacist for advice.

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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 11

Step 4. Moisturize clean facial skin with a non-comedogenic cream

The skin needs to be rehydrated after it has been stripped of its oils and natural moisture. Use a non-comedogenic cream that doesn't clog pores. Choose a product that clearly indicates this property on the label.

The most commonly used ingredients in this type of creams include hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and aloe vera

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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 12

Step 5. Avoid touching your face and leave the pimples alone

Even though it is difficult, you should do your best to keep your hands away from your face and pimples. Acne cysts become inflamed when touched, becoming further irritated and red. it also increases the risk of unsightly scars forming.

  • Try sitting on your hands if you feel the need to touch your face. Distract yourself by chewing gum, taking a walk, or squeezing a stress ball.
  • Acne cysts are harder to squeeze than regular pimples, and doing so could greatly aggravate the situation. In addition, they are also much more painful and there is a greater risk of your surgery causing unsightly scars.

Part 3 of 4: Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 13

Step 1. Follow a low glycemic diet

What you eat can contribute to the acne problem. Low-glycemic foods can help reduce acne severity. Eat lots of vegetables, whole grains, and legumes while reducing the amount of refined carbohydrates and sugars and dairy products.

  • When you are thirsty, drink some water or herbal tea instead of a soft drink or fruit juice;
  • Eat dairy products in moderation. In some people, they can aggravate acne.
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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 14

Step 2. Stop smoking

Smoking can worsen or cause acne in adults. Talk to your doctor to find out what aids are available to quit smoking, he may prescribe pills or patches to help with the process.

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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 15

Step 3. Limit alcoholic beverages

If you are a regular drinker and suffer from cystic acne, reduce the amounts. In general, men shouldn't drink more than two alcoholic drinks a day, while women should only drink one.

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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 16

Step 4. Reduce Stress

Stress can aggravate acne, especially in men. Although it is known to be very difficult to control, you can try exercises that promote relaxation to keep stress at acceptable levels.

  • Exercising can help reduce stress. If you don't have the time or desire to do something extra, do at least a daily walk and some stretching.
  • Meditation can help you bring a feeling of tranquility and peace back into your life. If you have a very busy schedule, try to include short meditation sessions (even as little as 5 minutes) between one engagement and another.
  • If you feel overwhelmed by the daily routine, take a break and breathe deeply for about ten seconds.
  • Quality sleep also helps fight acne. You should sleep 7-9 hours a night. Lack of sleep tends to raise stress levels, which also aggravates acne.

Part 4 of 4: Reduce Acne-Caused Scars

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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 17

Step 1. Identify the scars that acne has left on your face

It is a particularly common problem with acne cysts as the infection damages the collagen of deep skin tissues. The choice of the most suitable treatment to reduce scars depends on its gender. Types of scars include:

  • Hypertrophic scars, raised in relation to the skin. They can be reduced by using specific creams.
  • Atrophic scars, slightly depressed with respect to the skin surface. They can be reduced with chemical pealing, dermabrasion or with the use of laser.
  • "Boxcar" scars, large, shallow and with jagged edges. They can be treated with laser, dermabrasion or excision (surgical practice).
  • "Ice-pick" scars, small and deep. They can be treated with laser, dermabrasion or excision (surgical practice).
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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 18

Step 2. Apply cortisone cream to reduce inflammation in case of hypertrophic scars

Scars that appear swollen and red should be treated with the cream once a day to make them less marked. Cortisone creams are particularly suitable for solving the problem of raised, red and swollen scars.

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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 19

Step 3. Smear the cream on the scars to make them less visible

There are many ointments that can help smooth out the marks left on the skin by acne. They usually contain ingredients such as hydroquinone, kojic acid, arbutin, or licorice extract.

  • These creams can be purchased in pharmacies or perfumery;
  • Apply the cream once or twice a day to acne scars. This solution is particularly indicated in case of raised or reddened scars.
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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 20

Step 4. Go to a dermatologist or aesthetic doctor for a chemical peel

It is a treatment that involves the use of very powerful acids that exfoliate by eliminating the upper layers of the skin to make scars less marked. With this method you can get excellent results in a short time. The doctor will apply an acid solution to the spots on the face where the scars are present.

  • The acids used to perform the chemical peel include glycolic acid, salicylic acid and trichloroacetic acid;
  • After the chemical peel, you will need to protect your face daily with sunscreen because it will increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun;
  • During the treatment, the skin may become irritated and you may feel burning. If the pain is excessive, tell your doctor immediately. Stronger peels can cause peeling, redness and swelling of the skin. Your doctor will likely give you a lotion to apply at home to help ease the discomfort.
  • You can also do a light peel at home, but with great care. Ask your dermatologist for advice before trying to fade acne scars on your own.
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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 21

Step 5. Go to a dermatologist or aesthetic doctor for dermabrasion treatment

It is a technique that removes the outermost layers of the skin using metal micro-brushes. Generally it allows you to eliminate superficial skin imperfections and reduce scars.

  • Dermabrasion treatment can alter skin pigmentation in patients with dark or olive complexions;
  • Microdermabrasion is a less invasive aesthetic medicine treatment. In this case the dermatologist will deposit small crystals on the skin that have a very powerful exfoliating action, after which he will aspirate them together with the dead epithelial cells. Generally the results of this treatment are less evident than those that can be obtained with dermabrasion.
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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 22

Step 6. Get laser treatment to remove deeper scars

The laser is used to remove the outermost layer of the skin (epidermis) and to warm the one underneath. In the days following the treatment, the skin will begin to heal and the scars to heal. In some cases it is necessary to carry out several sessions to reduce the visibility of the marks left by acne.

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Get Rid of Acne Cysts Fast Step 23

Step 7. Undergo cosmetic surgery to remove larger scars and lesions

These are generally non-invasive operations. The doctor will perform a partial or complete excision of the scar, after which he will evaluate if it is sufficient to bring the skin flaps closer or if it is necessary to apply a skin graft. Alternatively, he could use a needle to relax the subcutaneous muscle fibers.


  • Even with the fastest treatments, it is sometimes necessary to wait a few weeks for them to take full effect. Also remember that while some people see their skin improve quickly, others have to wait longer to heal.
  • Try to be optimistic about the results you can achieve. Cystic acne responds well to powerful medical treatments, so you have a good chance of being able to leave the problem behind once and for all.
