As an avid reader, do you often find yourself without the perfect bookmark? Do not worry, you can make it yourself according to your tastes, so you will never lose your mark. Read on to learn how to make paper, magnetic, beaded bookmarks and many more.
Method 1 of 7: With the Card

Step 1. Get the right paper
Choose a card stock, because it will support the bookmark. Then choose an image or decorative motif to glue over the base. You can also create a collage and attach various pieces of paper and images.
Step 2. Cut the sheet
Size is your personal choice. You can make a small, inconspicuous bookmark a few inches long, or opt for a traditional solution and cut a piece that is 5-8cm wide. Do not make a bookmark longer than 6 '' as this is the standard size of most books. If you make a bigger one it will end up popping out of the book.
Step 3. Add the details
Glue the decorative paper or images of your choice to the base card. Try using crepe paper or newspaper clippings and attach them entirely to the cardboard. This way you will give your own personal style to the project.
- You can use glitter or stickers for a truly unique bookmark without putting in a lot of work.
- With a marker, draw pictures or write words, phrases or quotes that you particularly like. Alternatively, you can draw directly on the cardboard or add details to the paper cutouts you have glued.
- Make a collage with pictures cut out of magazines and layer them on the cardboard base. You can also use your own photographs.
Step 4. Cover the bookmark
To protect the paper from damage and wrinkles, add a strong layer. If you are capable, you can laminate it.
- You can create the same effect by using very wide clear tape and gluing strips evenly over the bookmark.
- Consider using an epoxy-gel-like liquid to spread on both sides of the bookmark. Spread it on one side at a time respecting the drying times.
Step 5. Add the finishing touches
Use an awl to make a hole in the top of the bookmark. Cut a 15-20 cm piece of tape and fold it in half. Pass the folded end into the hole and insert the "tails" into the ring that has formed by pulling them well to secure everything.
- You can add more ribbons if you want a colorful and vibrant bookmark.
- Place some beads at the bottom of the ribbon for a nice touch. Thread a couple on the end of the ribbon and secure them with knots.
- With a match or lighter burn the loose ends of the ribbon to prevent fraying. The flame will melt the plastic and smooth the end of the tape.
Method 2 of 7: With Ribbons and Beads

Step 1. Choose the ribbon and beads
Choose one that is slim and easy to handle, without wires. The beads can be of any size and style, the important thing is that the hole is large enough to accommodate the ribbon. Also consider putting a special charm at the end of the ribbon.
Step 2. Cut the ribbon
Use scissors to cut a section that is 100cm long. Use a lighter or match to cauterize the ends and prevent them from fraying.
Step 3. Thread the beads
Add a bunch of beads to your taste; put as many as you like, they'll dangle from your bookmark. If you have decided to put a pendant, insert it in the center between two sets of beads.
- If you don't want the charm, place a single bead in the center of the ribbon (tucking it into a single “tail” of the bow) and then fold the ribbon in half by inserting both tails into all the other beads.
- Tie a knot at the base when you are done and are happy with the result.
- Leave about 10 '' of space and then tie another knot with both ends of the ribbon. Add as many beads as you want to the top of the bookmark and then tie another knot to keep them from falling out.
Step 4. Use your bookmark
The crease in the center of the ribbon should have created some kind of loop. Slide the book into this loop so you can locate the page you were reading with one end of the ribbon, while the other wraps around the cover.
Method 3 of 7: Angled
Step 1. Create a model
On a piece of paper draw a 12.5x12.5cm square. With the help of a ruler divide the square into 4 square sections. Then erase the top row of the larger square so that you get three small squares that form an "L".
Step 2. Divide the top left square diagonally from its bottom left to top right
You will get two triangles. Repeat the same process for the lower right square.
Step 3. Fill in the triangles
With the pencil, darken the upper and lower triangles. Eventually you should get a square with two triangles attached, one on the top and one on the right.
Step 4. Cut out the shape
Follow the perimeter of the geometric shape you have identified by eliminating the two dark triangles. You should get some sort of arrow pointing to the left.
Step 5. Use this template to create the bookmark
Take the shape you created, place it on a piece of construction paper of your choice and cut it out.
Step 6. Fold the bookmark
Fold each triangle back towards the center of the square so that they overlap.
Step 7. Shape the bookmark
Add some glue to the top triangle and attach it to the top of the bottom triangle to create a kind of pocket. If desired, cut the base of the square along the underside of the triangular pocket to get a geometric figure. The shape of the bookmark is now complete!
Step 8. Decorate it
Add embellishments to both the back and front of the "pocket". You can draw a picture, or write your favorite phrase or the chorus of a song. When you are satisfied with the result, you are done! Slip it over the corner of the page you are reading.
Method 4 of 7: With Staples and Fabric

