Getting a girl in a week may seem complicated, but with a bit of courage you might be able to do it. Claiming to build a solid relationship within a week is perhaps a little too optimistic, but in this short amount of time, it is possible to start dating or share an interest. Self-esteem, respect, honesty, and open communication are all essential factors in getting a girl, no matter how much time you have.
Part 1 of 5: Leaving the "Friend Zone"

Step 1. Remember that a friendship is very different from a romantic relationship
If you are friends, you will realize that the rules and expectations of the relationship are different. To make her change her mind and get her to see you differently, don't keep acting like a friend.

Step 2. Start touching her more often, but never do it in an aggressive or intrusive way
Gently touching her arm or brushing her knee when you're sitting next to her can help insinuate your interest.

Step 3. Express your feelings honestly
Do you really want to be in a relationship with this girl? Then tell him. But remember that you risk compromising your friendship. Don't be friends with a girl in the hope that she might change her mind about you. It wouldn't be fair - remember that a friendship should be based on trust and respect.

Step 4. Explain respectfully and openly that you would like to be in a romantic relationship
Be honest with her and tell her that your friendship is close. Do you prefer that you remain friends? Try to figure out if you can handle it or if it is better to move on.
- For example, try saying, "I have a lot of fun with you and I would like to see you more often. I would like to know if, like me, you feel something deeper."
- If you get a two of spades, you may suffer and have a hard time keeping the friendship alive, a relationship that should be based on mutual support and respect. After you tell her that you consider her more than a friend, ask yourself if you can actually continue to offer all of this to her. Don't try to force the relationship. Take some time to recover.
Part 2 of 5: Contact Your Friends and Family

Step 1. Talk to his friends and family
Get to know her better. The more information you have, the easier it will be to flirt and talk to her. Try to have a respectful approach towards the people who are close to her and explain to them that you would like to get to know her better. Show your intentions openly and honestly so they can better understand how to help you.
- Try to be yourself and don't give the wrong idea. If the girl in question finds out that you have manipulated loved ones to get what you want, you will surely make the situation worse.
- When talking to his parents, be polite. Being respectful is essential, also because your behavior will make them understand how you will treat their child.

Step 2. Respect yourself and your family's views
If she tells you she isn't safe or isn't allowed to go out with guys, it's not the end of the world. As much as you want to hang out, it's much more important to build a relationship based on respect right from the start.
Don't make her lie or do things secretly. This would only get her into trouble, as well as appearing selfish and disrespectful towards her parents

Step 3. Keep calm and be kind
If things don't go the way you hoped, you could be disheartened. You are pretty sure that you treat the girl you like very well, but how do you behave with her friends? You may think you are doing nothing wrong, but think about it: if you don't know them, bothering them with questions can be annoying. Don't have bully attitudes, not even unknowingly.
According to research, when a woman interacts with a man she finds threatening or aggressive, she may agree to give him what she wants simply to get rid of him. If a friend of the girl in question gave you the answers you wanted, it doesn't mean she was honest. You certainly don't want to build a relationship on that basis

Step 4. Talk to her friends to get to know her better
Make sure you make a good impression on them, as it will be the first barrier you will need to overcome in order to get close to her.
If the girl in question is much more popular than you or belongs to a different social group, more effort will be required. Try to connect with this group to get closer to her and be seen in a different light
Part 3 of 5: Preparing the Ground

Step 1. Express yourself directly
Don't play games. You don't have to immediately tell her you like her and risk scaring her, but don't assume she can read your mind either. When you ask her a question, always be respectful and thank her for sharing her views with you. Communicating openly is the easiest way to get to know her better.
If you find it difficult to get her to tell you what she thinks or even just talk to her, use open-ended questions to facilitate the conversation: "What is your favorite subject? Why?" or "Tell me something about yourself that others would never imagine."

Step 2. Listen to it
When you talk to her, do you only think about what you will reply to her or do you really try to understand what she is saying to you? Listen actively and ask questions to make sure you understand. Don't be distracted by anything else. Find a quiet place or make an appointment to make sure you are both mentally and emotionally alert.

Step 3. Try to always be fresh and clean
If you are experiencing puberty or playing sports and have noticed that you are sweating or smelling bad, start showering and using deodorant every day. Brush your teeth and comb your hair. Good personal hygiene is essential.
Try to be fresh and clean even when you know you won't see her - if someone makes unflattering rumors about your personal hygiene, you risk losing points before you even get to talk to her

Step 4. Dress well
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but any girl would want to be with a well-groomed guy. Dressing with taste shows that you are proud of your appearance. Try to choose clothing according to your build, to highlight strengths and minimize flaws.

Step 5. Keep conversations alive
You should be able to have frequent and lively conversations. It is essential to be able to discuss multiple topics that interest both of you. Try to avoid silences or awkward moments. When a certain topic doesn't seem to give much stimulus, change the subject.

Step 6. Conversations should be focused on the things you have in common
For example, ask her if she likes video games - surprisingly many girls do too. If you're into drawing, ask her if she's interested too. If both of you are cheering for a team, you can ask them, "Hey, did you see yesterday's game?".

