Have you ever wondered why women can't resist bad guys? It's not because they're rude - nobody likes rude. Rather because they have faith in themselves and are purposeful - in other words, sexy. Use these tips to improve your manly confidence to show the world (and all women) who's wearing the pants!
Part 1 of 3: Bad Boy Behaviors and Habits

Step 1. Be a man
You have your times, your dreams and your plans and you don't want to give them up. If you don't like something, don't force yourself to like it. - Be sure about what you like and what you dislike - this way you will attract like-minded people.
Discover your values. What do you like? What do you hate? What makes you unique? What makes you happy? Know yourself, or you'll always end up looking for a model to copy. Can you be happy if you pretend to be someone you are not?

Step 2. Become the center of the world
Your priority must be to be happy - other people are secondary. - If you treat yourself as if you are important, other people, and women, will understand that you are important too. Most people are naturally drawn to important people - being important is cool!
- With very rare exceptions, never sacrifice your image to pursue a romantic interest. Do you like a girl who doesn't seem interested in you? Forget it - you are too important to waste time trying to conquer it.
- Women will appreciate your self-love. You will show that you know what you want and that you are not afraid to fight for it.

Step 3. Stop worrying about everything
Nothing is less sexy than someone who is constantly stressed out by all the little things in life. Bad boys don't care about platitudes, because they are sure they have everything under control. When you are around women you find attractive, even if you shouldn't act like a complete lazy person, you will need to try to be as relaxed as if you were at home watching TV. By doing so, you would let the people around you know that you are calm, confident and in control of the situation, in other words, sexy.
- It is quite difficult to go from being a nervous and worried person to a natural and confident playboy in one day. If you're looking to be more relaxed, try slowing down your movements and actions - this is a great first step that will make you look (and feel) a lot calmer. Walk with slow steps and make up your mind. Speak slowly but confidently. Avoid hesitating when you can.
- Even for bad boys, things don't always go as expected. In case something goes wrong, try not to stress yourself out. Instead, learn to minimize with a joke. For example, if you pour a drink on yourself, don't worry about how you will wash your shirt once you get home. Instead, say something like "Oh! Looks like I have a new color shirt in my wardrobe." You will be a little corny, but you will prove that little problems don't bother you.

Step 4. Stop asking for permission or approval from others
Nice Guys always wait for a signal that lets them know they can proceed before taking action. However, this signal often does not arrive, and this leads them to seem indecisive. Be firm (especially with women) and address objections at the appropriate time. Don't look at others to determine if you are doing "right". Do what feels right to you. You will be amazed at what you have always been allowed to do!
- With women: Instead of asking "Can I kiss you?", Kiss them directly. The same goes for "Do you want to go out with me?" Start talking to her and say, “We have to get out; when you can, on Friday or Saturday?”. - Even if you are rejected, your decision will make you much more attractive than if you simply asked for his attention.
- Prepare an option for everything from restaurant to eat in to spending free time. Decide what you want, and take action to get it - you will not only be more attractive, but happier as well.
- Disclaimer: Real men aren't maniacs or perverts. Be confident, but also take your partner's needs into consideration. Never force a kiss (or worse) from a person who doesn't want to give it to you. Just as you are clear about your desires, the same goes for other people. Respect their decisions.

Step 5. Become a leader
As a man, always be the one to lead. Don't wait for someone to tell you what to do or where to go. If your group can't make a decision, you make it. Becoming a leader will come naturally to you when you stop worrying about others and think about doing what you want. You won't be selfish. Rather, you will take care of your life, because you don't expect anyone to do it for you.
- Be a leader in any situation - if you want to talk to a girl or get a job, do it.
- Be a leader with your peers too - if a friend is too timid to talk to a girl, then tease him without being cruel to motivate him and help him have more confidence. Your friends will appreciate your help and women will go crazy for you.

Step 6. Be honest with everyone and especially with yourself
One reason girls love bad boys is because they are sincere. Nice Guys are often not. If a bad boy likes a girl, he'll let you know. A Nice Guy on the other hand will have a tendency to hide his interest or hesitate. A Nice Guy tries to befriend a girl as a step into a relationship, but ends up remaining a friend. Most girls understand when a guy likes them. A bad boy knows this and has no problem making a girl understand. In order to be a bad boy, be honest about your intentions. Most girls appreciate being honest - no one wants to have to read between the lines of a friendship to find a potential mate.
Girls may appreciate even relatively raw cues of interest. For example, both bad guys and nice guys look at girls' breasts. But a bad boy doesn't care about getting caught. This is much more attractive than trying to peek but getting caught. The bad guy is honest about his intentions and has no reason to be ashamed

