5 Ways to Send an Anonymous Email

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5 Ways to Send an Anonymous Email
5 Ways to Send an Anonymous Email

This article explains how to send an email without revealing your identity, i.e. without your name and email address appearing in the message header. The easiest way to do this is to use a free online e-mail service, such as Guerrilla Mail or Anonymousemail, but it is also possible to use an e-mail account that provides alternative addresses to the official one, the so-called "aliases". If you need to use a permanent and effective solution that allows you to encrypt emails without being tied to an existing account, you can use ProtonMail. Depending on your needs, you can take a few simple steps to make your work platform completely safe and anonymous. This will prevent applications and ISPs from tracking the activities you do with your device.


Method 1 of 5: Create an Anonymous Work Environment (Optional)

Send An Anonymous Email Step 1
Send An Anonymous Email Step 1

Step 1. Assess your data security needs

This method contains a series of steps whose purpose is to avoid as much as possible that someone can trace your true identity when you are online. If you don't have this kind of need, you can skip this preparation step and opt for using an email client that preserves your anonymity. However, if you need to obscure the IP address from which you are connecting to avoid being tracked, follow the steps described in this method: this will create a completely anonymous work environment. You can choose to adopt only some of the following tips, but the more you practice, the higher the level of security of your data.

Send An Anonymous Email Step 2
Send An Anonymous Email Step 2

Step 2. Install the TOR browser on a USB stick

It is an internet browser that allows you to surf the web completely anonymously. It is based on its own network structure, characterized by a series of nodes. In this way, the IP address from which you connect to the web will no longer be visible. By default, TOR doesn't track any activities you do online. It is a free program. If you want to increase the security of your data, install TOR on a USB stick so as not to leave any traces on the computer you will use. Follow these instructions to download TOR to a USB memory drive:

  • Insert the USB key into a free port on your computer;
  • Visit the URL https://www.torproject.org/it/download/ using an internet browser;
  • Click on the button Download related to the operating system you will use to send your e-mails;
  • Run the TOR installation file;
  • Select the installation language and click on the button OK;
  • Click on the button Browse;
  • Select the USB stick and click on the button OK;
  • Click on the button Install;
  • Click on the button end.
Send An Anonymous Email Step 3
Send An Anonymous Email Step 3

Step 3. Use a public Wi-Fi connection

The ISP that manages your personal internet connection can keep track of what you do online, as do many government agencies around the world. To prevent this from happening, use a public Wi-Fi connection, such as those available in libraries, malls, or coffee shops.

Send An Anonymous Email Step 4
Send An Anonymous Email Step 4

Step 4. Use a VPN connection

Using a VPN connection you will not have direct access to the web, but the data traffic to the internet will be rerouted through one or more servers distributed around the world. This allows you to hide the IP address of your real connection from prying eyes and prevent the ISP from tracking your activities. Try to choose a VPN service that doesn't track any of your activity when you're online. To make sure you act in total anonymity, pay for the service using a cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin, otherwise use a Visa Gift Card.

Send An Anonymous Email Step 5
Send An Anonymous Email Step 5

Step 5. Use an operating system that does not track user activities

If you are using Windows 10, macOS, Android or iOS, know that your online activities can be tracked by the service providers you usually use and by advertising companies. To prevent this from happening, you can use a special operating system. Many of the Linux distributions, for example Tails, are designed to be used in complete anonymity. The Tails version of Linux can be installed on a USB stick and used as the boot drive of any computer. This way, any residual traces of your online activities will be deleted as soon as you turn off your computer.

Send An Anonymous Email Step 6
Send An Anonymous Email Step 6

Step 6. Use a laptop specifically dedicated to surfing the web completely anonymously

If security and privacy are key to you when using the internet, you can consider buying a laptop to use only when you want to remain anonymous. Buy it for cash and install an encrypted version of Linux such as Tails, Discreet Llinux or Qubes OS. If you must use Windows 10, be sure to disable any features that may track your activities and not use Cortana.

