If you are a middle school girl and all you want is to "integrate", this is the article for you. But don't forget that it will also help you stand out thanks to your grades!

Step 1. Before you begin, read the Tips and Warnings sections
And remember these things too:
- Popularity depends on how you treat others, how you are treated and the circumstances in common.
- How you do it depends on your school, the number of kids your age and the kids who want to meet you.
Method 1 of 3: Look Fabulous

Step 1. You must have great hair
To get them, you need a good shampoo and conditioner. You also need a cut that is easy to manage and that highlights the face.
- Excellent brands that girls usually use are: Herbal Essences, Garnier, Pantene.
- Try to make your hair dry without heat and keep it as natural as possible. This way you won't harm them.
- Rinse your hair with warm water to clean it and with cold water to make it shiny.
- For a special occasion you can use a straightener or a curling iron. But be careful not to burn yourself (I speak from experience, it can happen)!
- For every day, you have a lot of options. You can bring them natural and curly. You can do some braids or go to the hairdresser to straighten them or have a perm.

Step 2. Remove unwanted hair
This is a personal choice. You are young, and you shouldn't feel the need to shave to fit in. It's your choice. However, you may be more confident knowing that your legs are smooth. If it doesn't make you feel comfortable, skip this step. Remember: once you start shaving a part of your body, the hair will be harder and blacker again. Some may notice this, others may make fun of you. So, don't shave unless you actually need it.
- Shave your legs. If you've never done this before, get help from your mom or older sister. You need a razor, hair removal gel and patience. Shave slowly and take your time. You can also use hair removal strips or cream.
- Shave your armpits. Shave your armpits the same way as your legs. Make sure the razor is not too sharp or dull, and that you have plenty of hair removal gel available.
- Pluck out or pluck your eyebrows. It is better to go to the beautician and ask for a wax on the eyebrows and then pluck them when they start to grow again. Never do your eyebrows yourself, and if you use tweezers get help from your mother or sister.
- Tear or shave the upper lip mustache. Again, it is better to go to the beautician and ask for a complete facial wax or just the upper lip. Otherwise, take tweezers and pull out the hairs. But if you are 15 or younger, we don't recommend it.

Step 3. Put your makeup on
Since you're only in middle school, you don't need tons of make-up. Foundation, eyeshadow, mascara and gloss are all you need. Go easy on the application and try to keep a natural look, but make-up can brighten and enhance the face. But in most schools, it's not the trick that makes you more or less popular. Here are some tips for getting a fresh, age-appropriate look:
- Always wash your face and use a moisturizer before putting on makeup.
- Make sure the foundation is right for your skin color. So you won't look as pale as a vampire or orange. Blend it well on the skin.
- Some girls love to use liquid eyeliner for a more "dramatic" look. If you like it too, don't overdo it. A pencil or powder eyeliner will give you a more natural look. If you want one that lasts all day, you can try the gel one. Liquid eyeliner does not last a whole day.
- Choose light colored eyeshadows.
- Ask your parents if you can use an eyelash curler to highlight the eyes when applying mascara.
- For mascara, you have a lot of options. You can use it black, brown or white or you can "dare" and choose other colors.
- Use various glosses. Try to have them in both light colors and bolder colors.
- Changing your make-up is a good idea, but don't wear the same make-up every day. If you use special eye makeup, leave your lips natural. Conversely, if you emphasize the lips, use a lighter make-up on the eyes. Some girls go to a makeup artist or ask their mothers and sisters for advice. Whatever you decide, remember that it is essential to feel comfortable. If you are not relaxed, how can those around you relax?
Method 2 of 3: Having Aesthetic Sense

Step 1. All you need to have a popular wardrobe are clothes that express your unique style
Pay attention to what popular girls wear and where they shop.

Step 2. Wear your clothes with confidence and style
Dress fashionably, but don't wear something just because "everyone wears it". Be original, not a clone.
- If your school doesn't have a dress code, wear unique and trendy clothes, but nothing too crazy or weird.
- Otherwise, if you have a dress code to follow, try to manipulate it and stay on the edge of the rules to customize your look to the maximum and stand out. Be careful not to get in trouble though.
- When choosing trousers or jeans, make sure they are the right size. The back pockets should not fall too wide on the upper legs.
- The neon, black and white colors are sure to make you stand out from the crowd in the hallways.
- You can shop at Nordstrom, Zappos, second-hand clothing stores and boutiques. Shop in many stores for a large assortment of sizes and styles. He also wears common brands, such as Abercrombie or Hollister for example.

