Do you want to learn how to be a beautiful goth girl? Keep in mind that the following information is expressly dedicated to teenagers: you will learn to express your personality, but without overdoing it. Before starting, you need to choose the style of clothing. In any case, it is not mandatory to define yourself uniquely and adopt only one style, if you don't want to. Here are the various goth types.
Method 1 of 16: Classic Goth

Step 1. Listen to the music
The goth subculture is said to have arisen in the 1980s; in any case, the early fashion was inseparable from the corresponding musical genre. As such, a classic goth considers himself devoted to the bands of the early music scene: the Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees, the Birthday Party, the Sisters of Mercy and in general all the bands that have moved on from London's infamous BatCave. Other bands that have had an influence on the movement, such as the Velvet Underground, can be considered a bit like minor gods.

Step 2. Dress according to the royalties
Classic goth fashion re-proposes the look of the first goths. At first, the scene was heavily influenced by punk, including all the paraphernalia of fishnets, leather jackets, piercings and heavy makeup, and occasionally BDSM accessories. Another legacy of punk was the unbridled use of black and other dark shades, such as purple.

Step 3. Research the early goth period
Since the classical current tends to slavishly follow the trend of the beginnings, you need to do some research to be sure you do it justice.
Method 2 of 16: Romantic or Victorian Goth

Step 1. Be dark, sensual, mysterious
While classic goth tends to focus on the 1980s music scene, romantic goth revolves around the dark, sensual, and mysterious world of Victorian-era gothic literature and the films that have been drawn from it. In other words, it's almost more "gothic" than "goth", to put it mildly. The hallmarks are velvet and lace, fluttering dresses (often inspired by the Victorian era or the Middle Ages) and a great love for poetry and literature.

Step 2. Let yourself be carried away by emotions, be creative and dreamy
It's no news that romantic goths are prone to emotionality, creativity, and dreams. A withered rose, a dilapidated graveyard, and a skull from centuries ago are objects of exquisite beauty for these creatures. Favorite bands are those with a "somber and brooding" rather than horror-inspired approach, and include melancholy-sounding ethereal bands like Love Spirals Downwards and folk-inspired ones like All About Eve and Faith and the Muse. Even the Cure and the Sisters of Mercy tend to be melancholy. A bit of atmospheric classical music cannot be missing, especially Bach and Wagner.

Step 3. One of the main sources of Gothic fashion is represented by the imagery of neo-Gothic literature and related cinematographic transpositions, especially those drawn by Victorian writers such as Edgar Allan Poe and Bram Stoker
Victorian fashion, which is based on corsets, lace, frock coats and extreme paleness of the complexion, is very popular among this goth current, but no one is able to wear these garments with such grace as the Victorian goths.

Step 4. Convey an image of dignity and decorum
The clothing must be elegant and, according to many, philologically correct (the corset is worn as underwear, of course). Ball gowns and mourning dresses are the most popular among the followers of this scene.

Step 5. Practice activities that were common in Victorian high society
These include theater, masquerades, afternoon teas and poetry, as well as, of course, all sorts of festivals dedicated to Dickens or other Victorian writers, a great excuse to walk around in period costume. (not that they need an excuse to do it!).
Method 3 of 16: Medieval Goth

Step 1. Dress like in the Middle Ages
"Gothic" is a term generally used to refer to castles, cathedrals and other such ancient mansions. Hence the particular interest of the goths in all things medieval. You can find representatives of this goth current at Renaissance fairs or historical reenactments, while wearing clothing loosely inspired by medieval ones. It is clear that their clothing and the activities they practice do not necessarily have to be strictly "medieval": it is perfectly fine to include Tudor or Celtic elements as well.

Step 2. Show that you have a sense of the story
Medieval goths also frequent museums, castles, churches, and ancient monuments. Also, when they go to the cemeteries, they respect the graves and read the inscriptions on the tombstones with the names and dates. When they get married, they organize a medieval-themed wedding and live in houses full of Pre-Raphaelite prints and gargoyles.

Step 3. Learn about the music
Medieval goth music consists of a mix of classical music, Gregorian chants, folk (Loreena McKennitt), ethereal (Faith and the Muse) and of course the Medieval Baebes.