Method 2 of 5: Using ProtonMail

Send An Anonymous Email Step 7
Send An Anonymous Email Step 7

Step 1. Open a browser window for incognito browsing

Click on the icon to access the main browser menu. Normally, it is characterized by three dots or three lines and is located in the upper right corner of the program window, so click on the option New incognito window, New InPrivate window or a similar item.

  • Note:

    if you have chosen to use the TOR browser to log in with your Protonmail account, you will need to provide a phone number to prove you are a real user. The number you provide will not be tied to your account.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 24

Step 2. Type the URL https://protonmail.com/it/signup in the address bar of the browser

You will be redirected to the ProtonMail login page. Protonmail is the best option available if you need to regularly send anonymous emails. The peculiarity of the service is not to hide the sender's e-mail address, but to prevent the tracking of the IP address. During the account creation phase you will not be asked for any personal information relating to your identity.

If you are using TOR as a browser, you will need to provide a phone number to prove that you are a real user and not a bot

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 25

Step 3. Click on the heading of the Free section

It is displayed at the top of the page.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 26

Step 4. Scroll down the page and click the Select Free Plan button

It is located inside the panel relating to the "Free" section of the page.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 11

Step 5. Enter the username of the email address you want to create

Type it in the "Choose a username" text field. Make sure you choose a username that does not include any reference to your real identity, for example, first name, last name, date of birth, place of residence, and so on.

Send An Anonymous Email Step 12
Send An Anonymous Email Step 12

Step 6. Enter the login password

Type "Choose a password" and "Confirm password" in the text fields. Make sure you choose a strong password, that is, one that is very complex to crack, yet easy to remember.

Send An Anonymous Email Step 13
Send An Anonymous Email Step 13

Step 7. Provide an email address that you can use to recover your password in case you forget it

Type it in the "Recovery Email" text field (optional). Again, don't use any personal information that could trace the account back to your real identity.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 28

Step 8. Scroll down the page and click the Create Account button

It is purple in color and located at the bottom of the page.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 29

Step 9. Confirm that you are a person

Follow these instructions:

  • Select the "Email" check button and wait for the "Verify email" text field to appear;
  • Select the "CAPTCHA" option again;
  • Select the checkbox "I'm not a robot";
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Send An Anonymous Email Step 30

Step 10. Click the Complete Setup button

It is purple in color and located at the bottom of the page. At this point, you have completed the creation of your ProtonMail email account and you will be redirected to your inbox.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 31

Step 11. Click the Dial button

It is located in the upper left corner of the page. This will bring up the window for creating a new email.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 18

Step 12. Enter the email recipient's address

Type its address in the "To" text field located at the top of the "New Message" window.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 19

Step 13. Enter the subject of the message by typing it in the "Subject" text field (optional)

ProtonMail allows users to send e-mails with no subject. If you need to specify a subject, type it in the "Subject" text field.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 20

Step 14. Enter the message you want to send

Type it in the main pane of the "New Message" window. Make sure you don't include any information that could lead to your real identity.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 21

Step 15. Click the Submit button

It is located in the lower right corner of the "New Message" window.

Method 3 of 5: Using Guerrilla Mail

Send An Anonymous Email Step 22
Send An Anonymous Email Step 22

Step 1. Launch the TOR browser

It is a free internet browser that allows you to surf the web completely anonymously. If you have chosen to install it on a USB stick, plug it into a free port on your computer. Go to the "Tor Browser" folder and double click on the icon Start Tor Browser.

Send An Anonymous Email Step 1
Send An Anonymous Email Step 1

Step 2. Enter the URL "https://www.guerrillamail.com/it/"inside the TOR address bar and press the key Enter.

