Kissing a cute boy may sound scary, but it's easier than you think! He'll likely be flattered that you took the initiative (although there are ways to make him believe otherwise). Here's what to do.
Method 1 of 3: Show that you want to be kissed

Step 1. Flirt with him
If you can master the art of flirting discreetly, he might even kiss you (and think it was his idea!). Remember that flirting is about showing your interest in a sexy and engaging way, so don't be afraid to expose yourself a little. Here are some basic techniques you should know:
- You smile. Smile is your best weapon, so use it! When you meet the guy you want to kiss, let him know that you are happy to see him with a small smile. Take it to the next level by smiling at him from across the room like this: meet his gaze, let your face light up in a smile, and look away. He will be charmed.
- Touch it lightly. Find excuses to touch him in fleeting, mild ways, such as gently placing a hand on his arm as he talks or accidentally bumping into him when you walk together.
Give him a sweet compliment. Guys love compliments as much as girls. Focus on a quality of her that you genuinely like - whether it's her eyes, her sense of humor, her hair, and so on - and tell her why you appreciate her. Compliments are usually given by the guy, and doing the opposite will make you stand out in his eyes.
A nice compliment doesn't have to be complicated. If you're in trouble and don't know how to do it, just do this: look him in the eye, say quickly what you want to say ("Did someone tell you you look great with that hair?"), Smile and go on pretending nothing happened. Done

Step 2. Use texting or small talk to your advantage
Don't overdo it and don't text him constantly, but send some nice messages every now and then. If you do it right, he won't be able to stop thinking about you; if you overdo it, he will be annoyed. Here are some guidelines:
- End the conversation early. Don't let the exchange go on to the point that it becomes boring and forced. Instead, get out of the conversation while it's still interesting so that he or she waits with interest for the next time.
- Start a conversation with something other than just hello. Starting off with something specific will give you something to talk about, instead of clumsily asking how it goes. Tell him what you're doing, ask him about his plans for an upcoming event (going dancing, homework, or vacation), or make a joke. Whatever it is, it should be something that invites him to answer you.
- Clear the way for the next interaction before closing the conversation (optional). If you want to "hook him up" for the next time, try to lay the groundwork to resent him in the future. For example, you might say something like "I want to find new songs to recommend tomorrow" or "We should try that new venue sometime!"

Step 3. Look after your appearance
If you want to kiss a guy, you're going to have to improve your appearance a bit. You won't have to completely upset your look, but you can do a few small things to be more attractive. Try to focus on these areas:
- It smells good. Guys (and people in general) are subconsciously attracted to people who smell good. Take at least one shower a day (two if you sweat a lot or get dirty), put on some deodorant, and find a perfume or deodorant that matches your natural smell well. Put some perfume on your wrists, throat and behind your knees. If you want to be even safer, use a scented shower gel and cream.
Show off some luscious lips. Avoid chapped lips by scrubbing them gently with a toothbrush, and then apply lip balm to keep them soft. For some color, try a lip gloss or lipstick.
Avoid using sticky lip glosses. They look good, but they're bad for kissing
- Pay attention to your hair. Most guys won't notice how you styled your hair, they will only notice if it looks good or not. Make an extra effort by taking 5-10 minutes in the morning and try out new hairstyles.

Step 4. Officially break the touch barrier
Even if you've tried some gentle, flirty touches, blatantly breaking the touch barrier can help make your intentions clear. If it responds well to small touches, do more! Here are some classic techniques:
- Sit next to him. If you sit close together on a sofa or in the car, get closer than necessary. If he seems to like it, you are on the right track.
- Try holding his hand. If you see a good chance to take his hand, take it! Or, offer your hand without crossing your arms and fiddling with your fingers.
- Offer a hug. This is a suitable technique when you are leaving or if you are splitting. Lean in to hug him, putting your arms around your neck or shoulders, and hold them for two or three seconds before walking away. Long enough to be intimate, but not to the point that it becomes awkward.

Step 5. Give her opportunities to meet alone
Guys often complain that girls move in packs and it's hard to meet them alone, so help them out! Stay away from your friends, or go out for a moment for some fresh air. If you really want to make sure you are alone, you can always ask him out.
If you are looking to be with him alone, look for opportunities to distance yourself from others. Ask him if he'd like to go out for a while, ask him to walk home together, help him run boring errands, or drop by his house and ask him if he'd like to go out

