In this situation you may find yourself speechless. What to say? Yes, of course, but is it better to add something else? How to behave?

Step 1. Determine if you really want to date that person
Are you physically attracted to it? Do you really like it or are you just flattered to get someone's attention? Could you imagine that guy by your side if you were in a relationship?
- If you answered yes to most of the questions, you probably like the guy, but it would always be better to get to know him a little better before accepting an appointment with him.
If you answered no to most of the questions, perhaps you should think once again whether to accept or decline the invitation. Whatever you decide, follow your wishes and choose the one that makes you happiest, and that you won't regret later.
Don't go out with a guy just to feel more attractive and to make yourself happy. By accepting the appointment you are taking the first step to start something with him, you will not be able to get rid of his presence the following day. Remember that boys are not toys, so don't step on anyone's feelings and don't have fun giving disappointments

Step 2. If you are undecided, ask the boy for some time to think about it, for example one day
If the guy does not comply with your request, then it is better to immediately cancel the intention to go out with him. And in any case, if he really likes you, he will have no problem waiting for your response. His reaction is also one of those things to consider before making a decision.

Step 3. If you are already sure of your answer, express it positively and simply
Make sure your answer is precise and avoid improvising on the spot, otherwise he may be confused or offended. Don't say phrases like "if I have nothing else to do" or "I'll try". If the first sentence is offensive, the second can suggest some insecurity and nervousness. Rather choose a strong phrase, such as "yes, I'd love to!"

Step 4. Make an appointment quickly
If he has organized a particular event, leave him your phone number, and good luck!
- Be as kind as you can.
- Stay firm in your decision, do not change your mind at the last minute.
- Don't say yes right away, don't show yourself overexcited.
- Don't brag and don't be difficult.
- Prepare the answer and practice before facing the real situation.