You will be redirected to the main page of the Guerrilla Mail site. Guerrilla Mail is an excellent solution if you need to send a single email message anonymously without having to receive a reply. All reply emails sent to Guerrilla Mail will remain in the inbox for one hour before being permanently deleted.

Since Guerilla Mail can be used without having to create an account, anyone who knows the email address from which emails are sent can access their inbox. If you need to communicate the e-mail address to someone, click on the check button Pseudonymous address. At this point, to people who ask you, you can provide the e-mail address displayed on the left of the "Pseudonymous address" check button.

Send An Anonymous Email Step 2
Send An Anonymous Email Step 2

Step 3. Click on the Write tab

It is located at the top of the Guerrilla Mail main page. The form will appear that will allow you to create a new email.

Send An Anonymous Email Step 3
Send An Anonymous Email Step 3

Step 4. Enter the email recipient's address

Type its address in the "To" text field located at the top of the "Write" tab.

Send An Anonymous Email Step 4
Send An Anonymous Email Step 4

Step 5. Enter the subject of the message by typing it in the "Subject" text field

Emails with a subject are less likely to be tagged as spam than emails without a subject

Send An Anonymous Email Step 5
Send An Anonymous Email Step 5

Step 6. Enter the message content

Type it in the large box visible below the "Subject" text field and format the text according to your needs.

You can also attach files and documents (for example a video) up to 150MB to the email. Click on the button Choose file visible at the top right of the "Compose" tab, then select the files you want to attach to the message.

Send An Anonymous Email Step 6
Send An Anonymous Email Step 6

Step 7. Click the Submit button

It is located in the upper left corner of the tab write.

Send An Anonymous Email Step 7
Send An Anonymous Email Step 7

Step 8. Complete the "reCAPTCHA" test to confirm that you are a real user

Click on the checkbox "I'm not a robot", then select the boxes that correspond to the elements indicated by the test and click on the button Come on. Repeat the verification process the required number of times.

Stay on the Guerrilla Mail site to view the replies to the messages you have sent. The moment you leave the Guerrilla Mail page relating to the inbox, you will no longer be able to read any reply emails

Method 4 of 5: Using Anonymousemail

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 30

Step 1. Launch the TOR browser

It is a free internet browser that allows you to surf the web completely anonymously. If you have chosen to install it on a USB stick, plug it into a free port on your computer. Go to the "Tor Browser" folder and double click on the icon Start Tor Browser.

Send An Anonymous Email Step 8
Send An Anonymous Email Step 8

Step 2. Enter the URL "https://anonymousemail.me/"inside the TOR address bar and press the key Enter.

You will be redirected to the main page of the Anonymousemail site. Anonymousemail allows you to send an email from a fictitious address.

  • Anonymousemail does not provide the user with an inbox, so you will not be able to consult any replies you receive to your email. However, you can specify a real email address to use when replying to the original message. Type it in the "Reply-to" text field if you need to receive a reply.
  • Anonymousemail is completely free, but you can upgrade to the "Premium" version of the service. In this case, the advertisements are deleted, you will have the possibility to receive confirmation of reading your message and to attach multiple files.
  • Anonymousemail does not work using the TOR internet browser.
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Send An Anonymous Email Step 11

Step 3. Enter the email recipient's address

Type it in the "To" text field, displayed at the top right of the page.

Send An Anonymous Email Step 12
Send An Anonymous Email Step 12

Step 4. Enter the subject of the message

Type it in the "Subject" text field.

Emails with a subject are less likely to be tagged as spam than emails without a subject

Send An Anonymous Email Step 13
Send An Anonymous Email Step 13

Step 5. Enter the message content

Type it in the large box visible below the "Subject" text field and format the text according to your needs.

You can also attach files and documents (for example a video) up to 2MB to the email. Click on the button Choose file, then select the files you want to attach to the message.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 10

Step 6. Enter a name and a fictitious email address ("Premium" users only)

Type a random name in the "Name" text field located in the upper left corner of the page (for example John Smith) together with any e-mail address that you will need to enter in the "From" text field (for example abcdef @ mydomain.com).