Step 4. Focus your interests on the Middle Ages
Typically, all medieval goths secretly dream of being Morgana from the King Arthur saga, and all medieval goths are obsessed with swords.
Method 4 of 16: Cyber Goth

Step 1. Learn about the personality and traits of cyber goths
They are actually the exact antithesis of everything goth. They love bright, fluorescent colors, they love futuristic technology and they listen to music that is far removed from gothic rock.

Step 2. Make sure you understand why they call themselves goths
So why are they called goths? The reason may be that the music scene has gradually evolved from the Industrial genre, a cousin of experimental electronic goth, or that the lyrics of their favorite music (Electronic Body Music or EBM, for example VNV Nation) are generally too deep and depressing for fans of other genres. Another explanation can be their extravagant hairstyles.
Step 3. Dress according to the royalties
Others should be able to easily identify you as cyber goth. The representatives of this current are the ones that stand out the most in the clubs, with their crazy cascades of dreads, protective glasses, futuristic rave clothing, imposing wedge boots and all a variegated luminescent junk.
Step 4. Be aware that other goths may despise you
While they represent one of the liveliest communities in the whole scene, they seem to draw hostility from all the other goths, especially fans of the Industrial genre. However, it is undeniable that the cyber scene is now of enormous proportions, with ever-increasing popularity.
Method 5 of 16: Fetish Goth

Step 1. Be perverse
The perverted approach has been part of the goth movement from the very beginning, when early musicians like the Bauhaus began wearing chains, leather, fishnets and BDSM laces on stage. To this day their look (and their lifestyle) continues to attract followers, with an increasingly massive display by the fetish goths of a whole collection of clothing inspired by the world of bondage. Tattoos, piercings and all other forms of body modification are also very popular with this group and it is very likely that on their nightstand they keep an entire paraphernalia of handcuffs, gag-masks and all sorts of punitive accessories.

Step 2. Identify the genre of music
Almost all goth bands, at some point in their career, have written a song dedicated to perverted sex, so there is no specific musical genre, even if the New Wave of the 80s (like Depeche Mode) and the Industrial genre (like Throbbing Gristle) tend to be particularly fetish.

Step 3. Know how things stand
As you might expect, the goth fetish stereotype is that one has tried everything at least once, in all positions and with all genders. Or at least that's what they say to you.
Method 6 of 16: Goth Hippie

Step 1. Learn about hippie and goth hippie culture
In the goth world there are two types: those who think hippies are too optimistic about life and those who totally identify with the hippie mentality. According to tradition, hippie goths, a relatively widespread species, love nature and follow paganism and / or the Wicca cult and / or various philosophies and religions of the new age galaxy. They are passionate about candles, crystals, incense, tarot cards and everything else that can be found where new age things are sold. The only relevant difference between the original hippies and the hippie goths is the prevalence in the latter of symbols of occultism and black magic.

Step 2. Treat nature with respect
Like their hippie cousins, hippie goths are largely vegetarians or vegans and passionately engage in battles for ecology or animal rights. When they are not campaigning for world peace, however, they know how to have fun and organize parties where there is plenty of drinking, gorging on food and going wild in the fields at midnight in the name of an "ancient Celtic ritual".

Step 3. Learn about the music hippie goths listen to
When it comes to music, hippie goths range between dark folk (Faith and the Muse), ethereal (Cocteau Twins) and pagan rock (Inkubus Sukkubus), as well as actual folk and new age music. Older followers listen to Fields of the Nephilim, Cult and all the psychedelic current of the late 1980s (like Tones on Tail).
Method 7 of 16: J-Goth (Gothic Lolita)

Step 1. Learn about Japanese goth
This is a scene that really shouldn't be called "goth" at all. Even if the trends in vogue at the alternative scene of Harajuku (the equivalent of Camden in Tokyo) are largely inspired by the goth movement of western origin, the J-Goth tend to trace their subculture to very different roots: the "cosplay. "anime (dressing up as your favorite anime character) and the indigenous alternative music scene, called Visual Kei, which the Japanese rock band X-Japan is believed to have started.

