How to Stop Being in a Bad Mood: 4 Steps

How to Stop Being in a Bad Mood: 4 Steps
How to Stop Being in a Bad Mood: 4 Steps

Table of contents:


Have you ever wondered how other people are happier, more energetic and funnier than you? Do you want to stop taking your life so seriously and brooding over your problems? Then read the following steps, this article is perfect for you!


Stop Being Moody Step 1
Stop Being Moody Step 1

Step 1. Stop thinking about your problems

Even though it is very difficult to escape from bad memories and regrets, you still have to try. Think of these events as happy moments. Try to do fun activities with cheerful people and don't think about negative things.

Stop Being Moody Step 2
Stop Being Moody Step 2

Step 2. Stop locking yourself in with your iPod or MP3 player and hide

If you want to be happy, don't lock yourself in your room or hole up in a corner listening to sad music that makes you cry about the bad course of your life. All of this isn't useful at all, really. Spend a whole day without listening to music. Rather, hang out with friends and work on your social life, it will help you in the future. If really Not you can give up the music, put the earphone only in one ear to still be able to appreciate the good moments in life - from which you are temporarily estranged - and to be able to live in the present. Remember to listen to cheerful and positive music!

Stop Being Moody Step 3
Stop Being Moody Step 3

Step 3. Remember that being positive is just an attitude

Even if you think the end of the world has come and your life is completely ruined, that's not the case. It's just your negative thinking! If you are the thoughtful type, think seriously about the cause of your worries. Look inside and find the cause of your bad mood. In the morning, do something that makes you appreciate life - for example, watch the sunrise, go for an early morning jog near the lake, etc. Think only positive things and don't give never your life for granted.

Stop Being Moody Step 4
Stop Being Moody Step 4

Step 4. Do activities that make you happy, focus on positive thoughts, and hang out with happy people

Happiness is usually contagious; if you are with a happy person, you are more likely to be too. If your mind keeps thinking about your problems, fill your day. Go to the library and get lots of books, exercise and go to the gym, start a new hobby… anything that makes you very tired! From the moment you are engaged, you will be fully immersed in your business and put your worries aside. To feel happy, do stupid things that allow you to laugh at yourself. Relax and don't force yourself to laugh, but take some time alone to do things out of the ordinary. If you feel like it, pretend to be a singer at his concert, turn your room into an arena! Sing, dance, act and so on. Laugh, smile, wink, flirt - try anything that makes you bend over and cry with laughter.


  • Live in the present! Don't pull out a lot of past memories and don't plan too far into the future. Always remember: the past is the premise of the present and the future depends on the present. Every move, every action today makes sense, so do it right.
  • Always remember that it is a question of attitude And mentality and that the current situation Not it has to do with it. No one would ever put you in a situation you can't escape from, no matter how different you think at the moment. Don't do activities that remind you how sad, unhappy, guilty, or regretful you are. Make sure that nothing you bring yourself down.
  • Stop for a moment to appreciate life. Don't take anything for granted, so remember to savor it.
  • Find someone you can help. Whether it's a neighbor, a friend, or just smiling at a stranger. It is more rewarding to receive than to give.


  • Remember not to force happiness. It should come from within. What's the point of pretending to be happy when you're not? You will still feel more confused than before.
  • Make sure your happiness is real. If you're just pretending to make others happy, or yourself, you're just trying to convince yourself of something that's not true.
