Do you have to watch every day the spectacle of potential boyfriends courting the love of your life, knowing that you are the only one who truly loves her? Jealousy, hatred and a sense of defeat are all feelings that could arise in these moments. However, the only important thing you need to do is win that person's heart. Read on to find out how to do this.
Part 1 of 3: At the beginning

Step 1. Take it easy at first
Let your relationship mature naturally. Speeding up the times will almost certainly scare her. Let your feelings gradually grow as you are together.

Step 2. Be brave
Most girls appreciate self-confident people, but not self-centered ones. Get close to her and just start talking to her. She will understand that you are interested in her. You could start the conversation by saying:
- "What a beautiful dress! Did you make it?"
- "Sorry, I'm new to here and I don't know where the library is. Can you tell me, please?
- "Hi, my name is [your name]. You sound like an interesting person. Do you mind if I steal a few minutes from you?

Step 3. Date other girls too
This doesn't mean you have to flirt with them; it would most likely not be a good move. Surrounding yourself with other girls will make the girl realize that you really like her that other girls find you reliable and straightforward. If you can get indirect support from other girls, you have taken a giant step.
Befriend his friends if possible. Sure, it can be extremely difficult, but try it anyway. If her friends like you, you will have a better chance of winning her over. After all, girls often turn to their friends for advice or opinions. Make sure they have a good opinion of you

Step 4. Take care of your personal hygiene
Women pride themselves on being clean and fragrant. This means that it is important for them that a boy takes care of his personal hygiene. On the contrary, it would immediately dissuade them from approaching you. Believe it or not, clean and fragrant hair is really a great thing, as is a body that smells fresh. Here are three things you can do right now to improve your hygiene:
Rain or wind, whether you sweat or not, wash every day. It is better to be too clean than not clean enough. Be proud of being clean and fragrant. If you do sports then, you absolutely must take a shower every day.
Win a Girl's Heart Step 4Bullet1 -
Shave or trim your beard daily. Most women prefer clean-shaven men: unless you're an adult, a beard is difficult to care for and wouldn't look too good on you. In short, get rid of this "steppe" every day.
Win a Girl's Heart Step 4Bullet2 -
Use deodorant, not perfume. Many kids think they can "mask" their smells with perfume. Instead, the smells and scent just mix, resulting in an unpleasant odor. Girls will prefer not to smell you at all, rather than feel this sweat-cologne mix. If you really want to use perfume, wear a little.
Win a Girl's Heart Step 4Bullet3

Step 5. If you can make a girl laugh, you will be able to go further
But don't take advantage of it. Let her become your best friend first, then advance cautiously. At first a girl needs to be able to trust you, and to know that you won't break her heart because you really care about her. Girls like to laugh and will laugh at whatever you say, even if it's not funny.

Step 6. Be honest
Complimenting her, flirting, teasing her, filling her with attention won't do any good if you don't really care about her. When you decide to compliment her, take the time to reflect on what you like about her, put together all the courage you have to tell her, and be honest.
It's okay to disagree with her, the important thing is that she doesn't feel threatened, that you don't disrespect her and offer her a valid reason why you don't think like her. Who knows if you don't respect yourself even more for having openly expressed your opinion and showing her your personality

Step 7. Show her that you really like her
Prove to her that you don't have a simple crush on her. Ask her about her, talk to her. Don't try to just kiss her. Listen to what she says and look her in the eye.