Step 3. As accessories you can opt for sparkly bracelets, cute hoop earrings, colorful and sparkly rings and so on

Step 4. Buy a great backpack or school bag and wear it with confidence
Choose one that expresses your personality.
Shoulder bags, postman bags or tote bags are cute and stylish
Method 3 of 3: Be Noticed

Step 1. Get involved:
get noticed! How can you be popular if nobody knows who you are? Say hello to someone in the hallways, sit with new people at the canteen. Promise yourself that you will meet new people every day. When you meet someone new, also try to get to know them better. It is not enough to just show up.
If you think talking to a particular person would make you less popular, don't gossip about her / him. Treat her like an ordinary person.
Whispering something about them into a popular girl's ear just makes it clear that you're talking about them, it doesn't make you better or worse. (Incidentally: such a thing doesn't usually make you more or less popular, so why do that?). Although the first few times you gossip like that it might make them feel bad, they might react by ignoring you, telling an adult (if that becomes a problem), teasing you with their friends or worse, saying something like, "You know, not. it's good what you do. How would you feel if someone did it to you? "or something like that. And that way they WILL WIN by showing you that you have no right to hurt a person, in any way

Step 2. Believe in yourself
Remember that shy girls usually don't attract attention, and if you don't believe in yourself you could be an all too easy target for bullies.

Step 3. Be sociable, and try to get to know as many people as possible
Ask for the phone number when you meet someone, in that way you can text and it will be easier to build a friendship.

Step 4. Be nice to everyone
No matter how annoying a person is, you should still be nice. This doesn't mean going out with nerds every day, but you want them to look for you, right? That way they will remember you.

Step 5. Smile everyone
Show the world that you are a fabulous, sunny and super positive person.

Step 6. If you have a talent that doesn't require too much effort, share it
For example: if there is a piano in a room and no one is using it, attract everyone's attention by playing that beautiful piece by Mozart (or any musician).
If you excel in a sport, you could join the team of the school (if any), or of your city. You will meet people who have things in common with you. If you are a funny person, you might make jokes off the court. And once it's your turn to beat, or play, it's the best, most exciting time. Charm the audience and get the show started, where you are the star

Step 7. Be yourself
Yes, it is well known, but it is true. Don't force yourself to dress in a way you don't like. If you are not yourself, you will attract people who have nothing to do with you. Don't pretend you like something you don't actually love, or pretend you're friends with people you don't like. By pretending to be someone you are not, you will sink deeper and deeper into a whirlwind of lies and self-loathing. Not right away, but it will happen.

Step 8. Treat others as you would like to be treated
This too is well known, but always relevant. If you are rude or mean, others will behave in the same horrible way to you. The only way not to be at the center of the gossip is not to gossip. Have you ever heard the saying point a finger, and you'll find yourself three pointing at you?. Nobody will like you if you are not nice. Being popular doesn't mean you're a snobby blonde cheerleader. It means having people who like you for who you are. br>

Step 9. Be funny, but not weird
Being particular is not bad, but if you exaggerate they will think that you are not quite right; be unique, genuine and appropriate. Being spontaneous is always fine (but don't overdo it). If you don't know how to be funny, go online and find some jokes. But don't get in trouble. Be yourself! Be nice to people who treat you badly too. You may even become friends eventually.

Step 10. Show yourself
How can you be popular if you're not there? We all have bad days, get sick or just don't want to go to school. Try to show yourself as much as possible! This will give you a chance to socialize more and have more time to get noticed. Don't skip school even if you hate it. Once you have your own group of friends, you will have no reason to skip school, because you WILL WANT to see your friends. Don't leave them alone in class without you.

Step 11. Be a loyal friend
If you have friends, don't ignore them, or don't do other cruel things. You may be popular, but you will lose good friends along the way. They will love you for who you are. Don't be presumptuous! Make sure both you and your friends are popular (they will certainly appreciate it). That way you won't lose any friends around you.

Step 12. Try to be the leader
Make sure you are a good example.
- Try to be feminine (no swearing, arguments, etc.)
- Don't be afraid to express your opinion. If you disagree, don't pretend to be because everyone else is. Express your disagreement (in a polite and pleasant way, without arguing). You will gain respect for sharing your opinion about it and someone may even agree with you.
- You can also be a leader in physical education hours. All you have to do is get involved and buy quality sports clothing and shoes.
- Fundamental: think with your head!

Step 13. After you get noticed (basically when everyone knows you), you can start bonding with the clique of the most popular guys, as it could help you get some fame
It would make you more popular by association. One way to make yourself known to popular girls is to hang out with popular guys, but that's not always a good move. If the popular girl clique doesn't love you, it's perfect. You can be famous even if they wouldn't give you the opportunity. You become popular when you are accepted (i.e. when you get attention from others).