Step 7. Believe in yourself
Don't pretend you love something just because you think it interests them. You need to be aware of what you like and what you don't like, so that you can always offer conversation points. Don't worry if she has different opinions or tastes. Having self-esteem also means being able to tell the truth and demanding that others respect you regardless of their opinions.
Don't be rude. Having an opinion doesn't mean all other ideas are wrong, they're just different
Part 4 of 5: A question of chemistry

Step 1. Get noticed
Stand out from all the guys she's dated and treat her in a special way. If you don't make your intentions clear, he or she will never understand that you want to deepen the bond. Create a certain romantic tension to tickle his fantasies: he will begin to explore the possibility of establishing a relationship as a couple.
- Compliment her, such as "This dress looks really good on you" or "I never noticed your nose wrinkles when you laugh. I find it very cuddly."
- Don't speak the same way to all the girls you meet. If you constantly flirt with any girl, no one will feel special. You can also get a reputation as a Don Juan, give the idea that you are desperate or that you use women.
- Do not approach her in a shady or strange way without opening your mouth. If you have nothing to say, avoid stopping. Say hello to her and go on your way.

Step 2. Be yourself
The girl in question must feel attracted to you for who you are, not for a character you have tailored. Don't pretend and don't wear masks. It will only drain you emotionally and won't help you build a lasting relationship.
Don't change your sense of humor and don't pretend to share his interests when in reality he doesn't. Your compliments should be sincere and you should be really interested in her

Step 3. Try to spend time alone with her
This way you will get to know each other on a deeper level. Get rid of distractions like cell phones, unwanted visits, or loud music. Choose a place where you can have some privacy and be comfortable too. She may feel in awe if you invite her to your home or you may feel embarrassed if you have to kiss someone in public, so make an appropriate choice.
Suggest an activity that you can do together, such as studying, walking, or having a bite to eat. Make sure you make it clear that you will be alone, so that you can prepare for the appointment and adjust expectations accordingly

Step 4. Overcome the barrier of physical contact
Some people are more prone than others to make physical contact. If you've never gotten close before, let your intentions out. Beyond physical contact, you need to be intent on cultivating closeness and affinity on an emotional level as well. This is a great way to flirt and should be used in a relaxed manner.
- If she makes a joke, tap her arm, or approach her without even touching her and compliment her on the perfume she wears or on her hair.
- If she's reading, approach her from behind and touch her, or place your hand on her lower back when you need to walk her in a certain direction. It will seem like a harmless gesture, but subconsciously it will make her understand that you intend to approach her.
Part 5 of 5: Invite her out

Step 1. Try to have a plan
Ask her out at the right time. For example, approach her when she is alone. Wait for her to laugh, tell you something that happened to her, or look at you intensely: at that point, invite her to go out with you. You can say to her, "I've been thinking a lot about you lately and I'd like to ask if you'd like to go out with me, the two of us alone. I'm sure we'd have fun together."
Inviting her to share an activity is better than asking her right away if she wants to be your girlfriend so you won't put pressure on her. If you tell her that you are alone and that you have been thinking about her, she will understand that it will not be a classic date with a friend

Step 2. Put a note in his backpack
You can write her: "Do you like me? I wanted to let you know that I like you." Signed on the bottom. You don't have to use your name, you can even write your initials or a nickname that only she knows.
The girl in question might consider it a nice and likeable way that doesn't involve any special responsibility or pressure. However, she may also think that you are too shy to invite her in person

Step 3. Talk to her when she is alone
Don't step forward when she is with her friends or other people. He may feel uncomfortable, especially if those present make embarrassing comments, such as "He likes you, he likes you!". Her friends may also put you in trouble if they think you are not a good fit for her.
- Never ask someone else to invite a girl over for you, because otherwise they might think it's a joke. Try to be relaxed to avoid frightening her. The best way to do this is to invite her in person, by phone or through a video chat.
- Don't ask her if she wants to text you out, because otherwise she might misunderstand you.

Step 4. Organize a group outing
Ask a few friends if they want to go skating, to the movies, or to watch television in your home. If you know her well, invite her directly. You can also do this through a mutual friend with whom he is more confident.
On this occasion, try not to be intrusive by trying to isolate her, but interact with her often to let her know that you care

Step 5. Be prepared for any obstacles
Ask her if she has a boyfriend or explain that you're not going to be pushy by saying, "Would you like to go out together? Don't worry, it's going to be an informal date and we don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to."
If she agrees despite looking worried, be sure to respect her needs. Did he ask you not to tell anyone? Do not do it. Did she tell you she'd rather not be kissed? Don't put pressure on her

Step 6. The appointment should be simple
It is often ideal to go to the cinema in the afternoon because it is a public place and offers a lot of conversation points. You can also suggest that you go to a place that allows you to dedicate yourself to a shared interest, such as a sporting event or a visit to the bookstore.
Offer to meet her directly there and be sure to tell her that her parents are welcome
- Always remember that it is very difficult for her to ask you out. You have to take heart and invite her personally.
- Don't approach her and tell her out of the blue that you love her madly. Many guys think girls want these sweet, romantic gestures, but behavior like that will come off as fake or intrusive, especially if you've exchanged a few words so far.
- Joke around when you get the chance, but remember not to be heavy or offend her.
- Following a girl wherever she goes or talking behind her back won't help you impress.
- Just because you like a girl and have noticed her since the beginning of the year doesn't mean she reciprocates your feelings.