How to Cut a Two-Layer Cake: 6 Steps

How to Cut a Two-Layer Cake: 6 Steps
How to Cut a Two-Layer Cake: 6 Steps

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If you need to cut a cake in two layers, know that there is a simple and precise method with which you do not risk spreading your cake all over the counter or hurting yourself with knives. Using some dental floss and some toothpick, you can cut the cake in two layers with ease.


Cut a Cake Layer in Half Step 1
Cut a Cake Layer in Half Step 1

Step 1. Place toothpicks around the edge of the cake halfway up as shown in the image

Cut a Cake Layer in Half Step 2
Cut a Cake Layer in Half Step 2

Step 2. Line an unscented floss around the toothpicks

If you are making a sponge cake, it may help to make a few cuts with a serrated knife along the line created with the toothpicks, to make it easier to get the thread through.

Cut a Cake Layer in Half Step 3
Cut a Cake Layer in Half Step 3

Step 3. When the yarn is completely wrapped around the cake, cross the two ends holding one in each hand

Pull both ends of the yarn out of the cake, this way the yarn will cut the cake in two by tightening the circle it formed around the edge. Move the yarn slightly from side to side to aid in the movement of the cut.

Cut a Cake Layer in Half Step 4
Cut a Cake Layer in Half Step 4

Step 4. You now have two layers of cake

Cut a Cake Layer in Half Step 5
Cut a Cake Layer in Half Step 5

Step 5. Slip a piece of cardboard or baking sheet (without edges) between the two layers and remove the top layer

Cut a Cake Layer in Half Intro
Cut a Cake Layer in Half Intro

Step 6. Finished


  • This method is even more useful for sticky or delicate cakes that, using a knife, could separate or get stuck in it.
  • If you are making an ice cream cake, you can use a serrated knife (for bread), but be very careful not to cut yourself.
  • When pulling the yarn inside the cake, be sure to tighten it in a circle.
  • You can also use fine wire, clear nylon sewing thread, or fishing line in the same way you use dental floss.
