4 Ways to Cheat in a Written Assignment

4 Ways to Cheat in a Written Assignment
4 Ways to Cheat in a Written Assignment

Warning: copying and cheating can have serious consequences if you are caught, including automatic assignment of a 0, suspension or even expulsion. Some schools will also point this out on your report card indicating that you have violated the school's rules or code of honor. Instead of looking for ways to cheat on an assignment, try to find advice on how to study for exams

If the above warning didn't scare you enough, then here's the ultimate guide to cheating on a task without getting caught.


Cheat On a Test Step 1
Cheat On a Test Step 1

Step 1. Decide which "type" of cheating is best suited to the situation

There are the methods of the classics Cards, L' Assisted Cheating or the category of Difficult to prove. Skip to the specific sections below for more detailed information on this.

Cheat On a Test Step 2
Cheat On a Test Step 2

Step 2. Don't get caught

Cheating only works if you manage to escape it in the end. Here are some tips to avoid getting caught:

  • Do not attract attention.

    It is important to find a balance between actually getting the answers to the task and not making it too obvious at the same time. To do this, don't be overly nervous. If you need to look around, never look in one direction for more than 5-10 seconds. Also try to intersperse these glances by looking in other random directions, to avoid drawing the attention of your teachers to your paper or your accomplice. Try not to sound nervous when you turn in the assignment.

  • Don't be too greedy.

    It's easy to take 100% in one assignment if you commit to it, but if everyone else takes an average of 60% on the physics exam, you'll look very suspicious. Purposely keep yourself on the top, but not higher than the final exam results. If you know that the average class rating is around 80%, intentionally miss a few answers.

  • Eliminate the evidence.

    As soon as the task is done ask to go to the bathroom (if you haven't already) to wash off or get rid of any evidence. The longer you wait to do this, the higher the chances of getting caught because someone (even if it's not your professor) will notice.

Method 1 of 4: Card Methods

Cheat On a Test Step 3
Cheat On a Test Step 3

Step 1. Start collecting the information you will need:

formulas, keywords, vocabulary, dates, definitions, names, conjugations etc.

Cheat On a Test Step 4
Cheat On a Test Step 4

Step 2. Write or print the information correctly

Fonts should always be clear and easy to read, like Goldie Locks (not too small, not too big). While you would obviously want to include as much information on the slip as possible, remember that if the fonts are too small you will be too focused on reading it, thus increasing the likelihood of getting caught. Also, if you can print a copy, do it. It will reduce the chances that your teacher can trace it back to you by reading it.

Cheat On a Test Step 5
Cheat On a Test Step 5

Step 3. Copy everything

Cheat On a Test Step 6
Cheat On a Test Step 6

Step 4. Hide the slip

  • Try the "Writing on Body Parts" method.

    Instead of printing the information sheet, write it on a part of your body. Some good choices include the forearm if you are a boy or the thigh if you are a girl. Both are great because you can wear a long-sleeved dress or shirt to cover up lettering when you're not using them. It is important not to make it obvious that there is something written on your body, so write the information in a place that you usually only face towards yourself and not outwards.

  • You can try the "Leaflet on the Bottle of Water" method.

    Print a copy on a piece of colored paper similar to the label on your water bottle. Glue it to the back of the label so that only you can see it. Ideally it should have a type of writing similar to that of the label to minimize suspicion.

  • Try the "Sheet in Binder" method.

    If you're using a binder that has a blank envelope as the first page, slip your slip into it. Move the binder under the counter at an angle to take a look at the copy. Try to minimize the amount of peeking, especially if the movement can be noisy.

  • Try the "Slip in the Calculator" method.

    This is quite common for math homework as it is the only task where using a calculator feels natural. Put formulas or information on the inside of the calculator case or on the back.

  • Try the "Hideout" method.

    Hide your notes in a completely different place to prevent it from leading back to you. Some alternatives are the class bulletin board, in the bathroom, or on the back of an empty chair.

Method 2 of 4: Assisted Cheating Methods

Cheat On a Test Step 7
Cheat On a Test Step 7

Step 1. Try the "Spying on Buddy" method

Sit behind someone who will do the homework well (perhaps because they have bragged about having studied a lot or because you are certain that they are very knowledgeable in that particular subject). Position yourself as to the side as possible on your seat, so that you have a diagonal view of his desk, this should allow you to peek over his shoulder without moving your head too much. Never choose a student in the center of the class or in the front row as this makes it more likely that the teacher will catch you looking over their shoulder.

