When playing Pokémon Red and Blue, users have the opportunity to choose Bulbasaur early in the game and set it as their "starter Pokémon". Unfortunately in Pokémon Yellow the only option offered to the player at the beginning of a new game is to choose Pikachu. Fortunately, the character of Melanie, who can be met in the city of Heavenly City, will offer us a copy of Bulbasaur for free, but only if Pikachu's happiness level is high enough and if we still have room to welcome him into our team. It is possible to manage Pikachu's happiness level by using special tools in the game and taking appropriate care towards it. Do not forget that it is always possible to obtain a Bulbasaur specimen by exchanging it with a friend who is willing to help us.
Part 1 of 2: Raising Pikachu's Happiness Level

Step 1. Understand how Pikachu's happiness is handled
Pikachu's happiness level is measured by an invisible indicator and changes based on the attention paid to it and how you behave towards it. The happiness level is included on a scale from 0 to a maximum of 255. To increase Pikachu's happiness, always carry it with you and keep it safe. Remember that making him lose fights or leaving him on the sidelines causes his happiness to decrease.
To find out Pikachu's happiness level, you can talk to him by pressing the "A" button and interpret the response you receive

Step 2. Use the tools or objects at your disposal
Using special tools on Pikachu is the fastest way to increase its happiness level (although it may be the most boring). Potions can be purchased in "Pokémon Market" and used repeatedly on Pikachu to increase its happiness.
- Potions increase the happiness level even when Pikachu has reached the maximum level of "Health Points".
- Different items increase a Pokémon's happiness level with the same amount of points.

Step 3. Raise Pikachu's experience level
Each time Pikachu's level increases, so does his happiness level. This can be done by making him fight with wild Pokémon or against other trainers or by using "Rare Candies".

Step 4. Find out when Pikachu has reached a suitable level of happiness
When interacting with Pikachu, at least one heart must appear above his head (meaning his happiness level is above 145). This indicates that he has achieved sufficient happiness to be able to obtain a Bulbasaur specimen.

Step 5. Use Pikachu when facing "Gym Leaders" battles
Using Pikachu during these encounters will give you an additional increase in his happiness. However, remember that in the game the number of "Gym Leaders" is limited and well defined, so it is very difficult to find enough to reach the required level of happiness.
- You can set Pikachu as the first Pokémon on your team and then immediately replace it once the fight begins. In this way, you will not risk making him lose precious happiness points while still receiving the bonus guaranteed by facing a "Gym Leader".
- The amount of Happiness points obtained in this way is slightly less than that obtained by using Potions or by leveling it up.

Step 6. Avoid making Pikachu lose Happiness points
His happiness level decreases every time he loses a fight or is left alone in a "Pokémon Center". Always keep it safe with you to prevent it from losing happiness points.
Part 2 of 2: Getting Bulbasaur

Step 1. Make sure you still have room to place him on your team
Remember that you cannot carry more than 6 Pokémon at the same time and that you will need to have at least one seat to be able to receive Bulbasaur. If you don't have enough space, you can create it by temporarily depositing one of your Pokémon in any of the "Pokémon Centers" in the game.
Before talking to Melanie, make sure Pikachu is part of your Pokémon team

Step 2. Reach the city of Celestopolis
This is the first city that can be reached after crossing the "Monte Luna" and whose "Gym Leader" is Misty.

Step 3. Go to Melanie's house
It is located near the Celestial City "Pokémon Center". Once inside, you will see Melanie and Bulbasaur waiting standing near the north wall of the house.

Step 4. Talk to Melanie
He will notice that you have taken care of Pikachu very carefully and will ask you if you want to do the same with Bulbasaur. Answer yes and the latter will automatically be added to your team.
- Potions can be bought in any "Pokémon Market".
- All methods inherent in increasing Pikachu's happiness level lose their effectiveness as the latter increases; this means that, after a Pokémon has reached a certain level of happiness, using the game's special tools, leveling it up and fighting with the "Gym Leaders" will increase its happiness by a number of points less than before.
- Another method of obtaining a Bulbasaur is to exchange it with a friend who plays Pokmémon Red, Blue or Yellow and who owns one.