Step 7. Be independent
Never need another person - it is nice to be with other people, but it is not necessary for your happiness. Learn to love yourself and your company. You will understand that the less you need other people, the more they will need you. Always create your own fun. Develop one strong passion and find hobbies and interests to spend time with.
- Never make a relationship yours first priority or yours only source of happiness. Stop looking for happiness in other people, especially women - you don't serve. Men all over the world waste time seeking happiness in everything but themselves. When you are happy alone, other people will naturally want to be with you.
- Indulge in a hobby - any activity that you can devote time to and be happy with. If it's something that allows you to connect with new, young and sexy people, even better. It should be something that you are passionate about, that you enjoy and that you can develop over time! If you don't have or don't want a hobby, at least volunteer. Use your time to make the world better - you are a bad boy, you are not evil.

Step 8. Value yourself - love yourself in a balanced and respectable way
A bad boy is a bad boy because he knows he is worth more than other people from his point of view. He takes care of himself. A bad guy understands that he knows himself better than anyone else and, therefore, his own opinion of himself is more important than that of others. You will have to have respect for yourself, and you will have to earn it before you can receive it from others, especially girls.
- How to earn self-respect? Create a standard by determining what you will accept and what you will not accept from people and stick to your own rules. The most important part of this plan is to avoid people who don't respect you, your family or your friends.
- One of the problems with Nice Guys is that they are kind to everyone - even people who don't reciprocate. Everyone is taught to turn the other cheek, but in some cases, this only encourages unfair people. Don't reward bad behaviors. Be nice to people who deserve it. Remember, being nice to someone won't make them like you. Surround yourself with good people who have earned your trust and respect.

Step 9. Be strong physically, but first of all, emotionally
As a man, you need to be a pillar for your family, for your friends and most importantly for the women who rely on you. Do not complain. Do not forget that protesting without doing anything will not change the reality of the facts. Search instead of face difficulties. Whoever is always the victim is not attractive, and above all, he cannot improve himself.
- When things go wrong, do your best to get through the day. It's easy to get carried away by sadness or anger when everything goes wrong, but remember that you are a man who can solve his own problems and will be able to handle the situation.
- Make sure you take care of the important people in your life. You shouldn't nurse anyone - you you are the most important person in your life - but you will be appreciated and desired if you are helpful, strong and trustworthy.
- Exercise every day. Regular exercise helps improve mood, energy level, self-esteem and overall health. This part is critical in allowing you to control your emotionality and keep daily stress down. Working out also helps you improve your confidence and physical appearance - there's no reason not to!
Part 2 of 3: Increase Your Safety

Step 1. Get to know yourself
Most of the previous tips require you to have a lot of confidence and a good image of yourself. If you don't start from these fundamentals, it's difficult if not impossible to be a real bad boy. Ask yourself questions like "Are there any situations that make me nervous?" and "am I the best person I can be?" If you don't like the answers you give, use the steps below to develop a healthy confidence. You'll be a bad boy in no time.

Step 2. Get in shape
You don't have to be a bodybuilder to be a bad boy, but you do need to be healthy. Scientific evidence shows that physical activity has a positive effect on self-esteem and helps fight depression. The effects are both immediate (thanks to the release of endorphins that reduce stress) and long-term (thanks to the improvement of self-image and general fitness). Don't delay - go to the gym today, not tomorrow.
A study has shown that moderate-intensity aerobic activity produces the greatest immediate psychological benefit. However, any training program that improves your fitness will make you more attractive to yourself and others

Step 3. Start winning
Always work to achieve your career and personal goals. You don't have to be rich to be sure of yourself, but you do have to be proud of what you do. Working hard and being successful will make you feel valuable and important - the foundation of a confident personality.
Everyone (even bad boys) has to face defeat. If you are having difficulties in your career or personal life, look at things from the right perspective - by persevering through the difficulties, you are building a stronger personality. Never give up

Step 4. Treat yourself according to the value you have
Allow yourself to enjoy the things you like. You won't have to spend a lot of money to feel valuable - cook the foods you like, enjoy your favorite drinks in moderation and spend time on your hobbies. If you do things you enjoy, you will naturally feel happier, and you will be more confident.

