6 Ways to Get More Likes on Photos Posted on Instagram

6 Ways to Get More Likes on Photos Posted on Instagram
6 Ways to Get More Likes on Photos Posted on Instagram

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Instagram is a great way to share your favorite memories and moments with friends, family and casual followers. If you post a lot of photos, but don't get all the likes you want, follow these easy steps to learn how to get them.


Method 1 of 6: Using Hashtags

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 1
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 1

Step 1. Use hashtags, which are an easy way to categorize photos using keywords

They can help other users discover you and are more likely to like your photos. The more you use, the more often your photos will be seen.

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 1
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 1

Step 2. Use more than one hashtag at a time to get the best out of each image

For example, if you take a picture of your dachshund dog, you could use #bassotto, #dog and #puppy.

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 3
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 3

Step 3. Use the most popular hashtags for greater effect

Among the most popular are #amore, #love, #io, #me, #bello, #cool, # Friday and # coffee.

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 4
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 4

Step 4. Look for the list of hashtags that are the most popular and try to use one

However, keep in mind that using a hashtag that is too popular may not make your photo distinctive, which may be muted.

Method 2 of 6: Apply Filters

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 5
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 5

Step 1. Apply filters to photos to edit and make them more beautiful

Early-bird, X-Proll and Valencia are some of the most popular ones that manage to give your images a unique look.

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 6
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 6

Step 2. Use your mobile apps, including Camera +, Pro HDR, Snap-seed and Pixlr-o-matic, to enhance your images and make them more attractive

Method 3 of 6: Find the Photos People Want to See

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 7
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 7

Step 1. Publish the right photographs

People often post anything that comes to their mind indiscriminately, but if you want more likes, you have to consider Instagram as your own album. For this purpose you should choose only the best and highest quality photographs, in order to attract more Likes. Here are some types of images that most people will like:

Never post three similar photos in a row - always choose the best one

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 8
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 8

Step 2. Post personal photos that show you with loved ones, friends or family

Remember to choose only the best for every occasion.

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 9
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 9

Step 3. Publish photos with unique panoramas

People will love your image if it is something they have never seen before.

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 10
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 10

Step 4. Post photos with your pet

Only some of the best photos of your dog or cat will get Likes - make sure he's doing something unique while you shoot it.

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 11
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 11

Step 5. Don't overdo posting pictures of your food

Too many do. Publish the photo only if it is something truly exceptional.

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 12
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 12

Step 6. Combine multiple photos into one, using applications like Diptic

People will be more likely to like your photo by adding a Like if a shot features multiple images. You can put them in a frame or show different parts of the same trip or the same occasion.

Method 4 of 6: Develop a Community Attitude

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 13
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 13

Step 1. Become an active member of the Instagram community

To receive, you have to give. Take some time to comment on your friend's photo or to Like an image you like. The more often you do this, the more people will reciprocate you. If you never go and look at your followers' photos, you won't get much in return.

If you really want more likes, you can start putting them on photos of random people yourself

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 14
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 14

Step 2. Go to the accounts of others (usually the ones with more "following" than "followers")

Like 15-20 of their photos. If they notice you, they will probably reciprocate you with likes and follow you!

Method 5 of 6: Take Time Awareness

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 15
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 15

Step 1. Publish your photos at the most opportune moments

You could post the most outstanding photographs in the world, but no one will like you if you do it in the middle of the night. Most of the activity will take place in the first few hours of publication, so you have to make sure those hours count. Here's when you might post them:

  • During the week, post them in the middle of the day, when people are tired of work and go online. Don't post them too early in the morning, even worse at five or six, or people will be too busy to notice your images.
  • Post the photos shortly after dinner. People tend to go to the Internet when they are tired in the evening.
  • Post your images on special occasions. Halloween, Christmas and Valentine's Day are very strategic times to post them. Although people may be too busy to notice your photographs, they will actually be more likely to take a look.
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 16
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 16

Step 2. Don't post your photos on Friday or Saturday nights, because people will like them

They may be noticed, but people are unlikely to admit that they have nothing better to do on weekends than see your photos.

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 17
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 17

Step 3. Remember to be active after posting your images

Comment on a friend's photos or like others in order to attract attention.

Method 6 of 6: Create Link

Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 18
Gain More Likes on Your Instagram Photos Step 18

Step 1. Connect your Instagram account with the Facebook one

It will only take a minute and will ensure that your photos reach a larger audience.


  • Don't post too many photos at once. Followers would get bored or might not want to see them all. Also, posting too often saturates people's newsfeeds and can be annoying. Try using a timer to make sure your posts are spaced.
  • Old selfies are boring and can make you look arrogant if you post too many. Use fun editing apps like Squaready and Snapseed to make them look unique.
  • Be reasonable with the use of hashtags. Don't use them when writing a comment. Add only the relevant ones. Know that when people put the #lgl (Like for Like) tag they may not want it back.
  • If people like your photos, like them too. This reciprocity is what makes the social network alive and productive. If you don't try, people won't be interested in you.
  • Interact, like and comment on compliments on your followers' photographs.
  • Never go overboard with hashtags. Use the ones that make sense for your image. It's okay to put the most popular ones, like #instacool, but not in all photographs.
  • Get an editing app so you can edit your photos before uploading them, instead of using filters.
  • Follow people who appreciate the type of photographs you post.
  • Insert multiple similar images only if you plan to put them in a collage.
  • Entertain your followers by running contests every now and then. But be careful: do not make superficial competitions such as eliminations because you could hurt the sensitivity of others.
  • If you post a photo and forget to add your hashtags, you can revisit and add them in your comments and you will get lots of likes.


  • Limit selfies and snack photos to a minimum.
  • Do not post inappropriate photos or they will be deleted.
