Within World of Warcraft, gold is very important. Without them you are nothing more than a skill bar and another name without a mount. You'll need money to buy skills, items, armor and more, so read this guide to get rich!

Step 1. Choose picking professions
These will allow you to collect materials ("mats") that players will need to craft items. The best professions for getting mats are skinning, herbalism, mining and enchanting. Make sure you also learn fishing and cooking which are secondary professions that everyone can learn. Once you take your skills to a high level, you can quit one of the two professions and learn blacksmithing, leatherworking or jewelcrafting and craft items!

Step 2. Reach the Outlands
Given the disproportionate cost of flying mounts, Blizzard has made it possible to earn far more money on this continent than by staying in Azeroth. After the advent of Cataclysm, however, this advice may also be ignored, and it can be useful to stay in Azeroth until reaching level 60, as Blizzard has improved monetary and experience rewards for quests. Once you reach the Outlands, start farming (repeat the same action for a chance to get a certain item, in this case kill a particular type of enemy) "elemental motes". These are items that are used to craft Primal items, which you can auction for huge sums, as they are needed to craft the items added with the Burning Crusade expansion.
Rather than spending money on new items at auction, complete an instance. You will get new equipment, complete quests and save a lot of money

Step 3. Get better equipment
Rather than completing every single quest once you reach the Outlands, make an instance to get yourself better equipment, a good amount of money, and thus be able to complete the quests once you reach the maximum level (70 for burning crusade) when the gold rewards are much higher. This can be very profitable, even guaranteeing you 3000 gold per region.
At level 80 a good way to make money is to visit wintergrasp with a character and farm 2 eternal earth, 2 eternal fire and 2 eternal shadow. Then buy some saronite bars from the auction and have them transmuted into titanium bars by a player with Alchemy. At this point you will have the mats to build 2 titansteel bars, which you can auction for more than 150 gold. Bring a mining character to farm in Wintergrasp and you can also take advantage of its many mining deposits

Step 4. Get the "Auctioneer" add-on
It will help you determine the best price to sell your items for. Complete some instances and then sell the items you have obtained. You will find that items like Shadowgem and Malachite can even sell for 3 gold if some rich character needs it immediately.

Step 5. Use rods
One of the best ways to earn money is to take advantage of auctions. Generally, you will rely on the principle of "buy low to resell higher", but sometimes that's just not enough. You will need to research which items are most in demand, which day or week you have the best chance of reselling them at higher prices, and how many and which specific items are on your server.

Step 6. Mining at a high level
Then do the same with jewelcrafting (JC) and fishing. JC is not very profitable initially, but once you have a lot of gems earned from JC's daily quests or using titanium hour prospects, the money will start flowing. As for fishing, once you reach level 450, find a quiet spot in Wintergrasp and start fishing. Any fish you catch can be used for Fish Feast. In some cases, you will be able to sell 20 salmon stacks for 70 gold. Dragonfins can also be sold for a good price, around 50 gold per stack in some realms.

Step 7. Sell high-level items
On some servers, the price of primordial saronites can go as high as 1800 gold. The average selling price of 400g will also allow you to make money fast.
- Mounts can be bought from level 20! (Starting from version 3.2)
- Sell the white and gray named items you will find to the merchants. They are called "trash" for a reason. They are meant to be sold, and you will not be able to auction off white / gray items above level 15. Over time you will see that a large portion of your gold will come from the sale of these items. The "Autoprofit" addon will help you a lot with this by automatically selling all gray items in your inventory to merchants.
- Create a secondary character (an "alt") and mail him any valuables (green, blue, mats, etc.) you find. Use your alt="Image" as a warehouse and for auctioning items. your main character is away from the main cities).
- Invest in very large bags, such as Netherweave Bag. Having a large inventory capacity will greatly increase the amount of items you can collect (and consequently sell) every time you leave a city.
- Make friends within the game and join a guild of people willing to help you! Just like in real life, using social networks in your favor can mean the difference between earning one gold or earning a thousand.
- Join the community and learn about aspects of the game you don't know. This way you will not only learn from the experts, but you will also be able to become an expert yourself much faster.
Sell cheap and set a buyout value!
This aspect is very important; try to sell your items on the trade channel before auctioning them, and don't set a lower price than other auctions. Doing so will only trigger a downside war with no winners. Use an addon like "Acutioneer" to automatically set a price aligned with market standards.
- When you sell items that can be stacked in stacks, sell them individually or in stacks of 2 or 3. You will often make more money this way than selling them in stacks of 20. Selling in smaller stacks also decreases the required deposit amount and by Consequently, it allows you to save money in case you fail to sell the item. But remember not to sell exaggerated quantities (50+) of the same item one at a time. In this way you would make the price of the object fall: you would increase the supply without increasing the demand, so the value of the object would decrease. Keeping your items a few days longer can be the difference between earning 50 silver and 5 gold.
- Another add-on that can help you collect raw materials is "Cartographer Routes". It recommends the shortest route to reach the spots where mineral deposits or herbs appear for you to collect.
- You can sell Deviate Fish for one gold.
- If you notice that there is a high demand for an item in your realm and little supply, do not hesitate to buy all the items available and resell them for a profit. Start with a small investment before risking more money.
- Be nice, people tend to shop more willingly from a good person than a rude person.
- Don't try to scam other players, it will prevent you from making any profits in the future, and may even cause your account to be suspended or even banned.
- Respect the rules of the trading channel, and do not use other channels to spam your offers.
- NEVER use "/ y" to sell your items. Other people will find it annoying; if you annoy someone, chances are they won't be willing to buy your merchandise.
This article contains many terms in English or borrowed from the English language that are part of the jargon of Italian players. Below is a short glossary that will help those unfamiliar with the game to take advantage of the article.
- gold: Ori. The most valuable coin within WoW.
- mats: Materials. A term used to refer to the items needed to complete a profession skill.
- skinning, herbalism, mining, enchanting: skinner, herbalist, miner, charmer. The professions that in the game allow you to obtain the materials mentioned above.
- fishing, cooking and first aid: fishing, cooking and first aid. The secondary professions accessible to all players.
- blacksmithing, leatherworking or jewelcrafting: blacksmith, jeweler, furrier. The professions that will allow you to create the most valuable items.
- Outlands, Azeroth: the continent added with the Burning Crusade expansion and the planet hosting the classic Warcraft setting, respectively.
- quest: the missions you can complete in the game.
- farmare: perform the same action repeatedly to obtain items or money
- elemental motes: elemental grains. Objects that are used to make other objects of more value.
- level cap: the maximum level that can be reached within the game.
- instance: particular areas of the game to be faced as a group that contain stronger enemies than normal and offer better rewards.
- wintergrasp: a particular region of the game
- alchemy: alchemy. A profession.
- add-on: a third party program that adds functionality to the game.
- buyout: closing price of the auction
- alt: secondary character often used as a warehouse.
- bag: Bags, sacks and backpacks used to increase inventory capacity
- "/ y": A command used in game chat to "yell" your message to all nearby players.