How to Stop Being Stubborn: 6 Steps

How to Stop Being Stubborn: 6 Steps
How to Stop Being Stubborn: 6 Steps

Table of contents:


Being stubborn can ruin your existence if you don't learn to set limits. Sometimes it is important to defend one's position, but it is also important to find a compromise, cooperate and collaborate. If it seems to you that everything revolves around you when you stand up and refuse to give in, then maybe it's time to realize that your requests are too pretentious and are cutting you off from activities, friendships and maybe even excellent job prospects. Time to change and take responsibility for your stubbornness; smooth it with the knowledge that we all have to live together and very often none of us is not perfect, nor is it right..


Stop Being Stubborn Step 1
Stop Being Stubborn Step 1

Step 1. Listen to the other bell

Listening to the other version of the story, you may agree with certain aspects and disagree with others. This at least will give you the opportunity to listen to things that you would not have heard before, and allows you and the other person to find a sort of agreement, making things easier for everyone and maybe even making a friendship.

Stop Being Stubborn Step 2
Stop Being Stubborn Step 2

Step 2. Remind yourself that you are not always right

As you listen to someone, you may think they are talking nonsense because you heard the right version. Remember that you may not have heard the right version and the other person may be right. And your opinion is not the only one that matters, and your knowledge is not necessarily correct either. You have to accept that you learn something new every day, even if it replaces something you thought you already knew.

Stop Being Stubborn Step 3
Stop Being Stubborn Step 3

Step 3. Trust others, not just yourself

As we have already said, you are not always right. Others are not as selfish as you think. They won't take advantage of you the moment you let your guard down and stop fighting for your goals. For those who do, you notice them right away and you can distance yourself from them, reminding yourself that for what matters, you have done your part, and at least you have tried.

Stop Being Stubborn Step 4
Stop Being Stubborn Step 4

Step 4. Be open minded

Don't be prejudiced and don't judge others. Enter every discussion and situation with an open and positive attitude, which allows you to re-evaluate and consider the opinions of others before making hasty decisions on the wave of the first impression.

Stop Being Stubborn Step 5
Stop Being Stubborn Step 5

Step 5. Be humble

Don't always value others less than yourself. We are all equal. It's okay to be confident, have good, healthy self-esteem, but overdoing it can make you appear stubborn and dull, not to add snobbish, self-centered, and downright mean.

Stop Being Stubborn Step 6
Stop Being Stubborn Step 6

Step 6. Realize that being stubborn is good sometimes

When you know you are right, you are defending a person you love and in case you have to decide, and the consequences would fall on your shoulders, then you are right to be stubborn. These situations can happen at any time and you won't always know how to react, but it's better to follow your instincts and be strong.


  • Listen and respect others. But stand up for your opinion.
  • Accept that you can't always be right.
  • Accept advice.
  • Learn to recognize that you may sometimes hurt others when you shut them up.
  • Respect the beliefs of others like yours.
  • Love and let yourself be loved.
  • Change your attitude and habits.
  • Selfishness leads to stubbornness and vice versa. Remember this and realize that selfishness could be your problem.
  • Don't brag.
  • Get in the habit of apologizing if you hurt someone or tried to defend a wrong cause.