Step 14. Don't forget your old friends, too, and they're not popular
They have been there since the beginning. You could befriend their older brothers.
Plus, you might even befriend popular kids older than you. People will think that you are quite special to talk to the older ones. And you will get noticed more

Step 15. Buy gifts
If you can, give popular kids gifts once you get to know them better. If you don't know what to get, opt for candy or accessories. It will make you look thoughtful and much more attractive.

Step 16. To become more popular, throw parties, sleepover, and go out to the mall for shopping
If you are the one who organizes, people will think you are funny. Everyone likes to go to the mall, to a party or to a sleepover. If you're throwing a sleepover, make sure you have something fun to do, like ringing your super sexy neighbor's doorbell, throwing eggs on that pain in the ass house, and stuff like that. Just try not to get into too much trouble. Snacks and drinks must not be missing. Going to the cinema before the sleepover could be a great idea. Sitting on the sofa munching popcorn and watching a movie isn't as fun or too creative. Another idea is to organize a hair and make-up session for your friends, or fight with the pillows … the possibilities are endless.

Step 17. Plan your time
Sign up for some extracurricular activities. Plan and go to parties. Go to the mall. Plan each day so that you always have something to do with someone, even if it's just you and your friend going to the movies.

Step 18. Don't limit your popularity to just one place
Once you become popular, make friends with kids from other schools, whether it's elementary or high school. You can meet other people through extracurricular activities or sports groups. It's a good idea to get to know girls you have things in common with first and foremost. Let the surrounding schools know who you are!

Step 19. Finally, remember:
many, many, many other students at your school will go out of their way to be popular. But by the time you graduate and go to university, popularity won't be that important anymore. You'll be in the real world then, and if the popular girls in your school are mean and play dirty, maybe someday you'll be their boss.
- Do not be shy. Start talking to people and if someone doesn't like you, it doesn't mean that nobody likes you.
- Don't be afraid to expand your network of friends, try to have as many contacts as possible and yes, it also means bonding with people of different classes!
- It is a good idea to get rid of acne. Wash your face morning and evening.
- Remember that everyone is looking for their moment of popularity. All you have to do is be very sociable, be in the right group of friends, believe in yourself and don't be shy.
- Make sure you eat a balanced diet! But don't go crazy with it, you could damage your health. Middle school girls already have awareness of themselves and their bodies.
- Be positive, banish negative attitudes. Have fun and enjoy the moment, but don't overdo it.
- Sure, they'll compliment you when you look great, but they may get used to your style. Spice it up once in a while, but don't overdo it, or people will think you're desperate to get attention.
- Don't be afraid of the cruel girls you will meet on your way, face them and make them understand that they can't bother you!
- If you have friends that popular kids call 'nerds', don't forget they're your friends anyway. Don't be ashamed of them and don't join the popular guys when they make fun of someone, on the contrary, stop them even if you are afraid that they will never go out with you anymore.
- If you don't feel comfortable doing these things, then don't do it.
- Don't start taking drugs. It might make you look more popular, but it doesn't. In the end, you will not appear transgressive and risk-loving, but just stupid. You will lose everything if you enter the drug tunnel.
- Try to always be happy; even if someone makes you angry, smile and stay positive!
- NEVER skip school, for ANY reason!
- Confront the bullies. There will be bullies in middle school. Don't be intimidated! Be nice to everyone, even the popular guys, and it doesn't matter if they like you or not.
- Don't be bad, nobody likes bad people!
- Be yourself - nobody likes hypocrites.
- Don't be promiscuous - you're only in middle school, you shouldn't be persuaded by kids to do something inappropriate, and when you break up with someone, don't start dating another person right away. Especially if your ex and this person know each other.
- Use appropriate language. Don't swear. It might sound "cool", but it's not. There is no need to use these words. Trust me.
- To be kind. Smiling at everyone, even those who aren't always nice will show the world how awesome you are.
- Dating guys is probably very important to you right now, but don't focus your whole life on them. Be smart and don't behave inappropriately at school just to impress a boy. Try to build friendships with guys because sometimes it's not bad to live without emotional drama. If a guy likes you then go for it, but don't be too clingy, he's not attractive.
- Don't try to be someone you're not because it just shows that you want to imitate that person. Trust me, don't copy others, just be yourself! If you are yourself you will find more people similar to you and your life will be better.
- The important thing is not to be influenced too much by others, but simply to be yourself.
Don't do something you feel wrong just to fit in! If people don't accept that you want to do the right thing, then they're not good friends.
Try not to get too angry when someone treats you badly or tells you something rude. Fix them and then turn away. You won't get very far if you argue with it
- Take part in the events organized by the school. This way you will stand out from the crowd and people will be drawn to your "activism"!