How to know more about the person you like

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How to know more about the person you like
How to know more about the person you like

Then there is a person you cannot stop thinking about. You think, dream and fantasize about her… but you want to know more… without opening your mouth too much!


Find out More About Your Crush Step 1
Find out More About Your Crush Step 1

Step 1. Find out what it's called

Not only the name, but also the surname. It will be useful later. DO NOT go to her and ask her, but do so by trying not to move suspiciously. You can casually ask a friend, talking about it together, or you can pay attention (acting like you don't care) when someone says their name. If he goes to the same school or your own friendships, keep your attention high but with indifference. In these cases, it may happen that you meet in the same place every Sunday, where maybe you have the opportunity to meet the same people and, therefore, know their name!

Find out More About Your Crush Step 2
Find out More About Your Crush Step 2

Step 2. If you go to more or less the same places as scouts, pay attention to when this person is called by name so you can find out

Find out More About Your Crush Step 3
Find out More About Your Crush Step 3

Step 3. The next step is to discover important things, such as his friendships

That way you can get some clues as to what kind of person he is. If she's dating pretty "well-known" people, then you'll know she's a 'popular' type too (just one example).

Find out More About Your Crush Step 4
Find out More About Your Crush Step 4

Step 4. You may approach where he is and accidentally talk to your friends while the other person is chatting with theirs

Pay attention to the conversation you are having, but at the same time try to catch up on small snippets of what he is saying with his friends. You may hear that he loves Facebook and uses it for an hour a day, perhaps adding that he usually connects on Thursdays around 5pm. Therefore, you can go to Facebook and add it, hoping that it accepts your request.

Find out More About Your Crush Step 5
Find out More About Your Crush Step 5

Step 5. If you have a profile on social networks, like Facebook or Myspace, that's perfect

Go to his profile, scroll down and read the comments he writes. If you have the ability to check photos as well, do it. Also check those of your friends, because often those who are friends publish the photos and forget to tag! Remember to never talk about the comments he made on Facebook with his friends in front of the person you like. You risk looking like a stalker!

Find out More About Your Crush Step 6
Find out More About Your Crush Step 6

Step 6. Google his full name

Check the links. This is also a way that can give you some information about the person you like.

Find out More About Your Crush Step 7
Find out More About Your Crush Step 7

Step 7. If you know his parents' names, go to the White Pages website and do a search

This way you will have his address and telephone number. Use them to go to Google Maps and you will know where he lives. Also, you can compare the distance from your home. If he doesn't live far away, you might just accidentally walk down his street every day and hope he notices you! If this happens, just say hello. Only keep talking if he takes the initiative. The phone number can be useful in several situations.

Find out More About Your Crush Step 8
Find out More About Your Crush Step 8

Step 8. If you make a phone call, don't pretend to be someone else and don't disguise your voice, as you may get caught


  • If he starts talking to you, keep the conversation going!
  • Don't mention your stalking. You risk looking strange!
  • SMILE for a maximum of 2 seconds when you see the person you like and then look away.
  • Don't cling to the person you care about. It needs space. Leave her alone once in a while.
  • See how she reacts: If you drop the books in front of her, does it help you pick them up? This might tell you something about his character.
  • And finally, is your crush serious? Do you actually want to see this person again? If he's already in a relationship, don't screw it up just to see if it works for you, because in the long run it won't.
  • Don't tell your friends or anyone else about your crush, including your best friend.
