When a relationship ends, what is the behavior to keep in order to continue to respect yourself? It's hard to do this because when you get dumped or just a relationship ends, it feels like you've failed in some way. However, it is important to continue to respect yourself as a person and look forward. Let's say you're a young woman whose boyfriend just let her know he wants to break up with her and date other women.

Step 1. Don't beg
He broke up with you. He has already made up his mind. No matter how shocked, panicked, and in pain you are, don't beg him for another chance. It is very difficult to accept, but try not to cry too much - sure, it may be impossible not to cry. You can cry a little, but say "I'm so sad, but if it's your decision, I have no choice but to accept it" is much more dignified than yelling "No, not leave me! Lighthouse everything whatever you want !! "Let him go and then release your hysterical outburst.

Step 2. Gather your supporters
This is the time when you need your friends and family the most. Call them and let them know that you broke up with your true love. Hopefully they will fly by your side to comfort you and keep you company as you heal your broken heart towards normalcy. Don't try it alone.

Step 3. Find out when it is no longer useful to talk to him
He may keep calling you, trying to sweeten the pill, telling you he's worried about you or some other nonsense. But at the same time he doesn't want to fully commit to you, he doesn't want to be your boyfriend anymore, etc. Let him go. It's useless. His attempts to communicate with you after the crime do not stem from a possible lingering of his feelings towards you - they are about "him". He's trying not to look like a bad boy, but the truth is, he's done with your relationship and is turning the page. It's time for you to do the same thing too.

Step 4. Don't allow him to keep you tied to him long after the fact
He told you he's going to date other girls, and maybe even said he'll "keep you in mind in case things don't go well." Even if you still love it, this is an unthinkable proposition for you. This man wants to have the chicken and the egg too - he wants to keep you in his pocket as a consolation prize, in case his plan to find a Playboy bunny fails. You are the contingency plan. What an idiot! No matter how much you love him, tell him you disagree and let him know it's over. Point.

Step 5. Never let him know that you are in pain
When the big breakup is over, don't let it continue to affect you. Even if you're not in the mood, dress well and hang out with your friends. You don't have to get drunk or pick up guys (as they might), but going out and being with your friends is a good thing. Avoid going to places where you might meet him. If you see him while you are out, smile and wave him over. If you feel like you are going to cry, apologize and "go" to the bathroom. Cry in there, and don't go out until you look strong again (even if you feel shaking inside, you have to do what you can to "look" in great shape).

Step 6. Review the report
Chances are good that now that he's gone, looking back you realize there have been warning signs about this guy. Reviewing the relationship and recognizing when the problems started can be important for future relationships - it will be easier to recognize the warning signs in men you will date in the future, or you can even change your behavior if you realize you have done something wrong.

Step 7. Listen to songs and stories about breakups
Listening to songs like "I Will Survive" or "Friends Never" will help fill you with a positive feeling of strength. Listening to your friends' breakup stories can also help. Knowing that others have gone through similar pains will make you feel less alone. Crank up your stereo and enjoy the music - it will also help you to know that someone has written a song about you. Come on, girl!

Step 8. Let what has been be
Many guys break up with their girlfriend, and then want her back. This is not always a good idea. If you decide to try again, give it a try a once - but let it be the last. Going back every time is a bad idea for many reasons:
- It may make him understand that you accept being treated badly and that you still allow him to return, which makes it likely that he will treat you badly again (assuming he treated you badly the first time).
- It may make you appear weak in his eyes - which is not good if he is a domineering or domineering person or if you know your confidence and self-esteem are not as high as you would like.
- It puts an aura of inevitability to the relationship - in other words, you will begin to think that this is your destiny and your doom, no matter how hard you try to break away, you will always end up with him again, if your confidence in yourself is your self-esteem are low.
- If he has been disrespectful to you, it makes you numb to his disrespect.

Step 9. Understand that very few people will respect you unless you stand up for yourself
If you don't respect yourself, you will give others the right to treat you badly. Don't you dare do this to yourself! Pull yourself up and convince yourself that you must be treated with dignity, the way all human beings should be treated. Letting a guy get over you is the most disrespectful behavior in the world.

Step 10. Realize that you have just eliminated a Wrong Mister or Mister
This way you are closer to Mr. or Mrs. Right. And whatever you do, never get together with Mr. or Mrs. Let's pretend you're okay.
- It is better to be alone for the right reason than with someone for the wrong reason.
- Don't think it's all plain sailing from day to night. It takes time to heal the wound. But if you are honest with yourself, things will get better day by day as you know how to live single again.
- Embrace your broken heart and listen to it. Beloved; whatever you do from this moment, you do it for YOU !!!
- Life goes on! Raise your head, smile and continue your journey! Remember, there are bigger fish in the sea!
- Don't let him think that the problem is you, because he will try to do it, so he can take your strength. Never show him your feelings. Be strong. You don't need him.
- Do a lot of activities - it will help distract you. Do sports, exercise, go to the cinema, go to the beach, go out with your friends or relatives: all this will help you pass the time and will show you that you can have fun even without him.
- When you feel ready, go back to the game of seduction! But only when you're sure you're ready; there is no rush.
- Don't try to get over it on your own. Ask your friends to help you piece together the pieces of your heart.
- Write a list of 10 things you are grateful for in life, e.g. your job, good friends, your dancing or cooking skills, and review / change the list every weekend. Stay positive about yourself.
- Never try to make him jealous.
- Don't do anything dangerous or harmful to yourself. The pain, heartache and anger you feel right now will pass - hard as it is to believe now. Give yourself some time to feel better. Remember that it's just a broken bone: it hurts terribly at first, but after a few days it will begin to heal and you will begin to feel better.
- Don't dump your negative feelings on your ex. This type of rash reaction can have serious and lasting consequences.