Step 5. Resolve all personal psychological problems
In some cases, the lack of confidence can have deep roots. Childhood abuse and traumatic experiences can result in lifelong psychological difficulties that can negatively affect your self-esteem. Try to get treatment for problems that affect you mentally or emotionally. There are many treatments available, from therapy to medications.
Remember that seeking help with psychological problems is a sign of strength, not weakness. Real men don't ignore their personal problems, they solve them. In some cases, other people are needed to do this. Never feel embarrassed about having to speak to a psychologist - more than a quarter of US adults received some kind of mental health treatment in the two years leading up to 2004, according to a survey
Part 3 of 3: Bad Boy Dating

Step 1. Learn what you want
A bad guy knows what he wants from a girl and is honest about it (see step six of part one). You don't have to be ashamed of pursuing purely sexual relationships if you're going to do it honestly. Likewise, having a long-term girlfriend doesn't mean you're less of a bad boy. Below you will find some tips on how to handle the fair sex like a real bad boy.

Step 2. Live your life
The goal of a relationship is not to dedicate your life to your partner. Even if you are married, make personal plans. Make time for yourself. Spend time with friends. If you treat yourself as a valuable resource, your time will be highly valued by your partner. If, on the other hand, you will always make yourself available to your partner's every desire, your time will be worth much less. Remember that you have a backbone - make sure you are not dedicating yourself to the point of forgetting about yourself.

Step 3. Be arrogant
Being in a relationship with someone doesn't mean you have to adore them. Make fun of your partner! Mutual teasing helps maintain a passionate and fiery relationship. They are also good signs of an "alpha" personality - you will show that you are not afraid of a playful verbal confrontation. Think about it - would you really want to be in a relationship with someone you always have to be nice to?
- Don't be too cruel to your teasing. Avoid topics that may offend your partner - for example, her appearance or career. Always use a light tone.
- Get ready to be fooled yourself - it's part of the game!
- If you inadvertently hurt your partner's feelings, offer her a sincere apology. Remember, bad guys are honest - you are really sorry, say it. Don't think you never have to apologize for looking like a bad boy. This doesn't mean being bad, just being bad rude.

Step 4. Wear pants in your relationship
This doesn't mean sticking around your partner or preventing her from making a decision. Instead, it means that you should try to be decisive in situations where it is appropriate and always have a plan of action. For example, if you go out, choose a place and book early. Take her hand and lead her through the crowd without her asking. Kiss her when you think it's the right time to do it. Show her that you are sure of what you want, for you and for her.

Step 5. Surprise her
In a long-term relationship, it can be difficult not to fall back into certain habits and routines. So make a commitment to be spontaneous from time to time. Plan weekend trips when you both have some free time. Surprise her with concert tickets for the evening when she wakes up in the morning. Breaking the routine of a relationship helps keep it fresh and exciting.
- It may seem paradoxical to plan "spontaneous" activities in advance. It is necessary though - there's nothing worse than taking an impromptu trip to the ice rink only to find it's closed.
- Remember that to be spontaneous, you don't have to shower her with gifts. Maintain your personal worth - if you're not sure what to do, try to organize activities you enjoy to you. You will be happy to do them, and your enthusiasm will drag your partner.

Step 6. Give her space and make sure she does the same to you
Bad boys and their mates are not dependent on each other. They keep their lives, their friendships and their hobbies. This makes the tempe they spend together much more valuable.
Balancing time for friends and time with a partner can be difficult. Fortunately, since this is a common problem, it has been covered in many publications that you can find on the internet. See an article on the subject for advice
- Being a bad boy means trusting yourself more than others. You will need to understand your insecurities and doubts and eliminate them. Once you get rid of the need for approval from others, you will be sure that you have become one.
- Being a bad boy takes time - you will have to take one step at a time to become a real man. This is not about pretending, but about really changing.
- Practice positive visualization. Every day, imagine yourself in the guise of the man you want to be. Visualize yourself talking, walking and thinking as you wish: this will help you reach your goal more easily.
- Watch some movies to inspire you: "Fight Club", "300", "The Last Samurai", "Yes Man" and "Hitch".
- Read the following books: "The Way of the Superior Man", "Psycho-Cybernetics" and "Iron John".
- Women will test you to see if you're really like that or if you're just good at acting. Follow these steps until you internalize them.
- It is not easy to change, it can take years, but it is possible to improve. Don't try to change your character entirely, try your best to change one thing at a time.
- Remember that being a bad boy doesn't mean being rude. Bad guys are confident without being arrogant or cruel. They know they are worth a lot, but they never pretend to be more than they are.
- Being a bad boy will allow you to break free of your old habits and old addicted friends.