How to Restore Deleted Files from Your Computer

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How to Restore Deleted Files from Your Computer
How to Restore Deleted Files from Your Computer

If you deleted a file by mistake, and you want to recover it at all costs, don't get down on yourself. Depending on the amount of time that has elapsed since the deletion, the file may still be on your computer's hard drive. This happens because when we delete any file it is not physically deleted, but only the information relating to the existence of that element on the hard disk is deleted (in computer jargon it is called a pointer). The file will be physically deleted when new information is saved in the same physical location.


Method 1 of 2: Repair in Windows

Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 1
Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 1

Step 1. Verify that the file is not yet in the recycle bin

If so, simply select 'Restore' from the context menu. The file will be sent back to its original location. Alternatively, drag it to your desktop or any other location on your hard drive.

Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 2
Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 2

Step 2. If the recycle bin is empty, or if the file has been permanently deleted, look for a software that performs deleted data recovery

The recommended one is 'Restoration', downloadable at the following link.

Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 3
Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 3

Step 3. Download the 'Restoration' program and install it on your computer

Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 4
Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 4

Step 4. Start 'Restoration'

The contents of the installation file will be unzipped into a folder called 'Restoration' on your 'c:' drive.

Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 5
Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 5

Step 5. Select the 'Search Deleted Files' button

Select the disk where the file to recover resided.

Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 6
Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 6

Step 6. After identifying the file, select it and press the 'Restore' button

Method 2 of 2: Restore a File on Mac

Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 7
Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 7

Step 1. Make sure the file is not in the recycle bin yet

If so, simply drag the file from the trash to the desktop.

Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 8
Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 8

Step 2. Look for a Mac program designed for recovering deleted information

Most Mac programs aren't free, but you can still find some. The one recommended here is 'Wondershare', downloadable at the following link.

Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 9
Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 9

Step 3. Download the 'Wondershare' program and install it on your computer

Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 10
Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 10

Step 4. Launch 'Wondershare'

Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 11
Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 11

Step 5. Select 'Lost file recovery mode'

Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 12
Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 12

Step 6. Scan the hard drive or partition that contains the deleted file

Many Macs only use one drive, so this is very easy.

Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 13
Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 13

Step 7. Select the 'Recover' button

Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 14
Recover Deleted Files from Your Computer Step 14

Step 8. Save the restored file to a different location than the original, then select a different hard drive, a different partition, or use an external drive

This operation is very important, not following it will risk that the deleted file will be overwritten and therefore permanently deleted from the information of the recovery procedure, or from new files.


  • When recovering a deleted file, never designate the hard drive you are trying to recover from as the destination hard drive.

    Always use two hard drives or two different partitions.

  • Back up your personal data often to an external hard drive, DVD / CD or any other type of device, to avoid any inconvenience.
  • The more time elapses between deleting and restoring files, the less chance you will have that this operation will be successful. Any modification made to the files on the hard drive could cause the permanent loss of the deleted information.
  • Try to restore unduly deleted files as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that information will be lost forever.
  • Some data recovery programs are completely free, others are paid, choose the one you think is best for your needs. All these programs use different algorithms for data retrieval, thus obtaining different results.
