Having a preppy style requires certain changes, but generally there are more tips aimed at girls than anything else. Here is a guide specifically designed for guys who want to go preppy and act like one.

Step 1. Wear high-end brands like Ralph Lauren, Brooks Brothers, Lacoste, J
Crew, Hickey Freeman, Paul & Shark, Peter Millar, J. Press, Southern Tide and Vineyard Vines. Hollister, Abercrombie, Aeropostale and A. E. they are not conventional preppy brands, but some of their items are classic.

Step 2. Especially rugby jerseys, chinos and light colored t-shirts will make you look preppy

Step 3. Buy clothes in classic colors, although the following is by no means a definitive list:
pink, sky blue, navy blue, lime green, vibrant red and yellow. By taking a look at some of the clothes from the brands listed above you will probably have good ideas. Buy clothes that have colors that combine well with each other and that flatter you. For example, a person with red hair will look better with green, not pink or lavender, unless they have blue eyes.

Step 4. Develop a comfortable but clean look
Find classic looking belts, preferably beige / tan. Make sure the belt is leather, if it's elegant, or canvas, but with leather details, for casual occasions. Make sure it is not covered with studs or other similar elements.

Step 5. Wear leather moccasins, boat shoes (Top-Sider) or leather flip-flops in the summer
Wearing a pair of Top-Siders without socks is a preppy classic.

Step 6. Choose a fragrance and always wear it
Do not use different flavors of shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, aftershave, deodorant and cologne. Buy a set with the same scent, which should be barely noticeable.

Step 7. If you wear glasses, try wearing a cool looking pair or consider contact lenses
Black edged frames are geek, scene, emo, punk, etc. Try wearing lenses without a flashy frame and cleaning them every day to look sophisticated. Lately however, Buddy Holly-style glasses are back in fashion. If you only wear preppy clothes, then they would look really good with a nice cardigan or sweater. In addition, many preppies gone down in history (like Barry Goldwater) wore nerd glasses, this subculture in fact often overlaps with the preppy one, so this frame will also be fine.

Step 8. Bring a simple hairstyle
A common preppy hair style is the messy faux look or simply swept sideways and short hair. Lately, a lot of preppy guys are moving away from long hair, reverting to shorter traditional styles. Think of the very short cuts typical of the 1940s and 1950s. Avoid unnatural colors or shaved hair. If you want to shave them, make sure you don't overdo it. They should have a natural effect! The hair gel can only be used in moderation, without excess.

Step 9. Be fresh and clear
Try to have clean and trimmed nails. File and polish them to make them healthy, don't eat them. Make sure your lips are moisturized, split lips are unsightly. Cut your hair when necessary and comb it. Do not wear wrinkled or stained clothes. Stay away from ripped jeans, leave them to the preppies "I wish but I can't", not to mention that they do too much 2000. Brush your teeth two or three times a day and floss once or twice a day. Whiten your teeth if you need it. Take good care of your personal hygiene. Avoid tattoos and piercings.

Step 10. Make sure you look healthy
Toned and tanned, but without overdoing it. Don't get burned, apply sunscreen. Also avoid tanning beds. Drink lots of water, get vitamins, and consume lean proteins. Take excellent care of your skin (use a good cream), teeth, hair and nails.

Step 11. Play a sport
Rowing, horseback riding, lacrosse, track, polo, rugby, American football, golf, boating, skiing, squash, and tennis are classic examples of preppy sports. If it's an Olympic activity, it's preppy. Even if you don't play sports, you should stay as fit as possible. As for high school sports, try tennis, golf, swimming, soccer, track, etc. Lift weights to tone and keep you slim, but don't build huge bodybuilder muscles.

Step 12. If you have a certain flair for music or art, join a choir, preferably opting for madrigals or orchestra
Don't start a band.

Step 13. Be friendly and outgoing, don't worry if you're a little shy, but be kind and smile
Stand straight. Avoid making people angry. And don't talk about money, it's generally not welcomed.

Step 14. Study hard and remember to get high grades, try to get at least an average of eight, because preppies are also known for being smart and hard working as well as taking care of their look and lifestyle
They enter good universities because they give their all. Use grammar well. Many preppies gain access to the best private universities in the world thanks to their grades, sports skills and other skills. Be up to date with what's happening in the world and the financial markets. If you don't understand the basics of financial investing, read books and learn.

