4 Ways to Store Mussels

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4 Ways to Store Mussels
4 Ways to Store Mussels

Freshly caught mussels are delicious and easy to cook. To ensure that they remain fresh, tasty and that they do not cause damage to health, it is necessary to store them in the most appropriate way. You can keep them alive in the refrigerator for a few days or freeze them, so they last up to 3 months. Alternatively, you can cook them and store them in the refrigerator or freezer to have them ready in the future.


Method 1 of 4: Store Live Mussels in the Refrigerator

Store Mussels Step 1
Store Mussels Step 1

Step 1. Place the mussels in a bowl or deep plate

If you bought them alive in a fish shop, they must be prepared in order to store them properly. Take them out of the net or container and place them in a container of your choice. Don't worry about arranging them carefully, you can overlap them too.

  • If you prefer, you can put a colander in the bowl to drain their liquid.
  • Mussels need to be able to breathe, so don't keep them in a plastic bag or closed container.
Store Mussels Step 2
Store Mussels Step 2

Step 2. Cover the container with a wet cloth or napkin

This will keep them moist and at the same time be able to breathe. Do not add water as it could kill them and spoil them.

To keep them cool, you can place a bag filled with ice over the mussels, under the cloth or napkin. However, don't let the ice come into direct contact with the mussels

Store Mussels Step 3
Store Mussels Step 3

Step 3. Return the container to the lowest shelf of the refrigerator

Keep them in a place where they cannot drip and wet other foods. Generally the bottom of the refrigerator is where the temperature is lowest, especially near the back wall, so it is the best place to keep mussels cool.

Be careful that the mussels do not get covered with ice, otherwise they will die. They must remain at a temperature between 4 and 8 ° C

Store Mussels Step 4
Store Mussels Step 4

Step 4. Check the mussels daily and drain them from the liquid

The mussels will release some liquid every day. Unless you put them in a colander, the liquid will accumulate at the bottom of the container. Remember to empty it every day to keep the mussels fresh and healthy for as long as possible.

If you put the mussels in a colander, regularly empty the bowl or plate underneath to prevent the liquid from escaping and contaminating other foods in the refrigerator

Store Mussels Step 5
Store Mussels Step 5

Step 5. Store the mussels for no longer than 3-4 days

If they were fresh when you bought them and you will store them properly, they should stay alive for a few days. Ideally, you should cook and eat them within a couple of days of the date of purchase.

Throw away the mussels if they have been refrigerated for more than 4 days

Store Mussels Step 6
Store Mussels Step 6

Step 6. Examine the mussels before cooking to make sure they are still fresh

When you are ready to cook the mussels, check them carefully. Look for any damaged shells and tap open ones to make sure they close. Smelling them you should feel a savory and delicate smell, reminiscent of the sea.

Only clean the mussels when it is time to cook them, as you could kill them in the process

Method 2 of 4: Freeze Live Mussels

Store Mussels Step 7
Store Mussels Step 7

Step 1. Clean the mussels before freezing them

Put them in a bowl with cold water and scrub the shells with a metal brush to remove the encrustations, then cut the filament (the alga) that comes from inside with a pair of kitchen scissors.

  • Discard damaged or apparently dead mussels.
  • Cleaning the mussels of fouling and algae is likely to kill them, so it's best to wait until you're ready to put them in the freezer.
Store Mussels Step 8
Store Mussels Step 8

Step 2. Place the mussels in a bag or container suitable for freezing food

Use a sturdy bag or freezer-safe container. Fill it with mussels without worrying about arranging them neatly. Squeeze as much air out of the bag as possible and put it back in the freezer right away.

Write the date on the outside of the bag with a permanent marker to know at all times since you have kept the mussels in the freezer

Store Mussels Step 9
Store Mussels Step 9

Step 3. Eat the mussels within 3 months of freezing them

If you store them at -18 ° C, they should stay fresh and safe to eat for up to 3 months. After this date, the quality and flavor will gradually decline; however, if you have stored them properly and at a stable temperature, you should be able to eat them safely.

Mussels that have been in the freezer for more than a few months may be mushy when cooked

Store Mussels Step 10
Store Mussels Step 10

Step 4. Cook the mussels within 2 days of thawing

When you're ready to cook and eat them, transfer them from the freezer to the refrigerator and let them thaw overnight. Alternatively, you can put them in a bowl filled with cold water and let them soak for about an hour. Once they have thawed, you can safely refrigerate them for 1-2 days before cooking and eating them.

Do not return the mussels to the freezer after defrosting them, otherwise the quality will be significantly reduced and you will risk food poisoning

Method 3 of 4: Store Cooked Mussels in the Freezer

Store Mussels Step 11
Store Mussels Step 11

Step 1. Remove the shellfish from the shells

After cooking the mussels, set aside the ones you intend to freeze. Force the shells to open them fully and take out the mollusks. You can peel them off their shells with a spoon or knife - they should come off easily if you've cooked the mussels properly.

  • Wait until the mussels have cooled otherwise you will burn your hands.
  • If some mussels have not opened during cooking, you can slide the knife between the two halves of the shell and gently pry them apart.
  • Despite what is said, there is no danger in eating mussels that did not open during cooking - as long as they were fresh before being cooked!
Store Mussels Step 12
Store Mussels Step 12

Step 2. Place the mussels in a container suitable for freezing food

Choose a sturdy container with an airtight lid. If you prefer, you can use a bag suitable for freezing food, but make sure it can be sealed to prevent the liquid inside from leaking.

Arrange the mussels in the container however you like, but try to arrange them evenly to make sure they are all completely covered in their water

Store Mussels Step 13
Store Mussels Step 13

Step 3. Cover the mussels with their cooking water

After putting them in the container, add the liquid they released during cooking. Use just enough to completely submerge them. The liquid will help keep them flavorful.

Let the water cool before pouring it into the container so you don't get burned

Store Mussels Step 14
Store Mussels Step 14

Step 4. Store mussels in the freezer for up to 4 months

After adding the liquid released during cooking, seal the container or bag with the lid or zip lock. Write the date on the outside using a permanent marker. Mussels should keep their qualities unaltered for up to 4 months.

After 4 months, the mussels will begin to lose flavor and may become soggy

Method 4 of 4: Store Cooked Mussels in the Refrigerator

Store Mussels Step 15
Store Mussels Step 15

Step 1. Put the mussels in a container

Once cooked, it is best to place them in an airtight container to store in the refrigerator. You can use a food container with a lid or a bag with a zip lock. If you wish, you can also add the liquid that the mussels released during cooking.

Store Mussels Step 16
Store Mussels Step 16

Step 2. Keep the mussels in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days

Once cooked, they should stay fresh for 1 to 4 days. If you don't eat them within 4 days, you will need to throw them away.

Before eating them, examine them to make sure they don't have an unpleasant odor or slimy texture. These signs indicate that the mussels have gone bad and should not be eaten

Store Mussels Step 17
Store Mussels Step 17

Step 3. Keep the mussels separate from the still raw seafood

Be careful not to contaminate them with bacteria and dirt that may be present on mussels and other seafood that have not yet been cooked. After handling the raw seafood, wash your hands and the utensils you used with hot water and soap.