Step 2. Find out about J-Goth's favorite music
Visual Kei bands range from very different sounds. They can take on a heavy metal form (like Dir ~ en ~ Gray) or resemble cheap Euro-pop (L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel, Malice Mizer). What matters, however, is the look of the bands, which take elements of goth, punk and glam and blend them together in an unmistakable, androgynous blend. It is not uncommon for bands, usually made up only of males, to strive to look as feminine as possible until they come to look like drag queens.
This genre has recently reached the pinnacle of success, so much so that Westerners are starting to copy Japanese fashions. The most widespread and characteristic is undoubtedly the "Gothic Lolita" fashion (a sort of mix between goth, Victorian fashion, Alice in Wonderland and the French maid look), which is now part of the goth galaxy by right. western
Method 8 of 16: Rivethead (Industrial Goth)

Step 1. Rivetheads (or Industrial goths) often don't even consider themselves "goth", even if the music they listen to and their fashion are in the same shops as the goths and even if they happily frequent the same clubs
The scene began with the band Throbbing Gristle, who founded their own label, Industrial Records, to launch a new genre of extremely unique experimental electronic music. For some followers, this is the only "authentic" Industrial music: bands like SPK and Leather Nun, which date back to the early 1980s.

Step 2. The Industrial scene of the contemporary era, however, has become a bit of a dark, harsh and dystopian version of the Cyber scene
Modern rivetheads listen to darkwave bands reminiscent of some sort of heavier EBM (Wumpscut, Skinny Puppy) or even commercial "Industrial Metal" bands (Nine Inch Nails, Ministry, KMFDM).

Step 3. Industrial fashion, with its futuristic look, is a bit like Cyber fashion, although generally more monotonous from a chromatic point of view, less refined and often military-inspired
A profound influence from science fiction classics such as The Matrix is also evident, to the point that many Rivetheads refuse to take off their raincoats even in clubs with the most tropical temperatures.
Method 9 of 16: Death Rocker

Step 1. These creatures are considered a sort of "missing link" between punk and goth, hence the extreme similarity and musical affinity with classic goths
Conversely, while classic goths tend to think the movement is dead, death rockers think it continues to live and squirm in spasms, in suitably zombified form.

Step 2. Recognizable on the fly by the layers upon layers of ripped fishnets, band logos and sky-high hairstyles, death rockers hear 80s goth rock classics (notably Christian Death, Specimen and Alien Sex Fiend), but also a whole new generation of crazy artists like Cinema Strange and Tragic Black, as well as other genres like Horror Punk and Psychobilly
As long as it's insane and evil and there are zombies / bats / death, everything is fine.
Step 3. Death rockers are also characterized by being fond of old horror movies (the cheesy, the better) and, very often, by a remarkable sense of humor, even if vaguely twisted
Method 10 of 16: Baby Bat

Step 1. Spooky kids, Kindergoths, Mansonites, Mallgoths
.. are all terms, often derogatory, used to define the followers of this trend, which is very popular among children and adolescents. Older members of the goth community tend to treat them with contempt and sarcasm. What have they done wrong? They are simply too young to remember the eighties, they don't have enough money to afford a "regular" goth wardrobe, and they aren't knowledgeable enough about the "right" music to listen to or the "right" amount of makeup to wear.

Step 2. It is also true that, while considering themselves "goth" in all respects, the Baby Bats have a fair number of differences compared to the members of the original scene:
they tend to prefer metal (Marilyn Mansion and HIM are typical "Baby Bat" music), they dress rather in metal or skater fashion and tend to adopt a more "shocking" than "sophisticated" look.

