Getting a kiss can be one of the most difficult challenges you've faced so far. Fortunately, there are many ways to simplify the situation and make it more enjoyable. This article will tell you how to get a 13-year-old boy to kiss you.
Part 1 of 3: Preparing to Receive a Kiss

Step 1. Take care of your physical appearance
If you want a guy to want to kiss you, you need to make him think you are attractive. Remember that even if you want to look your best, you still have to remain yourself, otherwise they won't like you for who you really are.
Dress well. Choose clothes that suit your body and skin tone. Evaluate which colors suit you the most. Remember that you don't need to overdo it to be pretty; the best choice always falls on a simple and feminine look

Step 2. Make your lips look perfect
When the guy you like looks at you, he must feel like kissing them. To have an irresistible mouth, you need to make sure your lips aren't dry or chapped. Start applying lip balm regularly to keep them smooth and hydrated. It's best to avoid bright colored lipsticks or sticky lip glosses to prevent them from ruining your kiss.
- Another way to keep your lips soft and smooth is to exfoliate them using sugar and a damp washcloth.
- Always have lip balm on hand in case you need it.

Step 3. Freshen your breath
If you are about to meet the guy you would like to kiss, brush your teeth thoroughly and rinse your mouth with mouthwash, especially if you ate after you last brushed them. Keep some candies or peppermint chewing gums in your pocket because if things look promising, you may feel the need to freshen your breath again.
- Try offering him one, it might help him sense that you would like to kiss him.
- Don't eat foods with a strong and persistent flavor, such as garlic or onion, before you meet them.
Part 2 of 3: Sending the Right Signals

Step 1. Spend time with him
The first thing to do to get a guy to kiss you is to be friendly and willing. If you're not already friends, introduce yourself and try to talk to him regularly; in this way a deeper relationship will be created, which could give rise to a physical attraction towards you.
Try to chat about light and fun topics. If he considers you pleasant company, he will want to be close to you

Step 2. Send him signals
Maybe the guy you like already wants to kiss you, but isn't sure about your feelings and therefore doesn't have the courage to make the first move. Letting him know you'd like to be kissed might be enough to get him to come forward. Laugh at his jokes, ask him to spend time together, and let him know that you find him cute. Here are some examples of things you might say:
- "You are really funny, I have a lot of fun when I'm with you";
- "I really like the shirt you're wearing, it really fits you."

Step 3. Smile at him whenever you see him or when he says something funny
Make sure you always show off your most seductive smile. Try smiling at him and looking at him provocatively at the same time. This will help him find the courage he needs to kiss you.

Step 4. Make physical contact
Let him know you like it by playfully touching his hand, shoulder, or face. Touching him will make him understand that you would like to be closer to him. When you meet him or before you leave, hold him in a long, tender hug.

Step 5. Make eye contact while chatting
Look for eye contact and, from time to time, move your gaze to his mouth. That way he'll understand that you're fantasizing about kissing him and that you're just waiting for that fantasy to come true. Remember that you don't have to stare at his lips all the time; look him in the eye and occasionally intentionally shift his gaze to his mouth and then back to his eyes as you speak.
Part 3 of 3: Getting Kissed

Step 1. Choose a good place
The location can help make you feel in the right mood to get intimate. Avoid public, crowded, or noisy places where you may feel uncomfortable or pressured. It is best to look for a secluded spot, so it will create the right atmosphere to make your move. Whether you are in the park or anywhere else, make sure you are both safe from prying eyes. The chances of him deciding to kiss you will be much less if someone is watching you.
- Whichever location you choose, make sure you can talk and look at each other freely in order to measure the "chemistry" in the air.
- If you have trouble being alone with him, try asking him; for example, you could say: "I need some fresh air, would you like to take me outside?".

Step 2. Find a good topic to talk about
Tackle different topics to keep her interest high and chat positively. You should prepare a list of topics or questions in advance to avoid running out of ideas. Knowing how to listen is very important, but you must also be able to bewitch him with words.

Step 3. Flirt with him to let him know that you want to kiss him
As you speak, make light physical contact by touching his arm. Make eye contact to appear interested in what she is saying. Smile at him from time to time to let him know you like being around him. Don't be afraid to tease him, tease him lightly, and laugh at his jokes.
Flirt discreetly so as not to risk intimidating him

Step 4. Bring your face close to his
When you want to kiss someone, the hardest part is getting close to their face. By reducing the distance between your lips, he is more likely to find the courage to kiss you.

Step 5. Take the initiative and give him a kiss
If he's not resourceful enough, you may need to make the first move. Make sure you are both happy and carefree and smile at him before approaching him to let him know that you are well disposed towards him. Look him in the eye for a moment, smile, then move your gaze to his mouth. If he stays still, come closer and gently place your lips on his.
- Always keep some minty-flavored candy or chewing gum in your pocket. You cannot predict exactly when the fateful moment will come.
- Make sure your lips, facial skin, and hair are soft and hydrated. It is not pleasant to kiss a cracked mouth.
- If he tells you you got too close, respect his boundaries.
- If he doesn't kiss you, accept that maybe it's just not the right time, but that it could happen in the future.
- Make sure he is single to avoid complications.
- Just say "So do you want to kiss me or not?" it is inappropriate, you could scare him and make him run away.
- If you've just met, don't tell him all your "romantic fantasies" right away or you'll end up scaring him.