7 Ways to Have Fun in the Pool

7 Ways to Have Fun in the Pool
7 Ways to Have Fun in the Pool

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Hurray! Today you will go swimming! You can swim around, get some exercise, but how long can you have fun swimming around aimlessly? After a while you will surely get tired of swimming in circles or going back and forth, from one side of the pool to the other. How can you have a little more fun? Get out there, dry off, and read this article to jump into a fun-filled ocean, as here you will find some wild, whimsical and definitely wet ways to spice up your summer!


Method 1 of 7: Attack of the Sharks

Have Fun in the Pool Step 1
Have Fun in the Pool Step 1

Step 1. Shark Attack is a game very similar to Sharks and Fish

Have Fun in the Pool Step 2
Have Fun in the Pool Step 2

Step 2. The biggest person is the shark and another 3-6 people are divers

Have Fun in the Pool Step 3
Have Fun in the Pool Step 3

Step 3. Divers jump into the water and try to swim to the other side of the pool and get out of the water

Have Fun in the Pool Step 4
Have Fun in the Pool Step 4

Step 4. The shark swims to chase divers, and those that are touched "die", being ejected from the game until the next round

Have Fun in the Pool Step 5
Have Fun in the Pool Step 5

Step 5. If desired, whenever a diver is touched, the shark can shout "GNAM GNAM GNAM"

Have Fun in the Pool Step 6
Have Fun in the Pool Step 6

Step 6. Continue playing until there is only one sub left

Have Fun in the Pool Step 7
Have Fun in the Pool Step 7

Step 7. The prize for the winner is permission to challenge the "shark" to do something embarrassing, such as crawling on the ground screaming 'Hey-ho

Hey-ho! I am a shark and I swim too slow or slap each other with goggles in the face.

Method 2 of 7: Sea Monster

Have Fun in the Pool Step 8
Have Fun in the Pool Step 8

Step 1. No Rules

Have Fun in the Pool Step 9
Have Fun in the Pool Step 9

Step 2. 3-6 players behave normally, like people enjoying a summer swim, while the oldest is a mysterious sea monster, who appears when he wants and tries to "eat" the other players

The swimmers are unaware of the sea monster's presence until the first attack.

Have Fun in the Pool Step 10
Have Fun in the Pool Step 10

Step 3. After that the swimmers are always scared, and the story changes to "We must kill the monster


Have Fun in the Pool Step 11
Have Fun in the Pool Step 11

Step 4. Once a swimmer is firmly grasped or even slightly bitten by the sea monster, the player is eliminated

Have Fun in the Pool Step 12
Have Fun in the Pool Step 12

Step 5. But the player can return as a different character after a small amount of time

Have Fun in the Pool Step 13
Have Fun in the Pool Step 13

Step 6. The game plays as if it were an RPG, some even say it is played as if you were in a movie

There is a plot, there are characters. The game doesn't end until all the swimmers are dead or the monster is killed.

Step 7. * The monster is only killed by holding it down for a full minute, which can only be done after 1 hour or when all players decide to stop the game

This game theoretically lasts 2 hours.

Method 3 of 7: Throwing, Diving, Recovery

Have Fun in the Pool Step 15
Have Fun in the Pool Step 15
Have Fun in the Pool Step 14
Have Fun in the Pool Step 14

Step 1. An incredibly fun game to play in the pool is diving to retrieve items

A stone, diving sticks, small twigs, and sometimes even toys can be sunk and brought back to the surface, over and over again, for hours and hours; the fun, the pride, and the sense of accomplishment you will feel in playing this game will ensure that you never get bored

Method 4 of 7: Underwater Movie

Have Fun in the Pool Step 17
Have Fun in the Pool Step 17
Have Fun in the Pool Step 16
Have Fun in the Pool Step 16

Step 1. Buy a cheap waterproof camera and shoot a little film

Whether it's a scary sea monster, fish in the sea, or just a person who loves to swim, the possibilities are endless!

Step 2. * If you know how to use a video editing program, you might as well add some special effects and make it look like you've been thrown into the pool by a cannon

Method 5 of 7: More ideas

Have Fun in the Pool Step 18
Have Fun in the Pool Step 18

Step 1. Purchase some water toys, such as floats and armrests

Have Fun in the Pool Step 19
Have Fun in the Pool Step 19

Step 2. Have a race

See who is the fastest by pretending to swim in slow motion and so on.

Have Fun in the Pool Step 20
Have Fun in the Pool Step 20

Step 3. Practice swimming

You could always improve!

Have Fun in the Pool Step 21
Have Fun in the Pool Step 21

Step 4. Bring some friends if it's a pool party or public pool

Method 6 of 7: Dancing Acchiaparello

This game is similar to a normal tag

Step 1. Gather the players

This game requires a minimum of 2 people.

Step 2. Start with a person who has to stand under

This person has to chase the other players trying to catch them.

Step 3. After being caught, a player must make a dance move for 5 seconds

Each time a player is caught, he must make a different dance move from the previous ones, otherwise he will be eliminated.

Step 4. The other players can stop and judge if the move is sufficient or if it is not original

Step 5. Change who is under frequently, even if the movements are all the same

Method 7 of 7: Marco Polo

Step 1. Choose a person who should stand below

This person must wear a blindfold or something that prevents him from seeing.

Step 2. Whoever is below must try to catch the other players

Step 3. Whoever is under screams "Marco

", then the other players have to answer" Polo!"

Step 4. The first player to be touched by the one underneath must be underneath as well

Step 5. Continue until you are tired


  • Swimming is not only fun, it also helps you lose weight! If you want to lose a few extra pounds try to swim faster and more frequently!
  • Bring some toys to the pool to make the experience more fun! Bring dragons, toy snakes, sea monsters… whatever you want.
  • Play lots of fun games with your friends, and you'll have a memorable day!
  • Play a game by pretending to be in a movie!
  • If you don't feel like swimming, just relax! Get out there and get some sun! Or, if your skin is sensitive to the sun, simply stay in a quiet place (in the water), where you can hold on to something without having to swim.
  • Try to use fins and mask!
  • Get your little dog involved too! If your dog can swim, get him into the water, or float just above the surface. With a dog in the pool, everything becomes more fun!
  • If you are under 9, it is a good idea to swim in the presence of an adult.
  • Wearing a shark fin you can get more into the role and increase the fun!


  • Under no circumstances should you hold someone underwater, play hard or pull someone underwater!
  • Be very careful while swimming. If you are under 11, always stay where you can touch with at least your nose out of the water.
