Preppy is not just a style, it can be a real art. Between clothes, attitude and the right people to hang out with, being one puts more and more to the test. Here's how to be a real preppy girl!
Method 1 of 2: The attitude

Step 1. Be confident
Preppy girls are not shy, on the contrary, they are not afraid to dare with fashion, even if they are not flashy, and to express their opinions. If you walk around looking at the ground or blush when talking to someone, you should develop your self-esteem and become confident, but really feel it. Do it in a balanced way, without ostentation. Proceed with your head held high, speak in a calm, confident voice and be yourself. In fact, you shouldn't talk loudly or annoy others, but be polite and happy with who you are.

Step 2. Having class isn't a real rule of thumb for going preppy
However, preppy girls are never labeled as "tacky", "rude" or "unpleasant". You don't have to be a snob, but be polite, pleasant, and relatively cultured. Having class doesn't necessarily mean being geniuses or beautiful. It is a characteristic that needs to be matured.

Step 3. Try some preppy sports
This isn't a rule either, but trying can help. However, if you hate physical activity, don't force yourself, or you risk being pointed out as a poser. On the other hand, remember that sports can be fun, especially if they fit into the preppy style. Here are a few: rowing, tennis, volleyball, lacrosse, squash, sailing, golf, athletics, ballet and modern dance, swimming, hockey, football and horse riding. You can also give cheerleading a try. The official preppy sport is fencing, as it is characterized by its old-fashioned charm. Don't narrow down your options, try what interests you.

Step 4. Be nice and courteous, but that doesn't mean licking teachers feet or making friends with anyone
You should be nice, smile, and not participate in gossip or bullying. If you are not like that by nature, you can practice, and after some time it will come naturally to you. Show off your new confidence and class, strike up a conversation with neighbors or help others finish their homework. Don't communicate negative emotions, or you will pay the consequences.
Method 2 of 2: The Look

Step 1. You can't change your wardrobe overnight and for just five euros, but this process shouldn't be too expensive either

Step 2. Save and go shopping
Popular preppy brands include Vineyard Vines, Ralph Lauren, Tory Burch, Lacoste, Lilly Pulitzer, Tommy Hilfiger, J. Crew and Chanel. Classic preppy clothes never go out of style:
Bermuda shorts and khaki pants.
They shouldn't be too short
Not too short
Polo and cardigan.
- Avoid polo shirts that are too long or tight.
- Also avoid those with quirky colors and patterns. Go for neutral shades.
- Loafers, especially Sperry.
- Twill clothes.
Those of Tory Burch, Ralph Lauren and Chanel are recommended. If you can't afford these brands, opt for simple colors and designs. Nothing bad taste
The most recommended color is navy blue
- Ties.

Step 3. Accessories are important to accentuate the preppy look:
Tote bags.
Many preppy girls have the canvas tote with the L. L. Bean. Buy a custom one
- Nothing too big or tacky.
- Choose them with a bow, striped or solid color.
- Belts with a bow.
- Madras belts.
- Diamond earrings, jewelry inherited from grandmothers, classy earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces.
- Remember one of Coco Chanel's most famous teachings: remove at least one accessory before leaving the house. Do not overdo it.
- You can also wear a bracelet with silver or, preferably, gold charms. It should be simple, with one or two charms. Choose one from Tiffany or Juicy Couture.
Be a Preppy Girl Step 9 Step 4. The hair should be clean, well combed or brushed and shiny
- Try a simple hairstyle or leave them natural. After styling them, add some accessories:
- Sophisticated and delicate headbands, especially if you have curly hair.
- A cute yet simple hair clip, especially to stop bangs.
Be a Preppy Girl Step 10 Step 5. Put on little makeup
- Wash your face before putting on makeup. Shave your brows and comb them after applying makeup.
- Apply the concealer, preferably creamy or liquid. Powder can create unsightly fine lines.
- Put on a fluid foundation.
- Apply the transparent powder, pressed or powder, with a special brush, which will make you get a lighter, softer and more natural result.
- Avoid bright colors and applying too many layers of eyeshadow (different colors on the eyelid, crease and corners). Use pastel and neutral colors, applied with a light hand.
- You can put on eyeliner and mascara, but make sure they don't strain. Brown ones have more class and are more natural than black ones. When applying eyeliner, keep the brush as close to the lashline as possible.
- Don't overdo it with blush either: use a pink one.
- As for the lipstick, avoid too dark or bright colors, choose lighter and more neutral shades of pink. Do you want to apply the red one? Make sure it suits your skin undertone.
- If you have perfect skin, wear as little makeup as possible, at most with eyeliner, mascara and lipstick.
Be a Preppy Girl Step 11 Step 6. Personal hygiene
- Every preppy girl should have perfect white teeth. Put on orthodontic braces or overnight retainers if needed and wash and floss them at least twice a day. Also use mouthwash for an extra touch of freshness.
- Shower at least once a day - preppy girls are always fresh and their smell is similar to their looks - nice and clean. Spray a light perfume (like those of Chanel; if you can't buy one, in perfumery you will find many other cheaper but still good ones).
- Keep your nails clean too. You don't always have to apply nail polish, but file them and keep them tidy. Avoid too bright lacquers, opt for light pink and nude colors.
- Keep all your stuff organized. It's not classy to have a messy bag, with papers flying all over the place.
- Don't spend a fortune on being considered preppy - it's not worth it. Save and buy what you need.
- Don't overdo the foundation and choose the right color for you.
- Preppy girls care about their education. Go around museums, read… To be successful in the most diverse social situations, you need to be able to talk about everything.
- If you want to change, do it during the summer holidays. You will have more free time and you will be able to adapt to change.
- Don't insist. If you are not preppy, you are not. Avoid stereotypes and adapt to a lifestyle that does not belong to you, or you will look like a poser.
- Be happy with who you are. If you've managed to go preppy but are unsatisfied, go back. What matters is that you feel good in your skin.
- Don't worry if you can't shop in expensive stores. Most preppy girls mix the items found in mid-priced outlets with Louis Vuitton. The important thing is that your style is not tacky.
- Don't classify yourself or lock yourself into a category. It's always you!
- Don't buy fake bags and fake pearls. If you do, you convey the idea that these are things you want but cannot afford. Buy what you like, but without false claims.
- Always carry a cloth handkerchief with you. You will look classy and can come in handy.
- These tips are more suited to girls who already go to university, so they are linked to a slightly more adult style. If you go to middle school, you can still wear a preppy but super colorful polo shirt.
- Being preppy doesn't necessarily mean being popular.
- Many people may think you are a snob. Don't be offended: you know who you are.