Cheat On a Test Step 8
Cheat On a Test Step 8

Step 2. Try the "Signals in Code" method

Create a code of signs with a classmate. This will double your knowledge of the subject because you can cooperate with your partner by reporting and letting you report the answers. In closed-ended assignments:

  1. Set signals by tapping your hands and feet that correspond to A, B, C, D, E and "wrong answer". By creating a signal for the wrong answer, you will increase the chances of doing well by helping each other eliminate the wrong answers. You can also create a non-suspicious voice cue to get your partner's attention (such as a cough or throat clearing).
  2. Start with a cough to get his / their attention.
  3. Use your fingers to indicate the question number (e.g. by making a 3 and then quickly a 2 with your hand to refer to question 32).
  4. Wait for them to point out the answer (like pulling ears for "B").
  5. If you need advice to decide between two answers: cough, indicate the question number, mark the answer you think is correct.
  6. The partner can nod if it is correct, or send the "wrong answer" signal if it is not (for example, gather the hair in a ponytail).

    Method 3 of 4: Difficult Methods to Demonstrate

    Cheat On a Test Step 9
    Cheat On a Test Step 9

    Step 1. Try to get the faculty edition of your textbook

    For professors who take ready-made quizzes from their "Teacher's Guides" it may be useful to buy a copy of the text. Find the right edition of the book online and buy it. This method is great for basic science, language and / or history courses that draw the questions for the assignment directly from the text.

    Cheat On a Test Step 10
    Cheat On a Test Step 10

    Step 2. Try to get an "advanced / original" version of the assignment by asking an older student or talking to other students who may have contacts in your course

    Study based directly on the exam, or, if you suspect the exam will be identical, study the answers directly.

    Cheat On a Test Step 11
    Cheat On a Test Step 11

    Step 3. Try the "I'll be back later" method

    If you know that a professor or teacher allows you to leave (for example to go to the bathroom) and then come back to finish the assignment, ask to leave and come back later. Make sure you memorize the topics or questions so you can check the answers later before the assignment is finished.

    Pretend you are not feeling well, go to the bathroom towards the end of the exam until the time is up, or take it easy. Make sure the professor allows you to come back and finish the assignment before using this method because you could obviously make things worse if he didn't let you finish

    Cheat On a Test Step 12
    Cheat On a Test Step 12

    Step 4. Try the "Bring Your Pencil" method

    While handing in the assignment, if the professor is not at the desk, use a pencil or pen you brought from the desk to change or mark answers by copying them from an assignment given by someone else who is on the desk. This is a rather risky method.

    Method 4 of 4: Try Not to Cheat

    Cheat On a Test Step 13
    Cheat On a Test Step 13

    Step 1. Try to assimilate as much information as possible at the last minute

    By spending a few minutes before the exam quickly scrolling through your notes or answers, you have a chance to do well in the assignment without breaking the rules.

    • For themes and essays, try to remember keywords.

      Usually professors and teachers have keywords that they search for in essays and themes. This means that the rest of the "slurry" of the task is deemed less important. If you know the topic or possible prompts of the essay question, scroll down and quickly study those 4-5 terms you know your professor will want to read. Instead of having to study everything, you can get a good result with less effort.

    • For math exams, try to memorize the formulas.

      Knowing a certain formula can be more helpful in some cases than spending hours doing exercises. If you can memorize a formula well enough that you can remember it later, then you can use the time on the task to try and apply it to the problems.

    • For closed-ended exams, try to "grind" that information you know will be in the assignment.

      Instead of memorizing a list of words, try to break it down into smaller, more memorable lists. For example, if you are studying for an American history assignment, instead of remembering "Jefferson, Hamilton, Franklin, Washington, Grant, Lincoln and Lee" you can break it up into "4 Founding Fathers: Franklin, Washington, Jefferson and Hamilton" and " 3 Civil War Chiefs: Lee, Lincoln and Grant ". By associating the number of people with the specific topic, it will be easier to understand who is missing if you don't remember someone.


  • In many professions you will need the knowledge gained by studying and it will be of little use to have cheated in your homework. Remember that you can no longer cheat in the operating room when you are the surgeon and have the patient to operate.
  • Other students may suspect that you are cheating and inform the professor.
  • There is always the possibility of being discovered. Be careful.
  • Be aware of the potential consequences, such as being excluded from certain future fields of study. In Singapore, one possible consequence is whipping or beating.
  • For some important tasks, such as GCSEs in the UK or NAPLAN in Australia, you may have all task results canceled if you are caught cheating or cheating. The worst punishment is being banned from all exams for 5 years - which means no top schools or universities in many countries.
  • Copying or cheating on the Junior / Leaving Certificate in Ireland can lead to being banned from state exams for 5 years.
  • Always pay attention to where the teacher is looking; no copying method is successful if the teacher is looking right in your direction while you are holding your slip of paper and frantically copying information into the assignment.
