Do you find very feminine girls to be snobs? Do you prefer to spend your time with guys and have fun like them? Or, do you prefer more "masculine" activities over "feminine" ones? Read on to learn how to be a tomboy and act like a boy!

Step 1. First, you need to show the kids that you are suitable to belong to their group
Stand out as a friend with whom it is easy to get along and laugh and not as a girl.

Step 2. Sports enthusiasts
Board sports (skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, body boarding) are great, but if the kids you hang out with are passionate about paintball or football, don't be afraid to try them. Also make sure you are good at these sports without bragging to be able to join the group at the park, on the beach, etc. instead of watching them have fun. In addition, sport is also a great conversation topic for kids. But remember not to cry after the first scratch! If sports aren't your thing, try video games.

!! If you are the bubbly type, then don't hide it!

Step 4. Spend time with the kids and have fun with them

Step 5. Joke and express yourself, but don't show your emotions
Usually, guys are less emotional than women and are much more likely to hide their feelings.

Step 6. Don't talk about girls like boys do

Step 7. Avoid screaming when you get scared or when something surprises you
Tomboys are distinctly female, but they appreciate the same things guys like. Also, some guys find female reactions funny.

Step 8. Wear clothes that allow you to be active
Avoid skirts, flats, heels or anything pink in color.

Step 9. Collect your hair
In the summer you will be cool and it will be easier to do some sports.

Step 10. Be yourself
Guys don't judge like girls do.

Step 11. Joke around with your new friends
Rest assured that the guys are going to get into it, so don't be afraid to make fun of them. Be careful though because it's easy to start flirting.

Step 12. Boy clothes
If you wear tight, feminine clothes, guys won't see you as one of them. Instead, wear loose-fitting shirts, jeans, flip flops, or trainers.

Step 13. Guys like girls who not only watch romantic comedies, but who also watch classic 'cult' movies, from Pulp Fiction, to Fight Club, Trainspotting, A Clockwork Orange, and so on
Make sure you understand the premises and metaphors of these films because they are likely to be a topic of conversation and if you have an intelligent opinion on them you will be respected by others.

Step 14. Watch TV shows like Top Gear to broaden your knowledge of cars, a topic that is often discussed among kids

Step 15. Even if guys swear, it doesn't mean you have to swear too to assert your masculinity

Step 16. Don't be afraid of physical contact
Guys like to approach and scare you to provoke a reaction, so fear not and reciprocate. Be careful because this attitude too can be misunderstood as an act of seduction.

Step 17. Don't be afraid to show your knowledge
If you know something about cars that they don't know, don't hold back and share your knowledge, you'll just make a good impression.

Step 18. If they say something crude, laugh
Don't get upset like other girls would.

Step 19. If they comment on a girl's physical appearance, don't join them
Smile and if they ask you what you think, just say 'She's very pretty indeed'. This way you will not pass for a lesbian, but at the same time you will show that you too can appreciate the female body as a woman.

Step 20. Kids talk about different things
The most common topics include: sports, girls, cars, music, etc. You have to learn what he likes, so, for example, if a guy says "Wow, the Ferrari V8 is wonderful", it means that the Ferrari with the 8 cylinder "V" shaped engine is gorgeous.

Step 21. The boys have some weird competitions with each other; don't be afraid to join
It's not just about burping or competing over which injury is coolest, it's also about who is faster, stronger and who is better at wooing girls, but also obviously sports performance.

Step 22. Guys like to place bets
Join them, play cards together and challenge the underdog to do some push-ups.
- Don't be stupid to be part of the group, on the contrary, be smart.
- Be relaxed and talk about whatever topics the kids are dealing with.
- Learn to love nature and sports.
- If you get hurt or get dirty, try NOT to cry!
- Treat guys like friends and how you would like to be treated too.
- Play with VIDEO GAMES!
- Learn about sports, cars, rock and metal music.
- Remember you're still a girl, so be a tomboy, and NOT LIKE A BOY.
- Beware of bets, remember that you may lose!
- Don't be afraid to show your feminine side from time to time.
- Don't try too hard to fit into the group, you may seem ridiculous.
- You can have feminine attitudes from time to time, but not too often.
- Be careful because spending so much time together you might fall in love with one of the guys.
- Go out with the girls from time to time and be seen in women's clothes.