3 ways to tell if you have a crush on someone

3 ways to tell if you have a crush on someone
3 ways to tell if you have a crush on someone

Table of contents:


Having a crush can be both exciting and terrifying. Sometimes it's hard to tell if you really have an infatuation with someone or not. Read this article to find out if what you are feeling is a crush or if you are wrong.


Method 1 of 3: Part 1: Defining a "crush"

Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 1
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 1

Step 1. Learn to recognize a crush

Urban Dictionary defines crush as, "the burning desire to be with someone considered very attractive and extremely special". Crushes make you feel bizarre, you can feel very shy and frivolous at the same time. You can't decide who to have a crush on, but you can choose how to react when you know you have a crush.

Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 2
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 2

Step 2. There are several types of crushes

The term "crush" is often overused. Having a crush can mean feeling a slight infatuation or feeling a strong attraction for someone.

  • The Friendly Crush: Remember that not all strong feelings are necessarily feelings of love. Getting close to someone and trusting without necessarily feeling romantic-inspiring feelings is a very special thing. The fact that you always want to be with the same person can mean that you have gone from being friends to being best friends. It is perfectly normal to have a crush on a friend and it is normal to want to spend as much time with him as possible.
  • The Admiration Crush: When you doting on someone (be it a VIP, a teacher or a classmate who you think is very cool), you happen to have strong feelings for what they are and what they do. These feelings can only be mistaken for romantic love because they are very intense. It is normal to feel strong feelings for someone who has taught you a lot or who has done something really terrific. Before considering these feelings special, it is often better to let some time pass. Normally, after spending a lot of time with a person, you stop idolizing them and realize that they are not all that special. You will realize that after spending a lot of time with a person, the initial feelings you experienced from being with them will fade.
  • Passenger crush: It is human nature to feel attraction to others. Even if you are living in a wonderful relationship, it may happen that you feel attracted or attracted to another person. This attraction is what is usually called a "fleeting crush", even if this person attracts you a lot, that doesn't mean you have to screw up your current relationship or, if you are single, let go of your plans just to be with. she. Very often, passing crushes are characterized by an intense physical attraction.
  • The Romantic Crush: Sometimes having a crush on someone means that that person really likes you - and it results in pretty romantic thoughts. Having a romantic crush means wanting to be with someone in a more than friendly way, wanting to be their boyfriend or girlfriend. If you fantasize about kissing, cuddling, or holding hands, you're probably having a romantic crush.
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 3
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 3

Step 3. How serious is the crush?

Learn to understand it. By understanding how serious the crush is, you will know the best way to proceed. You can keep your feelings to yourself or you can share them with the person you are attracted to. Read the next section to understand how strong your crush is on this person.

Method 2 of 3: Part 2: Stay Close to the Person You Have a Crush For

Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 4
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 4

Step 1. Think about how you behave when you are close to the person you think you feel something about

Pay attention to how you react when you see that person or when you hear about them. People react differently and usually unconsciously. Normally, when you have a crush on someone, you can react in two ways: either you become shy and silent, or you become talkative.

  • The Shy Reaction: Do you have the feeling of wanting to curl up when you see the person you like? Are you blushing and unable to lift your eyes off the floor? Do you feel like you have nothing interesting or intelligent to say at the time? All of these reactions are typical of a crush.
  • The Logorrhoeic Reaction: Do you feel the intense desire to joke with that person? Do you feel the need to get his attention when you are close? These are also symptoms of a crush. Just make sure you don't make the other person uncomfortable with this behavior. Don't provoke her too much, or she might prefer not to hang out with you.
  • The Flirtatious Reaction: Do you feel the need to point out how you are dressed or your haircut to that person? Do you feel like you want to giggle and joke? Or maybe at some point you feel the need to make sure that your appearance is in place in order to attract the attention of the person you like. Blinking, running your hands through your hair, and playing with it are all clear signs of a crush.
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 5
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 5

Step 2. Think about how you feel when the person you like is close to you

The most obvious sign of a crush is experiencing butterflies in the stomach when the person you like is around. You may even experience a heart sinking every time you see her.

