3 Ways to Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish

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3 Ways to Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish
3 Ways to Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish

Spanish is a beautiful language spoken in various countries, so sooner or later you may want to compliment a girl using this language. You can express yourself in different ways, but the best one depends on the situation. The words to use vary depending on your intent: do you want to flirt with a young woman or compliment a mom because she has a lovely little daughter?


Method 1 of 3: Flirting

Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 1
Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 1

Step 1. Translate "beautiful" the right way

If you want to clarify your intentions, you should use a slightly allusive word. The choice is wide, so opt for a term that allows you to express what you really mean:

  • Atractiva means "attractive".
  • Preciosa means "beautiful".
  • Hermosa means "beautiful".
  • Mona means "pretty".
  • Deslumbrante means "breathtakingly beautiful".
  • Guapa and linda are two other terms to say that a woman is beautiful.
  • Bonita means "beautiful".
Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 2
Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 2

Step 2. Translate "girl" the right way

This choice depends on the age of the person who will receive the comment. You can use the literal translation of "girl", "woman" or "young woman".

  • Chica means "girl", but it is a term that can also be used informally to refer to an adult woman.
  • In Mexico (but also in other countries), you can say muchacha to refer to a young woman.
  • In Argentina and Uruguay, mina is a colloquial word to refer to a young woman.
  • You can also use the word mujer, which means "woman".
Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 3
Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 3

Step 3. Work out a flirting phrase

Although your Spanish is not very fluent, you can make a short sentence instead of just saying "beautiful girl". Think about the message you intend to convey and find a way to express it correctly. You can find flirting phrases in Spanish language books, but they can be stereotyped or prepackaged.

  • You can say something like: "Cómo se siente al ser la más bella chica en esta sala?", That is, "How does it feel to be the most beautiful girl in this place?".
  • To be more poetic or for a statement of great effect, you could say: "Y entonces la vi, la chica preciosa con la que había soñado toda mi vida", that is, "And then I saw her, the beautiful girl I had dreamed of throughout my life".

Method 2 of 3: Compliment a Little Girl

Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 4
Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 4

Step 1. Translate "girl" the right way

You can use different words depending on how old the compliment recipient is and on the nature of your relationship. Make sure you select an appropriate term so you don't disrespect her.

  • Niña means "little girl". The "ñ" is pronounced like the sound "gn" in Italian.
  • Joven is a more formal way of referring to a teenager.
  • Chica or muchacha is a more informal term to refer to a teenager or young woman.
  • Hija literally means "daughter", but you can use it informally to refer to any little girl you would regard as a daughter.
Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 5
Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 5

Step 2. Translate "beautiful" the right way

The word should be appropriate for the age of the girl and the context of the comment. Do you want to tell parents that they have a beautiful baby girl or do you want to compliment a 15-year-old?

  • Bonita literally means "beautiful".
  • Bella and preciosa are suitable terms to describe a beautiful little girl.
Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 6
Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 6

Step 3. Word the sentence correctly

If you are looking at a baby or girl, just say "What a beautiful baby!". If you are talking to a young girl, however, it may be necessary to elaborate on the comment a little more.

  • To parents you can say: Tu hija es hermosa, that is, "Your daughter is beautiful".
  • You could also say: ¡Qué niña tan hermosa!, which means "What a beautiful little girl!".

Method 3 of 3: Describe a Beautiful Girl

Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 7
Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 7

Step 1. Choose a generic term to translate "girl":

there are several. If you're not sure which one will best fit a certain context, you may want to choose a word that works for different situations.

  • Chica is used very frequently to refer to both little girls and young women. It allows you to play it safe in many situations.
  • Remember that Spanish is spoken in many countries, each of which uses a different language variant, so the use of the language may differ from place to place. Find the right word for the right country.
Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 8
Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 8

Step 2. Choose the correct word to translate "beautiful"

If you want to say that a girl is beautiful without making you think she is attracted to her, avoid allusive terms. The same is true when you don't know the age of the girl in question.

  • Bella is a colloquial term for "beautiful".
  • You can also use linda or bonita.
Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 9
Say Beautiful Girl in Spanish Step 9

Step 3. Combine the words

Usually in Spanish, adjectives go after the nouns they refer to. For example, "the beautiful girl" will be called la chica bella, in which chica is the noun and beautiful the adjective.

You can experiment with the wording of sentences. For example, "You are a beautiful girl" translates to Eres a chica bonita


  • The pronunciation of Spanish is very similar to that of Italian, but pay attention to differences, such as "ñ". Practice before speaking to a native speaker.
  • If you are abroad or in a place with a different culture, it is always best to be polite and respectful when in doubt. It matters wherever you go, whether it's a club or a family reunion.
