The basic form of saying "yes" in French is "oui", but there are many affirmative answers that you can associate with when you want to say yes. Here are some that are worth learning.
Part 1 of 4: Basic Yes

Step 1. Say "oui"
It simply means "yes".
- This word is the most basic way of saying "yes" and can be used in any circumstance and in any situation, formal or casual.
- Pronounce this French term as "uì".
If you want to make the answer more polite, you can add the French equivalent of "Mr", "Madam" or "Miss".
- "Monsieur", which is pronounced "me-siè", translates as "Mr.". "Oui, monsieur".
- "Madame", which is pronounced "ma-dám", means "lady" "Oui, madame".
- "Mademoiselle", which is pronounced "mad-mua-sél", translates as "young lady". "Oui, mademoiselle".
Say Yes in French Step 2 Step 2. To be polite you can say "oui, merci"
This phrase means "yes, thank you".
- "Merci" means "thank you".
- Pronounce this sentence like "hey, wed-yes".
Say Yes in French Step 3 Step 3. Reply by saying "oui, s'il vous plaît"
This is another courtesy phrase that means "yes please".
The phrase "s'il vous plaît" translates to "please". It literally means "if you like".
- "S'il" means "if".
- "Vous" means "you", but it often replaces the Italian tu; the French give the lei on several occasions.
- "Plaît" means "like"
- The whole sentence is pronounced as "uì, sil vu plé".
Part 2 of 4: Slang forms
Say Yes in French Step 4 Step 1. If the context is informal, you can respond by saying "ouai"
This slang word is pronounced "uiè"
Say Yes in French Step 5 Step 2. You can also use "ouaip"
This word is pronounced "ui-ép"
Part 3 of 4: Affirm Firmly
Say Yes in French Step 6 Step 1. Say "évidemment"
This word can be translated as "obviously".
Pronounce this word as "e-vi-dah-mahn"
Say Yes in French Step 7 Step 2. You say "certiinement"
In Italian it means "surely" or "undoubtedly".
Pronounce this word as "sehr-ten-mahn"
Say Yes in French Step 8 Step 3. Reply by saying "carrément"
This word translates into Italian as "absolutely".
This French word is pronounced "ká-re-mahn"
Say Yes in French Step 9 Step 4. Reply with "tout à fait"
It means "totally", "completely" or "indisputably".
- "Tout" means "all".
- The French "à" means "with", "a", or "in".
- "Fait" means "done".
- The pronunciation is "all-a-fè".
Say Yes in French Step 10 Step 5. Reply with "en effet"
It translates as "in fact", or "certain".
- "En" means "in".
- "Effet" means "effect".
- Pronounce this sentence as "en-e-fé".
Say Yes in French Step 11 Step 6. Exclaim "bien sûr
"This sentence can be translated as" surely ".
- "Bien" means "well".
- "Sûr" means "safe".
- Pronounce the sentence as "bian-suur".
Part 4 of 4: Other Affirmative Answers
Say Yes in French Step 12 Step 1. The polite phrase "très bien" is used to say "very good"
- "Très" means "a lot".
- "Bien" means "good".
- Pronounce the sentence saying "trè bian".
Say Yes in French Step 13 Step 2. Say "C'est bien"
This phrase means "okay" in Italian.
- "C'est" means "is".
- "Bien" means "good".
- This sentence is pronounced by saying "sè bian".
Say Yes in French Step 14 Step 3. Say "Ça va"
Use this phrase to say "okay", like the previous one, but in a slightly more informal meaning.
- "Ça" means "this".
- "Va" is the third person singular of the verb "aller", which means "to go".
- Say it by saying "sa-vá".
Say Yes in French Step 15 Step 4. Reply with "d'accord"
The Italian equivalent is "agree".
Pronounce it by saying "da-korr"
Say Yes in French Step 16 Step 5. Exclaim "volontiers
"It means" gladly!"
Pronounce saying "vo-lon-tyehr"
Say Yes in French Step 17 Step 6. Respond with emphasis "avec plaisir
"In Italian it can be translated as" with pleasure! ".
- "Avec" means "with".
- "Plaisir" means "pleasure".
- Say this phrase by saying "a-vek-ple-zí".