Step 15. Read books dedicated to bon ton
Do not laugh! Manners aren't just for girls and older men. They show people that you have been raised well. Use basic polite words like "please", "thank you" and "excuse me". Be nice and hold the door for people. Do not wear the hat indoors. Don't always look at your cell phone and set it to vibrate when you are in a public place. Never use slang, respond with insolence, or roll your eyes and look annoyed.
- Speak calmly and clearly.
- If you go to a school or university that has fraternities, join one your predecessors attended (having an inheritance is always good) or based on where you come from.
- Go into the shops that are considered preppy (like Saks Fifth Avenue, Brooks Brothers, etc.) and take a look at the clothes. Note the style, cut, and color schemes. These are the pieces you should wear.
- Preppies are known for their clothes, good grades, participation in sports, and numerous friendships. He often organizes parties for no particular reason. Make sure they don't encourage drug use and casual sex. If you see someone getting drunk, don't let them drive or hurt themselves or others. Don't get drunk yourself: you won't make a good impression!
- Access country clubs and resorts where you play tennis or golf; depending on your age, you can get a membership as a teenager or an adult. You can also work. There are many benefits of these uses, and you can learn by observing.
- Take advantage of what your school has to offer. There are numerous opportunities to meet people. For example, you can work at the school newspaper or join a club dedicated to economics (if you live in the United States, opt for FBLA, Future Business Leaders of America), business or marketing. Joining a preppy association is ideal. If you want to get into a good university after high school, it helps to get involved with outside interests. Transform yourself into Big Brother and watch your community - what can you do to support it?
- Do your best because only you have the power to improve yourself!
- Be prepared to lose hours of sleep. Between sport and study, there is not enough free time left. Try to rest for at least eight hours a night anyway.
- If you're throwing a party, try throwing something classy, like an oyster roast or a good old-fashioned barbecue. If you intend to drink, do so only in moderation and, if you are already of legal age, be sure to avoid cheap drinks. In addition to wine (bottled and of good origin) and beer, opt for drinks that require expensive spirits for preparation, such as bourbon and brandy. Martinis are always a good choice along with margarita, daiquiri, piña colada, etc. Avoid drinks like wine sold in cardboard containers, which are definitely not classy.
- If you have a tattoo, you can cover it with makeup or laser it off.
- Never show your underwear. Or, at least, make sure it's from an expensive brand, like Ralph Lauren or Calvin Klein.
- Try to be familiar with the arts and witness these events. Of course, you mustn't give the idea that you are ignorant when it comes to Brahms. Some typical preppies may have a musical background, for example they took private piano lessons as a child.
- Bring a handkerchief with you. You will look classy, not a sniffling person when cold, and then a tearful girl will respect and appreciate the offer of your (clean) handkerchief.
- You can cover a piercing hole with a special type of wax. Remember that it shouldn't be noticed, because preppy guys generally don't experience periods of rebellion during which they get pierced.
- Playing sports is a positive and natural way to look like these guys.
- If you are in the last year of high school, focus a lot on choosing your university, but don't neglect sports. Scholarships, while welcome, are not necessary if your parents cover most of the university costs and give you pocket money.
- Always cross your legs when you sit down. If you rest the ankle of the leg you crossed on the other knee to create an angle, this is a more masculine alternative to the feminine way of crossing the legs.
- Be a gentleman. All girls (at least the ones you should be interested in) like true gentlemen.
- Don't be loud and obnoxious. Be courteous to everyone. Remember that being preppy is about becoming a gentleman from a high social class. You can wear the right clothes, but behavior needs to change too.
- Don't hang out with girls who don't have class. This can harm you. Always play it safe.
- Don't let stress and pressure get the better of you. You don't have to be number one in sports and in school. Don't start drinking because life is too difficult. Stay focused.
- There are people who don't like preppies. Watch out for the haters. They will try to make jokes or embarrass you.
- Be relaxed in your interpersonal interactions and everything will be fine. Sometimes preppies make friends with people from other social groups.
- Don't be snobbish or rude. Remember that while you dress preppy and behave accordingly, not everyone wants to be like you or can afford it. Be preppy and proud, yet tolerant, easygoing, and free of prejudice towards other types of people. Acting as if you were a snob only pushes you to attribute a negative image to preppies and is a sign of poor education. Don't brag or flaunt what you have. Never talk about your family's money. Also, learn to properly introduce yourself to people and greet them in the right way.