  • Are you suddenly feeling nervous and excited at the same time? Would you like to hug that person or be with them all the time? These are normal reactions due to the crush.
  • Do you feel like you want to drop everything to be with that person?
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 6
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 6

Step 3. Pay attention to how you behave with your friends and the person you like

Having a crush, you may be tempted to stay in the center of the conversation or want to outshine yourself. If you are among friends and suddenly the person you think you have a crush on appears, pay attention to how your behavior changes. If you have a crush, you probably behave in one of these ways:

  • Do you feel the need to be the center of attention? While talking to someone you subconsciously try to bring the speech back to something you said or did, just to impress the person you like. Maybe you raise your voice on purpose to make yourself heard. You may also feel the need to establish a more stable contact in order to attract all his attention.
  • Do you shut up at some point? Sometimes having a crush on someone can make you feel embarrassed and shut up. If you usually chat a lot, except when you see the person you like coming up, you most likely have a crush.
  • Is it like all your friends disappear when you see the person you like? It may happen that despite being surrounded by people, when you see the person you like everything else disappears. Maybe you smile often, even when there is nothing funny. Can't stay focused on what friends are saying? These are all signs of a good crush.
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 7
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 7

Step 4. Do you strive to look your best?

One of the main signs of having a crush on someone is wanting to look your best in front of their eyes. Do you spend more time deciding how to dress in the morning? Have you bought any new clothes or clothes that the person you like might like? Do you spend more time fixing your hair or makeup in case you meet that person? If so, you sure have a crush on it.

Method 3 of 3: Part 3: What Happens When the Person You Have a Crush For Isn't There

Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 8
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 8

Step 1. Do you only think about the person you have a crush on?

Pay attention to this aspect. If you find yourself thinking about that particular person more than anything else, you may have a crush.

  • Do you not pay attention to the conversation while you are having dinner with your parents because you wonder what she is doing?
  • When you are with friends do you really want to be with her / him in your heart?
  • When you go to sleep do you think how nice it would be to kiss that person good night?
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 9
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 9

Step 2. Try to analyze yourself when you talk about who you like

Do you often talk to your friends about the person you are attracted to? One of the most obvious signs of a crush is that friends point out that you are always talking about the same person. Talk to a friend about it if it makes you feel comfortable. It will help you understand what your feelings are and may give you ideas to get noticed by the person you have a crush on.

Pay attention to the people you share your feelings with. Don't go around flaunting your infatuation to friends and acquaintances. If you do, someone may go to the person and report it to him, which can be quite embarrassing. Only tell your best friend or friends you trust the most

Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 10
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 10

Step 3. Did thinking about that person change your habits?

Were there any vices or habits that you set aside hoping to attract the attention of the person you have a crush on?

  • Do you often walk up to her classroom door hoping to see her?
  • Did you change your route back home just to see if it went the same way?
  • Have you started taking an interest in something she likes to get her attention?
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 11
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 11

Step 4. Notice the inner reactions that occur when someone talks about the person you are interested in

Often, when you have a crush, you get excited when someone talks about her. If someone names the person you like, how do you react? By chance you feel:

Excited? Do you suddenly feel butterflies in your stomach? Does your heart jump in your throat? Do you giggle and blush? If any of these things happen, it means you have a crush

Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 12
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 12

Step 5. Daydreams

There is a difference between thinking of someone and daydreaming about someone. Thinking about someone means wondering what they are doing, if they are okay. Daydreaming means fantasizing about situations that you would like to happen. People who have a crush on someone tend to daydream often.

If you fantasize about a person imagining having a fling together, holding hands or kissing, you most likely have a crush

Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 13
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 13

Step 6. Your surroundings remind you of the person you have a crush on

If while listening to a song, watching a movie or reading a book you find references to the person you like, it definitely means that you have a crush on them.

  • If while you hear a love song you think "Hey, that's just how I feel", you have a crush.
  • If while watching a movie like Titanic and contextualizing your situation in that of the protagonists, then you have a crush.
  • If you read Romeo and Juliet and identify yourself and the person you like in the protagonists, then you have a big crush.
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 14
Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone Step 14

Step 7. Think about how you felt while reading this article

Did you have a particular person in mind while reading this article? If the answer is yes, it means you have a big crush!