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 14

Step 7. Scroll down the page and click the Send email button

It is red in color and located at the bottom of the page. The email you created will be sent to the specified recipient using the name and email address you provided.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 37

Step 8. Complete the "reCAPTCHA" test to confirm that you are a real user

Click on the checkbox "I'm not a robot", then select the boxes that correspond to the elements indicated by the test and click on the button Come on. Repeat the verification process the required number of times.

Method 5 of 5: Use a Mail Alias in Yahoo Mail

Send An Anonymous Email Step 15
Send An Anonymous Email Step 15

Step 1. Visit the Yahoo Mail website using your computer browser

If you are already logged in, you will be redirected to your account's inbox.

  • If you are not signed in, you will need to provide your Yahoo Mail address and security password before you can proceed.
  • If you haven't created a Yahoo Mail account yet, you can create one now for free.
  • Be careful because Yahoo's alias addresses are still tied to the main account and your IP address can be tracked. This means that it is not an ideal solution to protect your anonymity. Choose this option only if you don't need to protect your privacy 100%.
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Send An Anonymous Email Step 16

Step 2. Click the Settings icon

It is located in the upper right corner of the page and has a gear icon. A drop-down menu will appear.

If you are using the older version of the Yahoo user interface, click on the option Upgrade to the new version of Yahoo Mail located at the bottom left of the page.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 17

Step 3. Click on the Other option

It is located at the bottom of the drop-down menu that appeared. The Yahoo Mail "Settings" window will appear.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 18

Step 4. Click on the Accounts tab

It is listed on the left side of the "Settings" window.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 42

Step 5. Click the Add button, visible in the "Mail Alias" section

You will first need to expand the section under consideration by clicking on the down arrow icon. A form will appear that you can use to enter the information required to create the new email address.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 43

Step 6. Enter the alternate email address and press the Enter key

You can choose any username (the part of an email address to the left of the "@" symbol). Click on the "Configure" button. Choose an address that is not attributable to your identity, therefore that does not contain any personal information related to your person, such as name, surname, place where you live, date of birth and so on.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 44

Step 7. Enter all the information required to create the mail alias

You will need to provide some data in order to complete the configuration.

You can configure the sender name and a description that will be displayed by the recipients of your emails

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 45

Step 8. Click the Save button

It is displayed at the bottom of the page below the text fields you have filled in. This way, the mail alias will actually be created.

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Send An Anonymous Email Step 23

Step 9. Send an email using a Yahoo alias

Any replies you receive to a message sent via a Yahoo Mail mail alias will be delivered to your primary account mailbox, while your real email address will not be revealed:

  • Click on the option Go back to the Inbox placed in the upper left corner of the page;
  • Click on the button Dial displayed in the upper left of the screen;
  • Click on the e-mail address displayed in the "From" text field;
  • Select the alias you just created;
  • Enter the recipient's address in the "To" text field;
  • Add a subject by inserting it in the "Subject" field (optional);
  • Type the message text and attach any files you want;
  • Click on the button Send displayed at the bottom of the page.


ProtonMail has limitations including a maximum of 500MB of free storage space and a maximum number of 150 emails sent per day. By upgrading to a paid premium account (€ 4 per month) you will get 5 GB of storage space and a maximum limit of 1,000 emails sent per day. By paying a subscription of € 24 per month you will have 20 GB of storage space available and you will have no limit on the number of emails you can send daily


  • Using anonymous emails to conduct illegal activities does not guarantee that you will not be caught.
  • Never use anonymous emails to spam, harass or threaten someone. All of these operations are illegal and if you get caught you will face criminal prosecution.
  • Finding the IP address from which an anonymous email was sent is a relatively simple operation. To prevent this from happening, you will need to use a VPN connection to send your emails completely anonymously or use the ProtonMail service.