Step 3. Even the media sees these guys as an integral part of the movement, which actual goths are painfully aware of
While this is definitely annoying for goths who don't want to be associated with Baby Bat (especially those who want to shock at all costs), don't forget that it was the media first of all that popularized the term "goth" to describe. the original music scene. The thing is, it's not at all easy these days to define what is goth and what isn't.
Step 4. It often happens that the Baby Bats, over time, become more "refined" in clothing and musical tastes, becoming the most faithful followers of the goth movement
Also for this reason they should be respected, not snubbed.
Method 11 of 16: Metallara

Step 1. How metalheads fit into the goth galaxy is an incredibly complicated and controversial issue
On the one hand, many goths (and many metalheads) argue that the two subcultures are entirely separate entities, with different origins and musical tastes and other differences in dress and habits. They argue that the confusion that exists between the two genders is solely the fault of the uninformed public.
Step 2. On the other hand, the two groups actually have similarities (especially the tendency to dress in black and the passion for gloomy and gloomy things) and lately the common characteristics are more and more numerous, both in fashion and in music
Clubs where both goth and metal music are played are certainly not uncommon.

Step 3. Furthermore, there are a number of genres and metal bands common to both groups, including the so-called "gothic" or "doom" metal (Type O Negative, Theater of Tragedy) and other bands that use so many elements. of the gothic imaginary (Night wish, Lacuna Coil) to be almost more "gothic" than the original goth bands
Not to mention the confusion fueled by the "Industrial metal" genre (Nine Inch Nails, Rammstein). In the end, it all depends on what you personally mean by "Goth" and whether you think it is the sound, the look or the attitude that defines a subculture.
Method 12 of 16: Geek Goth

Step 1. Essentially, all goths are geniuses
After all, how do you spend all this time dressing up, reading the classics of literature and finding the rarest music without somehow being geniuses? In all goths we can therefore identify typically geek traits, however there are some that are more "geeky" than others.
Step 2. The typical Geek Goth tends to overlook aspects of goth fashion more, favoring its implications in terms of dark fantasies
So while their look doesn't look quite as spectacular, their knowledge of goth symbolism and the artistic influences behind it is even more profound. They are more likely than others to play role-playing games, read science fiction, fantasy and horror novels, and watch gothic-inspired movies and TV shows. Geek Goths are also more likely to be more geeks and savvy about video games and anime than other goths. It's definitely easier to find them on the Forbidden Planet than in a goth club.

Step 3. Geek Goths are the smartest, most creative, and most open-minded goths you will ever know
Similarly, they often have eclectic and diverse musical tastes, although they tend to mostly follow bands singing about the Lord of the Rings, Cthulhu and other subjects particularly dear to them.
Method 13 of 16: Gothabilly

Step 1. What do you get from mixing Elvis Presley, the Cramps, a bunch of old horror movies and a hint of lounge?
Curiously, you get Gothabilly, a rare and exotic generation of goths with decidedly eclectic tastes in music and clothing.

Step 2. With its style that originates from the genre "Rockabilly" (American rock'n'roll of the fifties) and from "Psychobilly" (punk 80s with a strong rockabilly influence), Gothabilly is, both from the point of visual and musical, a variation on retro aesthetic themes and kitschy taste, but with a hint of dark
Like Deathrock, which shares many traits with Gothabilly, music and imagery are often irony and are intentionally in bad taste. Many Gothabilly bands, in fact, exhibit particularly creative names, such as Nacho Knoche & The Hillbilly Zombies, Cult Of The Psychic Fetus and Vampire Beach Babes.
Step 3. Gothabilly tend to represent a kind of "bright side" of the goth world, with their bright tattoos, cherry red accessories and the ever-present polka dot clothing
Method 14 of 16: Cabaret Goth

Step 1. The sexy and extravagant world of cabaret and burlesque is the ideal partner for goth:
in fact, corsets, suspenders and black suits have been a goth classic for several years.
The birth of a "Dark Cabaret" current was therefore practically inevitable.

Step 2. Cabaret Goth's look, character and sound is embodied in the Dresden Dolls band, although there are several other artists who enjoyed playing with burlesque imagery and music
Siouxsie and the Banshees, Voltaire, the Sex Gang Children and the infamous Tiger Lillies, to name a few. Even "goth" metal artist Marylin Manson has flirted with burlesque (literally, if we consider his wife Dita Von Teese).

