How to Buy and Clean Mussels: 8 Steps

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How to Buy and Clean Mussels: 8 Steps
How to Buy and Clean Mussels: 8 Steps

Knowing how to buy mussels will allow you to make the best decisions regarding the food you eat. They're simple to cook, just steaming for a couple of minutes, and if you know how to make mussels, you'll have the ability to create an impressive main meal with minimal effort.


Method 1 of 2: Buy the mussels

Buy and Clean Mussels Step 1
Buy and Clean Mussels Step 1

Step 1. Buy live mussels

Choose those with closed shells. Those with open shells may be dead. However, note that some mussels left undisturbed could open the shell, in this case try to touch them and see how they react; if they don't close, discard them.

Buy and Clean Mussels Step 2
Buy and Clean Mussels Step 2

Step 2. Choose only fresh mussels

The shell should be moist and shiny, and the mussels should smell of the ocean.

Buy and Clean Mussels Step 3
Buy and Clean Mussels Step 3

Step 3. Don't get broken-shelled mussels

Buy and Clean Mussels Step 4
Buy and Clean Mussels Step 4

Step 4. Avoid mussels with odd proportions

Discard the ones that are too heavy or light.

Method 2 of 2: Clean the mussels

Buy and Clean Mussels Step 5
Buy and Clean Mussels Step 5

Step 1. Clean them just before eating

So you will keep their freshness. If you plan to consume them after a few days, keep them in the fridge and keep them wrapped in a damp cloth. Do not suffocate them by storing them in a plastic container.

Buy and Clean Mussels Step 6
Buy and Clean Mussels Step 6

Step 2. Remove the barnacles from the mussels

Use a brush to clean the shell of the mussels from barnacles.

Buy and Clean Mussels Step 7
Buy and Clean Mussels Step 7

Step 3. Clean the outside of the mussels

Place the mussels in a colander and rinse them with a steady stream of cool water. You will remove dirt and sand. Don't submerge the mussels in water, you will kill them.

Buy and Clean Mussels Step 8
Buy and Clean Mussels Step 8

Step 4. Remove the beards

Cultivated mussels may not have a beard, true ones do and must be removed. Grab the goatee and tear it off the side of the shell. If you can't, cut it with a knife or scissors.
