It's time to declare yourself to the person you like, but how do you do it? You should find the courage to reveal your true feelings, but after talking honestly and openly with the guy you like, you will feel better no matter what. If you want to know how to tell him you like him without getting too nervous or doing weird things, follow these steps.
Method 1 of 3: React the Right Way

Step 1. Don't be angry if the person you're interested in doesn't share your feelings
If it doesn't feel the same, it's not the end of the world. You should be proud that you were brave enough to confess your true feelings and that you got the answers you were looking for, even if you don't end up getting what you wanted. If he doesn't feel the same way, you can say, "Okay, no problem", or "Thanks for listening to me, anyway." Be polite and kind, as if you were saying "hello"; don't make him uncomfortable by saying, "I knew it was going to happen," or "nobody ever likes me."
Remember that having the courage to say what you feel will make you feel secure in your future relationships and choices

Step 2. Don't feel weird seeing him if you know he doesn't like you
If that person doesn't share your feelings, that's okay. If you're friends, then maybe you should just ignore it for a while, but that doesn't mean you'll have to run away or avoid it the next time you see it. Keep acting as usual and be happy to see him next time you meet him. Remember that knowing how you feel cannot help you and keep calm.

Step 3. Celebrate if she reciprocates your feelings
If the person you have a crush on reciprocates your feelings, you should enjoy your feelings of dizziness and excitement. Be proud of yourself for saying what you feel and have fun hanging out with him, perhaps for a date. You can take it easy and decide on the next step. He will be impressed with your courage and honesty and will want to go out with you as soon as possible.
Method 2 of 3: State Your Feelings in Person

Step 1. Take care of your appearance, avoiding it being too obvious
Of course, you should look good when you decide to reveal your feelings to the person you like. Don't dress up if you normally sport a casual look, and don't wear a new dress if you usually walk around in comfortable clothes. Don't make the person you're infatuated with think that you're doing your best to get them to get the message. Just try to dress a little better and be more groomed than usual; this will give you more self-confidence when you reveal your feelings.

Step 2. Choose the right time and place
If you want to get the best results, you need to pick a time when you and the person you like are quite alone in a stress-free environment. Do not talk to him between lessons: he may be taken by surprise or worried about the math test to be done in the next hour. Rather, choose a time when you know you can be alone, like after school, or at a group event where you know you can get away for a while to chat.

Step 3. Tell him you want to talk about something
Don't make it serious; make it sound like you want to ask for help on homework or something. Let him know that you would like to talk to him about something face to face, but without the pressure of a serious conversation. Try to be as casual as possible, without overdoing it. Just say something like: "Hey, I'd like to talk to you about something after school, do you have a minute?"

Step 4. Make him feel comfortable by laughing or joking
You shouldn't immediately say, "I like you!", Because he may still be a little uncomfortable or confused as to why you are alone. Rather, let him relax with a silly joke, tease yourself a little, or laugh at something he said. Laughing will find the person you like in a positive state of mind and will make them more receptive to what you want to say.

Step 5. Spit the toad
There is no need to wait. Once you are left alone and you have made him feel at ease, you just have to tell him what you feel. The sooner you do it, the better; and it will be less likely for you to get further nervous or ramble on other topics. Just be simple and straightforward. Say: "I wanted to tell you that I have a crush on you", or "I really like going out with you and I want you to know that I have feelings for you".
- When you talk to him, make eye contact and relax. Don't be too close to him and don't look at the floor, don't appear too anxious or too introverted.
- Call him by name as you tell him how you feel. "Marco, there is one thing I want to tell you …" sounds more personal than "I want to tell you something".
- Don't prepare your speech too much. You would feel even more pressured.

Step 6. Wait for a reaction
Don't immediately put pressure on him, saying, "So, what do you think?". Probably the person you are interested in, whether or not they share your feelings, is taken by surprise and needs some time to reflect on your words. Take a couple of deep breaths, step back and wait for him to respond. He might immediately tell you that he reciprocates your feelings, but it is more likely that he needs more time and will say: "Cool, thanks for telling me", or "Can I have some time to think about it?" This is quite natural. If you want to increase the odds of being reciprocated, you should get an answer while the thing is "fresh", right after your cards are revealed.
Method 3 of 3: State Your Feelings in Other Ways

Step 1. State your feelings over the phone
While confessing your crush in person will make you seem more confident and mature, if you feel too ashamed, calling him and letting go of your feelings is the best move. Just say "hello", make him comfortable with a joke or a casual phrase like "I wanted to tell you something", and then reveal how you feel.
- Talking on the phone will make you feel less nervous because you won't see the person you like in the face. Also, if you are agitated, you can walk back and forth to get rid of some nervousness.
- If you have decided to state your feelings over the phone, you can also call one of your friends first and try what you will say.

Step 2. State your feelings with a cute card
A nice way to tell him how you really feel is to put a cute note that says you like it in his locker, textbook, or backpack. Just write something like: "'Hi, Marco, I just wanted to tell you I like you'". If you find the ticket at the right time, it can be a pleasant surprise; just make sure it's easy to find.

Step 3. State your feelings with an informal date
If you are too nervous to say, "I like you," it is possible to evade the situation by simply asking him out. You can say you have extra tickets to a movie or show and invite him to go together, ask him if he is hungry and wants to have a snack or coffee somewhere or if he wants to go for a walk in the park. Asking him to go out alone will make your feelings quite evident, so you can leave the next move to him, once he understands it.

Step 4. Know what to avoid
There are some things you should avoid doing if you want to tell someone you like them and get the best results. Here are some things you should avoid if you want to look confident and mature:
- Don't delegate your friends to tell them you like them. If you want to look mature, you have to do it yourself.
- Don't do it on Facebook. This will make you appear either not serious or not confident enough to say it in person.
- Don't be too anxious when you reveal how you feel. A simple "I like you" is much more effective and less likely to scare him than saying "I've been in love with you since sixth grade."
- Keep Calm and Be Confident!
- Make sure you really like him, not just because of his looks or because all of your friends already have boyfriends or girlfriends.
- Make sure you like him enough before you tell him. If you're not sure, get to know him better before making a choice.
- If you blush a lot, don't worry and don't try to hide it. Breathe deeply and look him in the eye.
- Don't wear too much makeup and don't wear your favorite dress for the occasion, as it could all go wrong.
- Get comfortable in your surroundings if you aren't going somewhere else together.
- If you are shy, keep communicating with tickets or text messages; even if it is not as personal as talking to him face to face, he will not be able to perceive your nervousness in this way.
- If you are nervous, try not to show it: don't look too tense and don't smile too much.
- If you want to be romantic, or you are not very good in embarrassing situations, try writing a love note. Write down how you feel about him, then slip it into his locker or somewhere else he can find it.
- If he doesn't want you, turn your attention to someone else! Don't spend the rest of your life upset!
- If you get rejected, don't tell someone else right away, especially a friend of the guy you just got rejected from.
- Don't spend hours and hours after crying and repeating to yourself: "He was the only one for me." It may seem difficult, but you can find a lot of help from your family, friends, and other little joys in life. It just takes time.
- Don't forget that everything will be fine, even if he doesn't want you; go out with friends and you will see that you will forget it very soon.
- Don't fall in love with your best friend's ex. Unless she tells you it's okay and your friend won't be mad.