Step 8. Compliment her
Complimenting a girl is hard: everyone wants to feel good about themselves, but it's hard to find the right compliment, especially knowing that even a little one can do a lot. Remember the following guidelines when you're ready to show her that she is more to you than just a friend:
- It strengthens the opinion she has of herself. If he thinks he is an athlete, he supports his competitive spirit and his athletic skills. If she thinks she is a thinker, praise her intelligence. Whatever she thinks about herself, compliment her as much as possible on her abilities.
Stick to confident compliments about her personality. Avoid making appreciation of certain areas of his body or his appearance. Although they want to feel beautiful, girls also want to be appreciated for their character and intelligence. If you want to compliment a girl on her looks, stick to these aspects: br>
- Smile
- Hair
- Eyes
- Lip
- Clothes
- Style
- Try such compliments. They are just drafts, so customize them according to the occasion and the girl.
- "I'm sorry, I know it's embarrassing, but I get really nervous in front of beautiful girls."
- "Maybe everyone tells you, but I love your way of thinking."
- "I like the combination of the color of your eyes and the dress. Which of your parents also has blue eyes?"
- Whatever you do, think positive and trust yourself. You can't flirt if you don't trust your abilities and doubt you can win her over. I mean, do something that spurs and encourages you, or wait until you win a soccer game or school science contest before you start flirting.
Overcome the barrier of contact. Start touching her gently in areas safe And harmless. Touch her hand as you talk to her or make a joke; caress her back when you reassure her about something. Touch her shoulders when you want to get her attention.
Win a Girl's Heart Step 10Bullet2 - Tease her in a playful way. Preferably about things she feels confident about or is capable of doing well, so that she understands that you are joking. If she's great at school, for example, say something like "I would never want to be in a group with you on the science project, because it would mean having to do everything."
- If you say you are going to do something, do it. When you make a mission statement, then you have to respect it. Girls (but boys too) hate people who promise to do but don't keep their word. Don't be one of those people.
- Maintain your reputation. Make sure you don't have a reputation for someone she would never want to go out with. This means that you will have to:
- Treat other girls well and don't torment them.
- Have good friends, ready to support you in front of her in time of need.
- Being, on the whole, a person who is appreciated, respected and admired.
If you know how to cheer her up, take action. Maybe she likes a particular flavor of ice cream that is two cities away from yours, or she is crazy about teddy bears because they make her laugh. Whatever it is, go out of your way to show her how much you care.
Win a Girl's Heart Step 15Bullet1 - If she's insecure about something, it's your great opportunity to make her feel better by reassuring her. Say something like, "I love your freckles. They bring out your beauty." Something that simple would encourage her and let her know that you really like her.
- Be especially cautious about their insecurities. Most girls (and boys) are unsure about some aspects of their character and body. As you get to know her better, you will likely discover some of her insecurities and be able to understand them better. Don't bring them to the surface, be understanding and encourage her to look at all the other aspects that make her special.
- If she has shown you things about herself that make her vulnerable, don't be afraid to do the same.
- Put yourself in his shoes. What do you like to talk about? How do you react to criticism? What makes her different from other girls? What are you proud of? Answer these questions from his point of view and act accordingly.
- You don't have to tell her it's on a date when you ask her out. Instead of talking about dating, which might sound weird, say something like, "Hey, my friend blew me up, and now I have two tickets to the Saturday show. Would you go to the movies with me?"
- Make your date a success by offering her something exciting, something that makes her heart beat faster. A haunted house, an amusement park with a roller coaster, or a horror movie. Exciting dates are certainly the best for creating a bond between you because you will have the impression of having shared an experience.
- Be a gentleman. April bring her, be on time, offer her dinner, and don't expect her to kiss you on the first date. Respect her time and make her feel comfortable. If you succeed, it will fall into your arms.
- First of all, respect it. It is unique and special. Don't let anyone insult her, not even your best friend. After all, you love her, don't you? Good luck.
- Be honest.
- If you are going to ask a girl out, do it in person (face to face), don't send her an email or text.
- Show always respect towards other girls. He will understand how sweet and kind you are.
- Don't be overwhelming. Let her call you sometime (if you want, you can text her from time to time too, but don't overdo it).
- Sometimes, talking to her indirectly (for example via text message) can give her a more intriguing and mysterious impression of you, but nothing has the same effect as a face-to-face conversation. So talk to her as much as possible face to face.
- Be sure of yourself. Walk, talk and move confidently. Be a leader and communicate trust.
- Don't always agree with her. Many girls prefer people other than themselves. That's why it's ALWAYS important to be yourself. Remember, opposites attract.
- Play with her. Make fun of her a bit, and when she counterattacks, retaliate with something funny. You will be like two puppies doing wrestling: very funny. In any case, remember that girls are sensitive, so be sure not to hurt her and let her win every now and then.
- If she comes home one day and is in a good mood, take her out to dinner. If she returns in a bad mood, buy her something good. If one day she comes home depressed, spend the evening next to her and she'll know she has someone she can count on.
- Be persistent and let nature take its course. Always stay calm. If you hang out with someone, chances are it won't last if they don't look like you. And above all, stables close by. Time helps to understand if a person truly cares about you.
- Don't fall back on another girl immediately after a breakup. If you and your girlfriend have just broken up, do not immediately launch into another relationship or she will think that you have never really loved her.
- Never talk behind his back because sooner or later he will find out; girls are very good at this.
- Don't worry if you don't follow all of these tips to the letter. If you really have feelings for her, everything will be fine.
- Don't betray her. You would risk losing her forever and hurting her to such an extent that you no longer want to be with someone for fear of suffering again.
- Don't focus all your energy on her unless you're ready for marriage or a long affair. Know that you could get burned.
Part 2 of 3: Get to know her better