Step 1. Find a cute piece of fabric
You can use the fabric of your choice, the important thing is that it is at least 2.5cm wide and 12.5cm long. You can starch it lightly to harden it and make the process easier.
Step 2. Cut the fabric
To make the bow, you need three pieces of fabric: one to make a loop, one for the pigtails, and one for the center knot. Cut the strip that will form the bow to the size of 2x11 cm. The piece for the tails will be 2cm wide and 9cm long, while the strip for the central knot will be 0.6cm wide and 4cm long.
Step 3. Assemble the various parts
Fold the longer strip to form a ring, use a drop of glue to secure the two ends. Pinch the ring in the center and pin the strip of the pigtails at this point so that they rest behind the ring. Use twine to wrap the two pieces vertically and create the classic bow shape. Secure everything with a knot.
Step 4. Add the paperclip
Put the wider end of the paper clip on the back of the bow where you tied the knot. Take the small piece of fabric and wrap it so that the ends meet behind the paper clip. Apply a drop of hot glue to secure the ribbon to the paper clip and center strip of fabric.
Step 5. Use the bookmark
Wait a few minutes for the glue to cool and then use the bookmark by tucking the page into the paper clip. The bow will stick out of the top of the book, so be careful not to damage it.
Method 5 of 7: Magnetic

Step 1. Choose your card
For this project you need thick cardstock - decorated or not, as you like. You can decide to add more paper as an embellishment once the assembly phase is complete.
Step 2. Cut the cardstock to size
Make a strip 5cm wide and 15cm long. Then fold the rectangle in half to make two 5x7.5cm sections.
Step 3. Attach the magnets
Take two small magnets, which you can find at craft stores, and cut them into small 1.5x1.5cm pieces. Glue each piece inside the folded rectangle, one at each end, so that they touch each other.
Step 4. Decorate the bookmark
Add embellishments to the front and back of the card; you can draw some pictures or bring back some phrases you like. If you want to create an eye-catching bookmark, glue on glitter or sequins. Protect the card with a fixing gel to prevent it from bending or the glued elements coming off.

Step 5. Use the bookmark
Insert the page you are reading into the fold of the bookmark with the magnets sticking across the sheet. To prevent it from falling off, place the bookmark near the spine of the book instead of at the edge.
Method 6 of 7: With Glue and Highlighter
Step 1. On a piece of clean plastic or glass, draw a design with the highlighter marker
Step 2. Cover the design with white PVA glue

Step 3. Wait for it to dry
It will take 2 days.
Step 4. Gently peel the glue film off the surface
It should turn out a beautiful glue bookmark decorated with the highlighter.
Method 7 of 7: With Foam Rubber
Step 1. Cut a rectangle of foam rubber that respects the classic measurements of a bookmark

Step 2. Decorate the rectangle as you like
For example, you can add photos of your dog or cat, a friend or a member of your family. Alternatively, you can sew other colored pieces of foam rubber, buttons, ribbons and so on.
Step 3. Add an outline
Make a border with a marker or hem seam.

Step 4. Decorate with a bow
While it's optional, it's still a nice touch.

Step 5. Finished
Use the foam bookmark as often as you like. You can also create more than one as a gift idea.
- You can turn your children's drawings into bookmarks for their bedtime stories.
- If you make more than one bookmark at a time, save time and money by laminating them in one go, with a larger envelope. Secure them with a bit of clear glue and then laminate them all at once.
- If your beads have rather large holes, you will need to tie the ribbon several times to make them sit still.
- If you don't like beaded ribbons you can buy one already made. Tie a small feather to the end of the ribbon, use a plain one, or put no ribbon on.
- You can download many bookmark templates or images from the internet if you prefer a quicker and easier job.
- You can turn old postcards or old invitations into bookmarks.