How To Try It With Girls In Middle School

How To Try It With Girls In Middle School
How To Try It With Girls In Middle School

Table of contents:


Are you interested in a beautiful girl from your school? Don't know how to talk to her? And most importantly, you don't know how to make her like you? Try to understand the difference between social interaction and flirting before you start.


Approach a Girl in Public Step 2
Approach a Girl in Public Step 2

Step 1. Make eye contact

Don't just stare into her eyes because you will scare her. Look at his eyes. If you stare at the wall or something else, he'll think you're not interested, and then he'll cut the conversation off. But if you look at her, nod and listen to her, she'll like her because you're paying attention to her.

Attract Girls Step 4
Attract Girls Step 4

Step 2. Smile

Girls like it when you smile during a conversation or while looking at them because they see that you are happy to talk to them, and they understand that they are not boring you. Even a quick glance with a smile will show her that you think she's cute. Just don't overdo it. Smiling too much can sometimes seem annoying and make her think you're weird.

Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 1
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 1

Step 3. Compliment her

Always compliment her on her neck-up look. Example: your eyes are beautiful, your hair is beautiful, your smile is very cute. Unless you're talking about clothes. Example: I like your shirt, I like your shoes. But never compliment her on the pants. Girls may think "you only like my pants because they are tight enough for you to see my butt" and this will send them the wrong message. Girls are very sensitive when it comes to their bodies, and if you say anything about their private parts, they will definitely take your claims the wrong way.

Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 13
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 13

Step 4. Be kind

Girls love guys who are sensitive and understand them. When they start getting nervous and maybe crying about something, don't run away and don't use the stupid excuse "I'm sorry, I can't help you, I'm not a girl". If you really listen to what she is saying, she will like you even more. Most boys think girls like "bad boys" who graffiti walls and get in trouble at school, but in reality, it's the complete opposite. Girls hate those guys who try to be mean because they think it's cool, but it really isn't. So don't try to act like a "gangster" or anything like that because girls can't stand it.

Get a Girl to Like You Step 3
Get a Girl to Like You Step 3

Step 5. Just be yourself

Girls like open-minded guys who talk about their stuff. And when you open up to her, the girl will get to know you better as a person and she will like you even more. Don't come up with bogus hobbies or other things, just present yourself as you are. Girls don't care how many war games you have, or how many pushups you can do. So don't lie. Plus, if she really likes you for who you are, and she's a good person, she'll just like you for who you are.

Know if a Guy Likes You Step 4
Know if a Guy Likes You Step 4

Step 6. Be fun

Make a joke, but don't laugh, or they might think it's stupid. Try and see the results. You may even become popular at school.

Flirt Step 16
Flirt Step 16

Step 7. Make fun of it

Once you get to know her, you can make fun of her playfully and in a friendly way. You can tease her about always wearing purple, or tell her she looks like a certain VIP with her new haircut. Just make sure you don't say anything that would offend her because she might be taking your jokes the wrong way. This is a great way to give it a try, and soon, she'll be fooling you too!


  • First of all, relax. Girls like a guy who is confident and who makes them comfortable.
  • Be funny and make her blush.
  • Don't become her psychologist and don't let her become your psychologist.


  • Hone your techniques, but be fun.
  • Don't be violent.
