How to Walk Like a Diva: 10 Steps

How to Walk Like a Diva: 10 Steps
How to Walk Like a Diva: 10 Steps

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The recent popularity of female icons such as Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce and Nicki Minaj show a return to the appreciation of female forms and movements. These famous mermaids are known for their sensual way of moving as well as their lively music. Any woman can show herself feminine and seductive with patience and practice, but before being able to enchant even a single viewer, she will have to learn how to move with an innate grace. Below you will find known methods for educating your posture and improving your body language to highlight your natural confidence and beauty.


Walk Like a Diva Step 1
Walk Like a Diva Step 1

Step 1. Make your posture relaxed but upright

Pretend your head is being held in pull through your hair to make you stretch your neck, lift your chest, and allow your shoulders to fall back. Also pretend that there is a thread attached to your breastbone, which lifts your chest upward to detach the rib cage from the pelvis and keep the navel in.

Walk Like a Diva Step 2
Walk Like a Diva Step 2

Step 2. Repeat this mentally as often:

chin up, neck long, shoulders back, chest out, abs tight, pelvis forward and buttocks tight. At first, you may feel backward and feel pressure in the back of your back (for example, in the lower back that curves between the rib cage and pelvis). Rise up and breathe calmly through your nose.

Walk Like a Diva Step 3
Walk Like a Diva Step 3

Step 3. Make a committed but discreet effort to hold your feet like a pigeon (ie with thumbs in and stretched and heels out) and X-shaped legs (for example with bent knees pointing inward). out and in and the hips out) and the elbows back (the flexed elbows pointing back and towards the spine as the wrists go out)

Keep your arms dangling with your elbows bent. The wrists should be close to the thighs. This posture improves stability, flexibility and places emphasis on all-female attributes (i.e. the hips).

Walk Like a Diva Step 4
Walk Like a Diva Step 4

Step 4. Frequently untie the rib cage and pelvis with side-to-side, forward and horizontal circles to optimize the thinness of your waist (ie the circumference of the torso between ribcage and pelvis) and to allow your body to move in a more persuasive and light way, like a dancer

The four main female forms are: hourglass, pear, apple and ruler depending on the proportions and shape of the rib cage and pelvis. Traditionally, the ideal classic figure has the famous 90-60-90 measures. The female sex appeal, according to scientific research, corresponds to a waist-hip ratio of 0.7 (obtained by dividing the measures of the narrower waist by the widest one of the hip). Keep fit and with a good muscle tone, a targeted gymnastics will help you to have charm, simplicity and elegance always.

Walk Like a Diva Step 5
Walk Like a Diva Step 5

Step 5. Always be confident and aware of your body

Bring out your essence through your eyes, relax your jaw and lips to give them an ideal shape. Focus on the present and your personal performance as well as on your surroundings (e.g. focus solely on one moment at a time, one breath at a time, one step at a time while in a certain environment). Either way, always present the best version of you.

Walk Like a Diva Step 6
Walk Like a Diva Step 6

Step 6. Put one leg directly in front of the other like cats do

Most of the weight change should occur near your center of gravity which is between your thighs and navel. Aim to leave footprints in a continuous line, as if walking a tightrope. This movement sets the pace for the hips and arms. Keep your head and shoulders relatively still as your body moves and try to appear as if the wind is trying to push your shoulders back, forcing your pelvis forward.

Walk Like a Diva Step 7
Walk Like a Diva Step 7

Step 7. Take each step with the inside edge of the foot, keeping the knee flexed then lower the sole of the foot slightly (as if you were flat) to give the impression of pushing against the floor

Synchronize the movement of each bent knee with that of the midfoot for greater control. Alternatively, you can synchronize the movement with that of the heel if you prefer a toe-toe gait.

Walk Like a Diva Step 8
Walk Like a Diva Step 8

Step 8. Take more or less pronounced steps by lifting your legs vigorously or subtly, like a trotting horse

Lift your foot to a moderate height above the floor with the knee bent and place it at a normal distance in front of the supporting leg. As the knee bends, the same hip goes down (causing the other to rise) and as the knee stretches, the same hip goes up (and the other goes down). If you want to give a sense of rocking, you will need to change the weight distribution (i.e. both hips will have to drop as you bend and lift the knee on the same side of the body as the weight moves from the hip to the foot).

Walk Like a Diva Step 9
Walk Like a Diva Step 9

Step 9. Move as little as possible with each action

For example, if you want to take a look at something or someone, first move your eyes until they lock, then move your head, then your torso, and adjust your lower body only when necessary. Always return to the most relaxed position possible and never stay in tension.

Walk Like a Diva Step 10
Walk Like a Diva Step 10

Step 10. Try to look attractive even when you are still

Place the left foot slightly in front of the right (the left knee should be a little bent) and the toes should point forward and inward, with only some weight on the forefoot. The right foot should be almost behind the left and turned to the right to be perpendicular while the toes should go to the right and slightly inward, with the weight almost entirely on this forefoot. Try gently bending your knees towards each other to exude more elegance. Also, your body should be turned so that your right elbow is set back from your right hip, and your head should point towards the nearest shoulder (i.e. left) to complete it all.


  • Walk slowly. Everything done slowly looks graceful and sexy.
  • Keep your hands open with your fingers fully extended. Pretend to gently hold a seagull feather in each hand and keep the movements fluid.
  • Walk to the beat of a song. Keeps the steps the same. But don't go too slow. Once you have listened to a couple of songs you should find the right one.
  • It is normal for the spine and head to lean slightly forward and to the right or left back with each step.
  • Reverse movement of the body refers to the natural tendency of the ribcage and pelvis to move in opposite directions when a person walks. The natural action of walking in people involves the right arm and shoulder moving backward as the right leg moves forward and vice versa. However, you should remember to keep your shoulders steady and your elbows back from your hips for freer movement. In addition, you should let the shoulder blades drop a little with a backward and inward movement that accompanies that of the corresponding elbow, in order to counteract the course of the lower part of the body.
