Have you ever wondered if it is possible for a man to respect you for who you are and what you do? No fear! Below you will find some simple tips that will help you win that well-deserved respect from men: this way work, hobbies and daily relationships will be easier and free from stress.

Step 1. First, respect yourself
Respect your being and your femininity. Self-respect comes in many forms, the most talkative and obvious of which is the way you dress. A man will never care about what you have to say or your interests if he is too distracted by your cleavage or skinny jeans. It is one thing to be subtly sensual; it is quite another matter to appear vulgar and prone to promiscuity. Get it into your head that men are bombarded on a daily basis with images that transform women into sexual objects: TV, magazines, shop windows, attacks come from all directions. If you really want to be heard by the men in front of you, try to look attractive and sensual with a look that doesn't suggest you're ready to slip it off in a snap of your fingers.

Step 2. Be competitive
Men are usually hard workers and appreciate some healthy competition in the workplace; if someone gives them satisfaction on this issue, they will certainly earn extra points in their eyes. If you are passionate about hobbies that put a strain on the body - such as free climbing, swimming, basketball, jogging or cycling - share them with him. Of course, we're not talking about finding a man to take you to bed; Over time, the attraction happens and certainly this is a more than legitimate technique of seduction - however, the purpose of this article is to be taken seriously by friends, colleagues and acquaintances. When you participate in the aforementioned activities with one or more men, therefore, make sure you give your best and put all the effort required. Even if you are not well versed in any particular sport or hobby, if men see you open to new challenges and put your best into anything, then you will earn their respect. Try and try again without getting discouraged, understand what works and what doesn't; only in this way will you find your balance in the group and feel at ease with yourself and with men. This discourse is applicable to the workplace, school, hobbies, social gatherings, etc.

Step 3. Be motivated and confident
In addition to enjoying some friendly competition, a woman must demonstrate that she has a purpose in life. If you go around always downcast, frowning and moaning, no man will take you seriously other than consider yourself seriously unhappy. Also, if you have a hobby you enjoy, talk about it and share it at appropriate times. Do you have children? Talk with a smile about their latest school achievements and show real pride. If you see them interested, discuss any new production ideas you have come up with or something creative. Are you working on a new art article? Writing a poem? Are you about to graduate? Are you attending a new yoga class? If you talk enthusiastically, smiling and laughing, about what's going on in your life, men will see you confident, motivated, and take you seriously. Keep in mind that the chances for the success of this technique are inversely proportional to your volatility. If you are someone who changes degree programs, hobbies, etc. as often as you change socks; if you always show yourself undecided about what you want from life - well, that won't make a good impression on anyone, not just men.

Step 4. Make sure you pursue your ambitions
In addition to cultivating your self-esteem, feeling confident, motivated and competitive, you must subject every aspect of your life to a careful analysis and ask yourself: "Why am I doing this?". If you are doing something just to impress a man, or men in general, then you are doing it for the wrong reason. Trust your instincts; only you can make decisions about your life and decide in which direction to move. And no one else.

Step 5. Be smart and speak with language properties
While the above tips can apply to anyone's life, one of the key factors in being successfully taken seriously by men is showing yourself to be intelligent and able to speak correctly and with knowledge of the facts. Your way of speaking reveals yourself to others (and here self-esteem and confidence come back into play). Proper tone and grammar, as well as the frequency with which you speak, make the difference between success and failure in the workplace, in a group of new acquaintances and in recreational activities. Although each woman has her own unique voice (high, low, delicate, etc.), it is important to keep in mind that you will be judged on the basis of your gab, the emphasis you place on words and the sound of your laughter. Record your voice to improve the way you present yourself to other people. If you let your voice fail at the end of a sentence, you are holding back on your own in getting a job you would like or in conveying an important message. The practice of body language (proxemics) is just as important as the exercise in the gab. By the way, having to learn how to say things properly implies that you obviously have something really interesting to say. There are many ways to grow your culture - graduate, for example. Also, try to watch educational programs, read books, and keep up with the latest news. Likewise, going to the movies, playing video games and mastering sports terminology are other ways to make your conversation multifaceted and multifaceted. A woman educated in various fields has a better chance of being taken seriously by men (and other women) than a woman whose cognitive world is limited to the latest perfume brands launched by Hollywood stars.

Step 6. Take care of yourself
Proper hairstyle, impeccable personal hygiene, good physical shape, and regular medical check-ups are the ingredients of thoughtful self-care. Appearance matters, and being taken seriously implies that you put some effort into how you look. As mentioned earlier, dressing provocatively does not convey the correct message. As a general rule, to check that your clothing is appropriate for the workplace or for an interview, do the "bow test". If, bending over to grab your toes, you see too much breasts appear from the neckline or your skirt rises dangerously on the backside, there is a good chance that you are not in an outfit suitable for the work environment. If even the smallest doubt about it should come your way, don't tempt fate. Your reputation is much more important than looking beautiful or stylish if it's a business meeting that awaits you on the doorstep. Makeup is a rather controversial field: is it better to wear it or not? It is a subject subject to personal theories. Many sources claim that men prefer women with little, if any, makeup. However, some women feel more confident with makeup in place. As a general advice, I will limit myself to remembering that the important thing is the message you want to convey - deep dark circles at 8 in the morning or an eye contour painted right with a corrector, in a natural / golden shade, are aspects that send two very distinct messages. There are many online tutorials that will allow you to choose the right look for every situation, from the office to evenings out. Temptalia.com, for example, is a great makeup site to turn to.

Step 7. Love yourself
Compared to anything else, being taken seriously by men can be an exhausting undertaking. It is a sad fact of life that many women are not comfortable with themselves, whatever they do or try to do. In a society divided on how women should live their lives - independent thinkers or helpless creatures to care for? - the responsibilities of a woman of our time are daunting. The struggle to be heard and taken seriously, not only by men but also by other women, is very hard. However, if you truly love who you are and what you do, over time you will understand what your role is in the world and how to be successful. The advice I have given you is just a small and simple guide on how to make things a little easier for you along the way.
- Be careful when you talk about your successes and satisfactions to other people. Self-confident and motivated women are often seen as a threat by other women. Choose your friends carefully and tell the difficulties and failures only to the small circle of confidants and family members you can trust. Jealousy can make people say and do terrible things towards others, so it's always best to be on your guard until you feel confident in your interlocutors.
- Being successful and being taken seriously has a price. Accept that not all men will respond favorably to your personality and to your efforts to gain a place in this world. You will be called a "bitch", or worse, on occasion and sometimes you won't be able to do anything about it, even with all the best intentions in the world on your side.
- Flirting and flirting are natural actions that happen between men and women. When two people share the same hopes and ambitions, take pleasure in dialogue and common competition, it can happen that a romantic feeling arises. But remember to put your goals, your work, your reputation and self-esteem first. Carefully weigh the consequences of your actions before jumping into them headlong. Being taken seriously requires self-control; if you can prove that you have it to anyone you meet, you will feel more confident in your abilities, you will understand what your limits are and you will know what you are worth as a person.