Are you poor at card games or tired of always losing? In this article you will find several ways to improve when you play cards and maybe even to win every now and then!

Step 1. Start reading the indicated methods
Method 1 of 13: Hidden Card Technique in the Sleeve

Step 1. One of the simplest methods of cheating is with the card hidden in the sleeve

Step 2. Put on a long-sleeved shirt

Step 3. During a losing hand, take a card and hide it in your sleeve
Make sure you do this without being observed.

Step 4. You can repeat this several times, but don't forget which cards you have hidden and where you have hidden them

Step 5. When you have a chance to play a good hand using the cards up your sleeve, raise the stakes and win with a royal flush, four of a kind or any other higher combination
Method 2 of 13: Fake Scrap Makeup

Step 1. This is a great method to use in poker
The trick of the fake discard is simple, but it's also easy to find out if opponents pay attention.

Step 2. When it is your turn to discard, throw away a single card, saying that you have thrown two or three

Step 3. Take the extra cards and stack them neatly behind the pair you are left with

Step 4. This way you will have a few more cards to choose from
Method 3 of 13: Bottom of the Deck Technique

Step 1. Make sure you are the last to put the cards in place at the end of a round
Make sure the cards you want for the next turn are on the bottom.

Step 2. When it's time to discard, stealthily slide the card from the bottom of the deck rather than from the top
Method 4 of 13: Shuffle the Cards

Step 1. When dealing, sort them out so that you have a luckier combination, but try to do it without the other players noticing
Method 5 of 13: Peek at the opponent

Step 1. You can do this in one of the following ways:
Method 6 of 13: Using a Spy

Step 1. Have your spy stand behind the opponents or walk around the table

Step 2. Once you have established which hints he will have to make with his hand, have him communicate the cards of the opponents to you

Step 3. You could rub your face and watch as you rub
Method 7 of 13: Peeking from the Table

Step 1. This method only works with a glass or clear table

Step 2. Drop something on the floor and peek at the opponent's cards from under the table
Most people will not realize what you are doing.
Method 8 of 13: Distracted Peeking

Step 1. When your opponent is looking at something else or is distracted, take a quick look at the cards he is holding
Method 9 of 13: Rigged Deck of Cards

Step 1. You can mark cards in a deck so you know what cards your opponents have

Step 2. This will help you know when to raise or lower the stakes
If you know exactly what your opponent has, you know for sure whether you win or lose.
Method 10 of 13: Exchanging Information with a Partner

Step 1. To cheat with this method, you will need to make a deal with another player in advance

Step 2. You have to invent a way to communicate silently

Step 3. Tell your partner the cards you need

Step 4. Find out what cards your partner might need

Step 5. If you can help your partner, he can help you too
Swap the cards under the table.

Step 6. You will be able to split your winnings when you have finished playing
Method 11 of 13: Rule Technique

Step 1. If you are playing with inexperienced people, you can convince them that your card meld is actually better than theirs

Step 2. You can say that two pair beats three of a kind or that a straight beats a flush or something similar

Step 3. If they abide by the official rules, claim that you ignored them and that you have always played this way
Method 12 of 13: Stealing

Step 1. Try to reach out to betting frequently when you discard and collect cards

Step 2. Every now and then he grabs a chip from the betting pile when no one is looking

Step 3. This method works best when the stakes are high because no one will notice a missing chip or two

Step 4. Try to get the highest chips

Step 5. If you are playing for cash, it will not be very profitable to take the highest banknotes or coins
Collect those of lower value instead.
Method 13 of 13: Other System

Step 1. If a player leaves the table to go to the bathroom or do something else, he peeks at his cards
That way, you will know what he needs or not.
Step 2. Don't say you peeked
He may decide to start over or not play with you.
- Try combining different methods to cheat more effectively.
- Try cheating when you are not playing seriously, so that if you get caught no one will get mad.
- Practice recognizing the marked cards so you can quickly see what combination your opponent has. It is not advisable to be discovered intent on eyeing the signs on the cards of other players.
- Don't win too many times in a row, or people will be suspicious. It is not pleasant to lose every hand and, in fact, it is more fun to play than to make others give up because they cannot win.
- Don't put too many cards up your sleeve, otherwise you will forget which ones they are and where they are. Also, you risk getting caught or taking the card you don't need and keep losing.
- This way of cheating is not meant to win you money, but it is a diversion when you are bored and don't feel like playing cards. It's kind of a challenge to see if you're capable of cheating or if you get caught, and to get friends to play something different.
- You can purchase pre-marked decks of cards.