Step 1. Memorize the color of his eyes
Help yourself by watching them as much as possible while you talk to them. It wouldn't be a bad idea to do this with all the women you meet.

Step 2. Practice flirting with her
You've probably already started flirting with her a bit by complimenting her or talking to her. Now is the time to take it one step further and seriously let her know what game you are playing.

Step 3. Don't play games with her
It's a waste of time and will put your relationship on the wrong track. If you start a relationship with a lie (for example, you tell her that you had a long love affair when you have never been with a girl), you will go towards total failure and you will continue not to have her, the girl. If you suspect you're together for diametrically opposed reasons, don't go along with her just because you want her to be with you. Tell her what you want and make her understand what really matters.
Don't be difficult unless you're sure it works. Believe it or not, some guys get tough and it almost always doesn't work out because girls mistake their being distant for coldness and disinterest

Step 4. Be trustworthy
Most girls want someone they can trust and turn to if they have a problem. Even when she's in a good mood and having a good day, let her know you care how she's doing. If you know she has appointments in the afternoon, ask her how they went. If you show her that you like her, she'll get the message eventually. You don't even need to tell him.

Step 5. Let me put on your jacket if it's cold
You will make a better impression if you take it off and hand it to him yourself; the important thing is that the jacket is clean and smells good. By doing so, you show that you care and make her feel safe and secure.

Step 6. Take an interest in his person
Asking her how her day went is an easy way to show her that you care about what she does and that you care about her. When she starts talking, you need to give her your full attention. Look her in the eye and, above all, do not interrupt her. Ask her questions to show her that you are listening to her; give your opinion about it, if you have one.
Part 3 of 3: Closing the Deal

Step 1. Share his emotions
If she got a very good grade on her math test, congratulate her! If she's having a bad day, let her know that you share her pain and that you want her to be better. Ask her if you can do anything to make her feel better.

Step 2. Love her also for her flaws
Everyone finds that the person they're in love with has a flaw. However, if the list of defects is too long, something is wrong. You must also love it for those things that make it special, unique. Tell him.

Step 3. Make her feel like the most beautiful girl in the world
You could tell him directly. The girls they adore the compliments, being told that they are beautiful. At the beginning of your friendship, however, do not overdo it. Simply saying something like, "You're beautiful today" will make her happy; the important thing is that you are sincere and believe what you say, otherwise they will no longer trust your opinion.

Step 4. Develop good communication skills
Share your most interesting ideas or the stories of people you've met with her. You may have asked her a lot of questions about her, but she hardly knows anything about you. Share those things about yourself that you are comfortable with and, why not, also those that you still keep to yourself.

Step 5. Ask her out, if you haven't already
Getting to the meeting stage is the hardest part. Once you've dated several times, it will be easier for you to figure out if she's still the girl of your dreams. However, coming to this awareness can be difficult, but luckily, you are confident, calm and have a plan:

Step 6. Always tell her that you love her
You love it as it is, inside and out, and above all show it to them, because it is the thing that matters most. If she knows you love her, she'll be more predisposed towards you.