How to Find Out Who You Are (with Pictures)

How to Find Out Who You Are (with Pictures)
How to Find Out Who You Are (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Who I am? While this is certainly not an uncommon question, the answer is not simple. People change, grow and adapt to the environment around them. Therefore, take action to understand who you are (and are not). Later, become aware of your thoughts, since your actions are born from them. Keep discovering yourself: After all, you can't stop growing and changing.


Part 1 of 3: Take action

Figure Out Who You Are Step 1
Figure Out Who You Are Step 1

Step 1. Consider the sides to improve

Make a list of the qualities you want to perfect. It could be anything from increasing your listening skills to ignoring others' judgment of you. Even if these advances don't happen instantaneously, by engaging in your change you will be able to understand who you already are.

Many times, when we are aware of something, we begin to change simply by paying attention to that thing. Try not to make an exaggerated change quickly, otherwise you will feel overwhelmed and will be led to give up. The only person who can change you is you, and if you really want to, you can do it

Figure Out Who You Are Step 2
Figure Out Who You Are Step 2

Step 2. Get help from people you trust

Reach out to your closest friends, asking for their opinion on your strengths and sides to improve. Try to find help from those who truly know you and who can give you a constructive and positive opinion that cannot hurt you. This probably won't tell you who you really are, but at least it will make you understand how others see you.

Figure Out Who You Are Step 3
Figure Out Who You Are Step 3

Step 3. Find time for yourself

Schedule moments to be alone, especially if you are always busy between work, school and friends. If your schedule is too full, try canceling out the things that don't really matter, then spend those hours discovering yourself. Prioritize yourself rather than less relevant social commitments.

You don't necessarily have to spend the time you dedicate to yourself meditating or reflecting. You can also discover something new about yourself while watching your favorite movie or exercising that is not too intense

Figure Out Who You Are Step 4
Figure Out Who You Are Step 4

Step 4. Start small

Once you have identified the sides to improve and how you intend to change them, proceed. Keep a diary about your change, look for various solutions, come up with a plan. Make small changes every day and see how your new "me" develops.

Journaling can make you more responsible to yourself, reduce stress, and help make useful changes. Try to write at least 20 minutes a day so as not to lose sight of your purpose

Figure Out Who You Are Step 5
Figure Out Who You Are Step 5

Step 5. Try to express yourself through art

You may think you are the least creative person on the planet, but you've probably never given yourself a chance. Write a poem. Sketch a picture of what you see from the window. Take a painting, pottery, or acting class. Hang out with creative people and find out if you can learn anything. Art will take you out of your comfort zone and lead you to live completely new experiences that will surprise, inspire you and excite you.

Don't worry if your paintings don't look like Picasso's masterpieces. The important thing is to examine who you are and make the most of yourself. You may find that you really care about something in particular, such as a family member, a place from your childhood, or what you want to become

Figure Out Who You Are Step 6
Figure Out Who You Are Step 6

Step 6. Test yourself

Do something you wouldn't normally do because you're scared or intimidated by it. Don't let obstacles stop you. Instead, start with small challenges and gradually increase the difficulty. You may find that you are more determined than you thought and that you are talented at what you do.

For example, try joining a new group of people and making new friends, sign up for a 10km marathon even if you've never run more than 4 without stopping, or see how long you can last without consulting your profile. Facebook

Figure Out Who You Are Step 7
Figure Out Who You Are Step 7

Step 7. Spend time with people other than yourself

You will learn more about yourself if people question your beliefs, offering you new perspectives. Don't see it as if you had to eliminate the friends with whom you share certain values: you just need to find people who can stimulate you, who live life differently, who are spontaneous and surprising.

Spending time with these kinds of people will make you more likely to discover new things and get closer to the truest part of you, rather than just reproducing what you see around you

Part 2 of 3: Be Aware of Your Thoughts

Figure Out Who You Are Step 8
Figure Out Who You Are Step 8

Step 1. Record your thoughts in a journal

Write down what you think regularly at the end of each day, when you feel upset or inspired, or for any other reason. Make sure you add your feelings about the life you lead, what your goals are, and what your questions about the future.

When you feel lost, you can re-read the diary and go in search of the truest part of you. What thoughts are you worried about? What recurring patterns can you recognize? Reread your words - they will help you discover something new and act accordingly

Figure Out Who You Are Step 9
Figure Out Who You Are Step 9

Step 2. Don't try to be perfect

Often perfection is an ideal that we impose on ourselves, but it risks making us dissatisfied if we base our happiness on this concept of impeccability. It is much healthier to accept yourself: you may find that you are much happier and more honest with yourself by adopting an attitude of self-acceptance.