Step 6. Find a romantic moment
At the right time, an intimate vibe can do half of the work for you and help make him see you in a sexy light. Consider these aspects:
- Try to find yourself alone with him, so that there are no distractions or expectations about what other people may think.
- Don't be afraid of silences. Instead of forcing yourself to chat to bridge any gap in conversation, let it happen. Remember, he can't kiss you if you don't stop talking.
- Make sure you are in places with favorable lighting. There's a reason most kisses don't happen in sunlight: because soft light hides flaws and is more romantic. Sunsets, bonfires, candles, rainy days, and the dim lights of a porch at night can make you look more attractive.
Method 2 of 3: Approaching for the Kiss

Step 1. Break the kiss barrier (optional)
If you're feeling brave, test the situation by kissing him on the cheek the next time you say goodbye. You can probably kiss him on the lips in the future if he seems to like it.
Don't limit yourself to a quick dock. Keep your lips soft and aim the kiss lightly towards the ear or the corner of the mouth. It will receive the message

Step 2. Meet his gaze
Be bold about making eye contact and make eye contact often, especially just before starting a kiss. Not only will looking him in the eye will be romantic, but it will also show your honesty and sincerity.

Step 3. Keep your body language open
Your attitude can make a guy understand a lot about your feelings. Keeping an open posture will make it much easier to approach for a kiss, and when you do, he won't be so surprised. Try these things:
- Don't cross your arms, don't play with your fingers, and don't keep your hands together. If you can't help but fiddle with, put your hands behind your back so that you look open to a front glance.
- Orient your body towards him. If you are standing, keep your toes towards him. If you are sitting, point your knees.
- Cross your ankles instead of your legs. Instead of tightly crossing your legs when sitting, cross your ankles. You will maintain an open, but still sober posture.
- Don't try to hide your nervousness. If you blush, fiddle with your fingers or touch your hair too often, don't worry! Obvious signs of anxiety will tell him that you like him a lot, and he'll probably take it as a compliment.

Step 4. Come closer
Find an excuse to stand or sit next to him, and lean out so his face is inches from yours. When you do, look him in the eye.
- Evaluate his reaction. It should be pretty obvious that you are approaching to kiss him, so watch how he reacts. If he doesn't pull back, you can probably move on.
- Make it even more evident. If you are not sure if he understands, smile slowly and close your eyes - this should be an unmistakable sign that you are about to kiss him.
Method 3 of 3: Kissing Techniques

Step 1. Keep your lips soft and light (in the beginning)
During first contact, lightly brush her lips with yours. Try to hold light pressure and make slow, gentle movements. If he seems to like it, you can move on to the next step.
Avoid keeping your lips together - this is a position reserved for non-romantic kissing, and it could convey the wrong idea

Step 2. Use your hands well
Don't leave your hands still, use them to make the kiss better. Try these moves:
- Place them on her shoulders, hips or chest, or on her cheeks.
- Put your fingers in her hair.
- Use your hands to bring it closer.

Step 3. Change the pace
When you feel more comfortable, you can increase the pressure or speed up the kisses. Keep the kiss interesting by changing intensity and speed, and try to avoid using one technique for too long.

Step 4. Switch to French kissing (optional)
You won't always have to French kiss for a good kiss, but it can make it more romantic. Here's how to get started:
- Open your mouth slightly. Open your lips enough that you can run your tongue through them.
- Slowly run your tongue over her lower lip. Keep the contact short, for no more than a second or two, then retract your tongue. If he's interested, he'll do it too.
- Tilt your head slightly to the side. French kissing is easier if a person's mouth is tilted significantly to the side. This way your noses and teeth won't collide.
- Move your tongue in his mouth with light, quick movements. The secret to a good French kiss is to keep your tongue moving - don't leave it motionless inside his mouth. As with the start of the kiss, try to keep light pressure and gentle movements. Remember, you can always pick up the pace later.

Step 5. Let it want more
Ending the kiss before it gets boring is the best way to end it. If you stop when it's still fun, it will immediately start waiting with anticipation for the next time. Pull back, look him in the eye and smile. Are you done! (Currently.)
- Get carried away by emotions, most people are too nervous or scared during their first kisses. Free your mind and leave room for feelings.
- Don't forget to breathe! Breathe lightly through your nose. Don't risk fainting during your first kiss!
- Guys like kisses: no doubt about it. In some cases, you will need to make the first move to break the awkward silence.
- Remember to close your eyes at first until you feel comfortable.
- Don't do anything you don't want to do. If a guy pressures you to do something you don't want, he's probably not the right one.
- Remember, he's probably just as scared as you are and might be disappointed if he misses an opportunity for the first kiss.
- Follow this first kiss to a kissing session only if that's what you want. Don't feel obligated to do what you think your boyfriend wants, and at the same time don't be afraid to follow your instincts. Do what you want, not anyone else.
- Always stay close to him at all times, don't make him think you don't appreciate his company.
- If he rejects you, try to accept his feelings gracefully.