9 Ways to Cheat in The Sims 2

9 Ways to Cheat in The Sims 2
9 Ways to Cheat in The Sims 2

Table of contents:


The Sims 2, created by Will Wright, is one of the best and most accurate real life simulators. But sometimes it can get quite frustrating …


Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 1
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 1

Step 1. Enter the game and hold "Control" + "Shift" + "C" at the same time

A white window will appear at the top of the screen. It is the box where you will have to type the cheat codes. After that, hit "enter". To expand the window, type expand and it will enlarge.

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 2
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 2

Step 2. Close the cheat window by typing exit inside

  • For advanced tweaks and tricks, type BoolProp testingCheatsEnabled when in the neighborhood screen. Keep in mind that this trick could mess up your computer.

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Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 3
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 3

Step 3. Press SHIFT on the letter box or on your Sim to access special features

Method 1 of 9: Aliens

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 4
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 4

Step 1. Get abducted by aliens

Open the cheat window in a terrain and type “BoolProp testingcheatsenabled true” and then “moveObjects on”. Use the telescope and click by pressing SHIFT above it and choose to be kidnapped. The spacecraft will soon be hitting you with its beam of light.

Method 2 of 9: Career

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 5
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 5

Step 1. Earn ambition points by typing aspirationpoints + (number)

For example, if you want 90,000 points, you have to use "aspirationpoints +90000".

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 6
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 6

Step 2. Get all professional rewards by typing unlockcareerrewards

Method 3 of 9: Life

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 7
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 7

Step 1. Change the time by typing setHour (hour)

For example, if you want to go at 5 am, type "setHour 05".

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 8
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 8

Step 2. Avoid aging by typing aging off

If you want them to age, type aging on.

Step 3. Change the height of your Sims

Type stretchskeleton (number). A Sim's current height is 1.0. To make it smaller, use 0.5. If you want to raise it a bit, use 1.1.

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 9
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 9
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 10
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 10

Step 4. Invite more guests to your party

Go to the neighborhood and type intprop maxnumofvisitingsims (number). So if you want 15 Sims, you have to type "intprop maxnumofvisitingsims15".

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 11
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 11

Step 5. Set the age range of your Sims

Use the boolprop cheat. Hold SHIFT and click on any Sim. Choose "Produce", "More" and "Create Sim". A newborn should appear. Click on the baby and choose "Set age". You can choose between infant, child, adolescent, adult and senior.

If you turn a pregnant adult Sim into any other state, they will no longer be pregnant. To get a teenager pregnant, you need to download the patch

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 12
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 12

Step 6. To get the Grim Reaper Statue, go to "Buy" mode or pause and press CTRL + SHIFT + C

Type "MoveObjects on" without the quotes (it is also case sensitive) in the cheat menu. Kill one of the Sims you don't want. If you have a Sim you want to keep, make sure you have another Sim very close by who can appeal to the reaper. As soon as you see death, go to "Buy" mode and grab it. Grab it and hold SHIFT. Without letting go of the SHIFT key, release the Grim Reaper and you should have created a clone. Then put it wherever you like. Pray to the royal reaper to save your beloved. You have to hope they love each other as much as you think, or your Sim is done for! You can kill a passing neighbor. But it could be another of your neighborhood Sims, so watch out. Note: You can't control the Grim Reaper, but it's still a lot of fun.

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 13
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 13

Step 7. Refuel the fridge quickly using the boolprop cheat

Type move_objects on in "Home" mode. Hold SHIFT and click on the fridge. Click "Fill". Your fridge will be full again.

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 14
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 14

Step 8. Redo your Sim

Get Dr. Vu's Professional Plastic Surgeon Reward to redo your Sim's face (to quickly get this reward, hold CTRL + C + SHIFT and type unlockCareerRewards in the cheat window). Then take your Sim to the mirror and click 'Change Appearance' to change their hair, makeup and facial hair. Then go to the cloakroom and click 'Plan Clothing' (you can go to the tailor to buy new ones). Then type “boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true” in the cheat window, hold SHIFT and click on your Sim. Click 'Set Ambition' and choose a new one. Then click where you want your Sim's personality and interests to be.

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 15
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 15

Step 9. Sims may be invisible, but alive

Type "boolproptestingcheatsenabled true" without the quotes, in the cheat window. Then hold SHIFT and click on a Sim. Then click on Rodney's creator. Then click "death". Have an unrelated teen Sim beg for their life to be spared. After the Grim Reaper leaves, click on another way to die. Make the teen sim pray again. When death is about to go, click on "death by fire". And being so fast, death won't return, making the Sim disappear! You can't take care of it anymore, but if you go out into the neighborhood and look at the family photo, it will still be there!

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 16
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 16

Step 10. Get a great report card

Hold SHIFT and click on the letter box. Make sure the child is selected, and you should see something that says "The child gets a great report card": click on it. The school bus should pass without stopping, and then the child SHOULD have an excellent report card.

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 17
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 17

Step 11. OR you can move objects

Click on the child's homework and move them so that they are still in his hand after he puts them down (if you don't catch them right after school, they usually leave them next to the desks - if they don't have desks, look in the bedrooms). When he has his homework in hand again, have him do another action that involves pulling up something. Cleaning and painting tend to be good options. Then, the homework will disappear and you will no longer have to study it. Grades will go up every day as if you were making them do their homework. The only flaw is that you have to make them do it every day, but it's the easiest way. Especially since children have a low degree of enjoyment after being in school all day, and it's hard to get them to do their homework.