You will likely realize that you want to become a more organized person, but also that you are a loyal friend, able to listen to others

Figure Out Who You Are Step 10
Figure Out Who You Are Step 10

Step 3. Work on finding your identity

Identity is a complex factor. Often impulsive people do not respect who they really are. Every now and then, honestly ask yourself who you are. For example, you could call yourself a father, a son, an accountant, a person who passionately takes care of his family and who behaves correctly. Over time you can change, as a result of life experiences or awareness acquired through your studies.

Does what you think, feel and do reflect who you really are? If not, make changes to be true to yourself

Figure Out Who You Are Step 11
Figure Out Who You Are Step 11

Step 4. Make a list of your priorities

You should include what matters most to you. Place the various items in order of importance. Understanding the things you care about most will help you distinguish what can really make your life happier and more fulfilled. So, take the time to write this list. It might surprise you.

Some things you might care about are friends, family, studies, classes, work, or learning a skill. Consider the value those factors or people add to your life. Spend more time including them in your existence

Figure Out Who You Are Step 12
Figure Out Who You Are Step 12

Step 5. Take responsibility for your actions

It's easy to blame others for your failures or setbacks. However, once you agree to take control of your destiny, recognizing that you are solely responsible for your failures, you will be able to make the changes to improve your life.

Try to take responsibility for your goals as well. Your accomplishments, whether it's a victory in the national tennis championship or learning a self-taught language, are the result of your grit and personal ambition

Figure Out Who You Are Step 13
Figure Out Who You Are Step 13

Step 6. Honor your person

Pay homage to who you really are. Remember that you are unique and that you deserve love and attention. Give yourself the care you think you really deserve. Make a list of the sides you love about your personality. Look in the mirror and smile. Accept that you are not perfect and love yourself for who you are.

Remember that if we were all perfect and the same, life would be pretty boring. Accept your peculiarities and emphasize them if you can

Part 3 of 3: Continue the Analysis

Figure Out Who You Are Step 14
Figure Out Who You Are Step 14

Step 1. Make a list of the 100 things you want to accomplish

What you do affects your personality, so write it down and find out what you can deduce from it. See what unites the items written in your list and come up with a plan to achieve as many goals as you can. Some of the items listed may be completely unlikely and you may never be able to complete them, but they will help you understand what really gets you excited.

By writing down your goals, you will be much more likely to bring them to fruition. Don't be afraid to change your list as your personality evolves

Figure Out Who You Are Step 15
Figure Out Who You Are Step 15

Step 2. Work on your self-confidence

Building your confidence is an ongoing challenge, but if you pay attention to achieving your goals gradually, you will be able to strengthen your confidence and perhaps your self-esteem. If you are sure of yourself, you will know how to test yourself and, finally, you will be able to grow personally.

If you have a hard time trusting yourself, stop making comparisons with others, appreciate your successes, and set realistic goals in your life

Figure Out Who You Are Step 16
Figure Out Who You Are Step 16

Step 3. Don't think about it too much

The search for the real part of you is lifelong, so don't feel discouraged if you can't get answers in a matter of days, months, or years. Pause to slow down - you may notice something important that you missed by moving too fast.

You may find sudden inspiration even just by standing still. A new image, idea or goal may come to your mind as you watch the steam rising from a cup of tea

Figure Out Who You Are Step 17
Figure Out Who You Are Step 17

Step 4. Daydream

Free your mind. Look out the window or close your eyes and watch your thoughts arrive. By letting your mind wander the way it wants, rather than forcing it to follow predictable paths, you can surprise yourself and even learn about your expectations and dreams.

If, on the one hand, daydreaming relaxes you, on the other it also offers you the opportunity to discover yourself more creative and fertile with ideas

Figure Out Who You Are Step 18
Figure Out Who You Are Step 18

Step 5. Ask yourself questions

You may believe that all your beliefs are set in stone, but take a moment to step back and reflect on why you believe they are your way of thinking. Constantly try to ask yourself questions - they will help you develop your curiosity. And if you are curious about yourself, you will be able to better understand who you are.

Think about where your ideas come from. Did you form them after years of research and experience, or maybe you were influenced by the people and the environment that accompanied your growth? In all likelihood, it is a combination of both, and it is important that you are able to accept this


  • Be true to yourself. Do not change to adapt to people and do not make comparisons between yourself and others.
  • Follow your morals and what you believe in. Don't let someone else tell you how to think or what to feel.