Step 3. The buffs insist that authentic burlesque and cabaret must be as sexy as it is classy, a skill the Goths excel at like no other
Cabaret Goth girls gracefully pair corsets, lace and feathers with high heels, garters and bows. Hey guys? Well, they tend to look like a bizarre cross between a mime, Dracula and Charlie Chaplin, but they do it with unparalleled style and class.
Method 15 of 16: Steampunk Goth

Step 1. The old-fashioned, refined elegance of the Victorian goths and the crude, nervous futurism of the rivetheads would seem completely irreconcilable
However, thanks to a particular genre of fantasy, a happy marriage was born between the two currents that gave birth to the Steampunk Goth.
Step 2. Steampunk is, in practice, science fiction set in the past (very often in the Victorian era), in very little technological contexts
You can find steam-powered robots, clockwork computers, and complicated wheeled contraptions made of wood or brass. The encounter between Victorian imagery and the most extravagant technology is undoubtedly of enormous fascination for many Goths, but probably the main link between Steampunk and goth culture is represented by the Victorian-era writers who inspired the genre, including Mary. Shelley and Edgar Allan Poe.
Step 3. Steampunk Goth fashion is extremely creative and introduces elements that evoke Victorian era technology, such as watches, keys and gears
Even if the Steampunk current is not a music scene, Rasputina, Emilie Autumn and Abney Park are bands that can be considered Steampunk-inspired.
Method 16 of 16: Tribal Goth
Step 1. In the past, "tribal" goth was a vague term, rarely used to define goths who flirted with primitivism:
jewelry made of bone, dreadlocks, beads, braids, extreme body modification and all that goes by the name of "ethnic".
In a sense, this goth trend is perhaps the closest to the etymological origin of the term "gothic", ie the early Goths (the tribe of the Visigoths). In recent years, however, Tribal goth refers more to a niche and very specific phenomenon, that of the Gothic Belly dancer.
Step 2. When Turkish and Egyptian belly dancing became fashionable in the United States, a new style developed, the "tribal"
Due to its sensual and mysterious nature and references to goddess worship, this dance soon fascinated many Goths, who began wearing black hip belts and tons of jingling jewelry. In a short time, the belly dance style "Gothic Tribal" was born.
Step 3. Gothic "tribal" fuses traditional belly dance clothing with goth accessories and motifs
Many dancers also evoke the "tribal" character of this type of dance with accessories made of bone, shell shells, wood and other materials of organic origin. Musical preferences are highly dependent on the specifics imposed by the dance. Some bands that are popular with Gothic Belly dancers are Corvus Corax, Collide, Maduro and Knossos.
- Decide what kind of goth you want to be (you don't have to define yourself uniquely, but it can help you get an idea of the wardrobe). Do you feel more comfortable wearing "cute" clothes, such as floral skirts and ruffled blouses? Romantic Goth is the style for you. Do you like studs, ripped clothes and chains? Put on a couple of amphibians and opt for Industrial Goth.
- Wear clothing that you feel comfortable with! With a dress you look good only if you feel good on it.
- Makeup is also important. A black eyeliner is always indicated. You can also try different colors. Vary a little! If you want to go for it, you can try black eyeshadow and dark red lipstick, but be careful, because it's a type of makeup that weighs you down and doesn't suit everyone. Also remember to choose the colors that suit your complexion best. Do you love purple eyeshadow but does it give you a bloodless complexion? Don't wear it just because it's "Goth".
- The ideal place to shop are the second-hand shops and markets. They are cheap and you can switch between styles with ease. Online stores like Hot Topic and the like may be fine, but sometimes they offer a bit mundane stuff, not to mention the prices! But if you find something you like, go ahead and take it: what matters are your tastes! In all the shops it is full of "Goth-compatible" items, clothes and accessories: just keep your eyes open and have your mind ready!
- Black nail polish looks great on fair complexions, but is usually poor brand and crumbles quickly. Blood red, purple and blue shades also have their effect.
- He wears black bracelets. Silver is also fine, which looks better than gold with fair skin.
- Be creative with your clothing. For example, you might be a girl who loves dark colors with a sprinkle of glitter and who is super savvy with rock bands like Evanescence and Pretty Reckless, in other words… your own custom goth genre!