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 18
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 18

Step 12. If you want to raise their mood, use Ctrl + SHIFT + c and type "maxmotives" in the cheat window, and all the mood levels of the family will go up

Method 4 of 9: Love

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 19
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 19

Step 1. To undress Sims, use the “Naked Sims” cheat

It's a simple method of creating naked Sims.

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 20
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 20

Step 2. Get teenagers to be engaged or married

Use the "boolprop" trick. Hold the SHIFT key and click on a Sim. Choose "Generate" and click on "Create Sim". Turn him into an adult. Repeat the step for the other teenager you want to marry. Then make them fall in love and marry them (you can do this quickly by SHIFT + clicking on the letter box, choosing “set pregnancy relationships with” and clicking on the name of the desired Sim). Then use the Creator to bring them back to adolescence or childhood, and they will still be married.

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 21
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 21

Step 3. Have sex in public using the “boolprop” trick

Drag the age and daily relationship meter to 100 on 2 different Sims. Drag the light-hearted meter to 10 and click on "Try on clothes" in a clothing store. Have the Sims go to the locker room, and click on "woohoo".

Method 5 of 9: Money

Type these tricks to your liking. The “familyFunds” trick overpowers the other two. However, if you want to use the others anyway, after typing the trick, highlight it, hit CTRL + C, enter, then CTRL + V multiple times. It repeats!

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 22
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 22

Step 1. Earn $ 1000 by typing kaching

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 23
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 23

Step 2. Earn $ 50,000 typing motherlode

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 24
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 24

Step 3. Earn up to $ 999999 by typing in familyFunds [family name] [amount]

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 25
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 25

Step 4. Remove money by typing familyFunds [family name] - [amount]

Method 6 of 9: Move things around

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 26
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 26

Step 1. To move things and access more functions, type move_objects on

Turn it off by typing move_objects off.

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 27
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 27

Step 2. Rotate the furniture by 45 degrees by typing boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation (true / false)

You must have the "University" expansion to use this trick.

Method 7 of 9: Pregnancy

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 28
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 28

Step 1. Get 2-3-4 twins by typing forcetwins, forcetriplets or quadforce respectively based on the desired number of babies

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 29
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 29

Step 2. Get an alien baby using the “boolprop” cheat (you have to play as the Sim you want pregnant)

Hold down the SHIFT key, click on the Sim and click "Generate". Choose "Tombstone of L and D". Once the tombstone appears, there will be an option like "get pregnant with an alien baby".

  • To get an alien child without cheating, a male and adult family member must be abducted by aliens. When the man comes back down, the couple will be pregnant and an alien Sim will be born.

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Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 30
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 30

Step 3. Have a pregnant Sim wear normal clothes

Go to the neighborhood and type "boolprop". Go to the family home. Hold SHIFT, click on the pregnant and on "Generate". Choose the "Rodney's Clothing Tester" and a drying rack should appear. Click on the drying rack and select "Force Redress".

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 31
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 31

Step 4. You have a better chance of pregnancy success by playing as the boy and having him click on the woman for a newborn

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 32
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 32

Step 5. Adopt a newborn who looks like your Sim

Create another family, including a baby who looks like your other Sims. Then mistreat him. Tip: Don't give any family member family ambitions. The social worker will soon arrive to take him away. Then go to the family you want the baby to receive. Adopt the newborn and he will be the one created to look like your Sims.

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 33
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 33

Step 6. Also, if you want 2 Sims of the same sex to have a baby, you can use the “boolprop” cheat rather than adopt

You have to be careful with this trick, don't leave it on for too long as it often causes the system to crash. The first thing to do is to open the cheat window and type “boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true”. Then, by clicking on the Sim you want to get pregnant and holding SHIFT, you can choose the "Generate" option. Once clicked, continue until you see an option that allows you to generate a genetic combination, and choose the other member. To disable the trick, change the wording from "true" to "false".

Method 8 of 9: Vampires

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 34
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 34

Step 1. Get rid of the vampires

Have a Vampire Fearless Sim call and go to "Manage Groups".

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 35
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 35

Step 2. Then create your group and name it "The Vampires"

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Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 36

Step 3. Put ALL vampires in the area into the group, and include yourself

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 37
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 37

Step 4. Wait for night to fall

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 38
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 38

Step 5. Pick up the handset again and “Invite group” by selecting “Just for fun”

When you get the acceptance message, pick up the phone, go to “Services” and invite the “Gypsy Matchmaker”.

Very soon, both the vampires and the matchmaker will arrive

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 39
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 39

Step 6. Use the “boolprop” trick and make each vampire selectable by holding SHIFT, clicking on each and selecting “Make Selectable”

When they are all selectable, you can do 2 things. Send one to the gypsy and purchase the vamprocillin-D (make sure you have enough for all the vampires in the area).

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 40
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 40

Step 7. Then give each vampire a gift by choosing the vamprocillin-D

Then make each of them drink vamprocillin-D. Or you can have every single vampire go to the gypsy to buy it.

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 41
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 41

Step 8. To make them go away, hold SHIFT and click on each of them to make them unselectable, then go back to the main Sim you are playing with and say hello

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 42
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 42

Step 9. Don't forget to free the gypsy

Method 9 of 9: Skill

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 43
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 43

Step 1. Open the neighborhood screen and type "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true"

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 44
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 44

Step 2. Select which family you would like to play with

You can choose an existing one or create a new one and place it inside a house.

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 45
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 45

Step 3. At the bottom of the screen, find the skills panel

You can find it in the career window: on the right there will be a list of all the various skills.

Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 46
Cheat in the Sims 2 Step 46

Step 4. Click on the skill you would like to improve and drag the level to the point you want to reach

In some cases, a simple click doesn't work: you may have to click while holding down the shift key, and then drag the layer.
