Do people ignore what you say and don't take you seriously? Do you want them to finally treat you like the mature person you are? Read the tips below to get everyone to listen to you.
Method 1 of 4: In General Situations

Step 1. Make eye contact with people when you talk to them
This will let them know that you are serious and involved in the conversation. Not only will you communicate that you are talking to them, but you will also be able to find a connection with them. Looking at their faces, you can see their facial expressions and their reactions to what you are saying. If you don't, they probably won't look at you either and get distracted.

Step 2. Speak clearly
Say what you need to say and get straight to the point. Learn when it's not time to dwell on the details, because it is easier for the listener to pay attention if you speak simply. Speak out loud! Don't grumble and don't speak too fast or slow.

Step 3. Don't always try to make a joke
When appropriate, enjoy yourself. But if you always treat matters jokingly, how do you expect to be taken seriously? Learn to recognize the right situation for a joke, but stay serious most of the time.
Step 4. Avoid hyperbole
A hyperbole is an exaggeration to achieve a dramatic effect. This is something very common in our dialogues. An example would be describing something as huge, when in reality it was just big. If you use hyperbole too often, people will start to think that you overdo it every time and they won't take your words seriously.
Step 5. Dress for success
Take care of your appearance by taking care of your hygiene and keeping your hair and clothing presentable. This way you will avoid looking scruffy, uninterested or lazy. You don't have to look ready for a business meeting (unless that's what you need to do), but you should give the impression that you've been wearing something nice.
Step 6. Maintain your reputation
If you want to be taken seriously, don't do things that discredit you in people's eyes. Avoid drinking, using drugs or committing crimes in public and making bad choices…
Method 2 of 4: Family-Friendly
Step 1. Motivate your actions
If you really want to do something, but your family disagrees with you or doesn't think your intentions are serious, you will need to explain exactly your logic, and the specific reason you want to do that thing. If you can, show them why the alternative would be worse.
Step 2. Work hard
Show your family that you mean business by working hard and putting your heart into what you do. This will help you win their respect and get them taken seriously. They will also have to SEE YOU working hard, so give them opportunities to see what you do well.
Step 3. Keep your promises
If you have told a family member that you will do something, you will need to respect your word. If you are seen as a person who makes false promises, no one will take you seriously.

Step 4. Tell the truth
If you're always lying, people won't believe you. They won't waste time with you because they can't trust you. Your family members will be particularly good at knowing when you are lying so avoid losing their trust.
Method 3 of 4: During a Quarrel
Step 1. Don't lose your cool
When discussing with someone, stay calm and speak in a neutral tone. Don't get hot. You would give the impression that you are unable to think clearly, or list a list of predefined topics, instead of really thinking about the matter.
Step 2. Present evidence
Bring solid (not anecdotal!) Evidence to support the arguments you put forward. You will not be able to use examples that are often questioned, such as the Bible. It should be indisputable by anyone, regardless of their personal beliefs or opinions. You will be able to use less solid evidence, but you will not be able to get yourself taken seriously as effectively.
Step 3. Explain your reasoning
When you come to a conclusion, you will need to explain it and illustrate the path that led you to it to the person you are arguing with. This will highlight your thought process and help your interlocutor understand your ideas better.
Step 4. Avoid logical errors and false equivalences
Be careful not to make the wrong statements because you are using the wrong point of view or because you are using evidence that is not true evidence. Try to take a step back and look at the matter from another perspective.
- An example of a logical fallacy is to say that if something is true in a case, it is always true.
- Another common mistake is to attack the person instead of his position.
- An example of false equivalence would be to argue that anti-rape measures are unnecessary because men are also raped.
Method 4 of 4: At work

Step 1. Be serious
If you really want people to take you seriously, you need to behave appropriately. Make sure you are ready to do your job and do it best. Don't waste all your time making jokes and not committing yourself. Instead, behave like a responsible adult. Make a straight face and get to work!
Don't make too many jokes about yourself and don't use self-irony too much. People won't think you're serious

Step 2. Be firm
When you talk to someone, say their name, look them in the eye, and make sure they understand that you are talking to them and that you want them to listen to you. Try to put your full attention into what you are saying or doing to communicate its importance.

Step 3. Be confident and determined
When you make a decision - pursue it. When you decide to do something, do it. When you decide to say something, say it! Try your hardest and when you start, make sure you get your task done and do it with good results. Be happy about yourself and what you do. If people provoke you and find ways to make you give in to their decisions, they won't always take you seriously.
Step 4. Take Your Responsibilities
This means accepting responsibility for being wrong (instead of blaming someone else), but it also means that you should seek accountability. Offer to do more work, without expecting a reward. Try to find ways to do things better, more efficiently, or find problems that no one else has noticed. This will show your boss and colleagues that you are serious.
- Say what you think and think about what you say.
- It can help to be read and know what you are talking about.
- Be yourself.
- Think about your decisions before making them.
- Try not to worry about what other people say.
- Smile when necessary, but not too much. If you smile, you may not be taken seriously or may appear to be lying.
- Put yourself in someone else's shoes and think about how you would see yourself from the outside.
- Don't linger on a topic for too long.
Don't try to change in one day.
You won't be able to change your personality and reputation in such a short time. Set this long-term goal and be proud of yourself when you notice progress.
- Behave naturally or you may seem silly rather than serious.