When a boy, once very attentive and affectionate, suddenly walks away and distances himself, it is natural to ask why. There are numerous theories about how to tell if a man is losing interest in a woman, but we have found the most effective. First, you need to pay attention to the major changes that occur in the way you communicate. Once identified, you need to evaluate his behaviors and then start solving the problem by talking to him, asking other people for advice, and focusing on yourself.
Part 1 of 3: Identifying Changes in the Way You Communicate

Step 1. See if the contacts have shrunk
It may be one of the first signs of your loss of interest. Usually, you can be reasonably sure that if she wants to talk to you, she won't have any hesitation in getting in touch. However, notice if he stops calling and texting you when he used to frequently.
- A greater distance accompanied by a lack of verbal communication could indicate a decline in interest, but also suggest changes in his personal life. Perhaps he is very busy or has family problems to deal with.
- It is always better to contact him and ask him directly rather than assuming that he has lost interest.

Step 2. Notice if the conversations are shorter
It goes hand in hand with the lack of communication. If you start to notice that when you talk, your chats become more and more rapid and fleeting, you should take this into account.
For example, if you spent several hours on the phone, while you are now talking for up to ten minutes, it is likely that you are losing interest. Perhaps he tries to cut off conversations by ignoring your text messages or calls for a long time before answering, or he tells you he has to close without offering a valid reason

Step 3. Be aware of any changes in tone of voice
It's a strong indication that he's no longer interested. When a man wants to conquer a woman, he very often uses a softer and more engaging tone than he adopts with other people. If his involvement has changed, his voice is less affectionate and he begins to remember the tone he normally uses with anyone else.
He may even speak less kindly to you or say unpleasant things. In this case, it's a clear sign that he's not interested in you. You don't deserve to be around a man who treats you badly or talks to you in a rude or unfriendly way. If he starts to denigrate your appearance, what you do, or how you act, you should end the conversation immediately

Step 4. Listen to what he says
When you talk, does he ask you if something important has happened to you or is he mainly focused on himself? A guy who is interested in you tries to engage in a deeper dialogue and get to know you better. Then, notice if she keeps the conversation superficial or cuts it short.
- He might make subtle hints about his eventual interest in you. Therefore, pay close attention to what he says to you, but also to the way he tells you.
- Do you joke a lot together? The lack of humor could mean that he has low spirits (or maybe he is feeling depressed) or a simple loss of interest.
- Also note if it talks about trivial things or delves into the topics you deal with from time to time. If he avoids important topics or doesn't share his point of view, chances are he doesn't feel a strong involvement.
- If she starts talking about her relationships with other people, especially her flings with other women, she is telling you that she only regards you as a friend.
Part 2 of 3: Paying Attention to Changes in Your Way of Acting

Step 1. Notice if she cancels your appointments
If he continually cancels the schedules you have established without proposing other solutions, you should consider his attitude as a sign that he does not want to date you. They may even stop asking you out, which should be interpreted as a clear warning sign.
- If you notice that you are the only one who suggests doing something or coming up with ideas, try to stop and see if he begins to take the initiative. If he's still interested, he'll arrange to go out with you.
- He may make a general apology when he cancels an appointment and, for example, say he has other things to do without giving you further explanation. You should be careful if he never comes up with a clear answer as to why he can't see you. He may be evasive about changing plans by saying, "I already have a commitment to another person" or "I can't tonight" without offering a reason.

Step 2. Observe his behavior with others
You will likely have a hard time figuring out if he treats you differently or the same way he treats his friends. See how he interacts with them and ask yourself if he behaves in the same way with you.
- If he treats you as if you were any friend, he probably likes you very much, but he has no other interests. On the contrary, if he wants to win you over, he behaves differently.
- Some men love to flirt, while others reserve courtship only for women they are interested in, so try to figure out if it falls into the first or second category.

Step 3. Watch her body language
Body language indicates how people feel. When someone has a complete lack of interest or feels uncomfortable in a situation, they try to distance themselves from the other person and avoid interacting physically. Pay attention to the signals his gestures send out that indicate whether he is uncomfortable or indifferent to your presence.
- They may try to move away from you, cross their arms, or turn around while you are talking, but they may also try to avoid physical contact, such as a hug or a hand on the arm. In this case, he is not interested.
- If he makes little eye contact with you and continually looks away as you speak, he may not be intrigued by your speech. However, keep in mind that some men are shy, so such an attitude could only indicate nervousness or reserve, not a lack of interest.
- Some body language clues that suggest indifference are: orienting the feet and body away from the interlocutor, massaging the neck, crossing the arms, looking at the floor or backing away.

Step 4. Be careful if it doesn't touch you
In any relationship, physical contact fuels attraction and accentuates physical closeness. Identify any changes in how often he physically seeks you out and the type of contact you make.
- For example, suppose you hug each other every time you see each other. If he no longer cares, he may stop or walk away every time you try to hug him.
- While there is still physical confidence between you, the nature of the contact may change if she has lost interest in you. For example, he might pat you on the back instead of hugging you. It's an unromantic gesture that most men reserve for friends.

Step 5. See if he's paying attention
When a man is romantically involved, he goes out of his way to remember the most important things about his woman, such as her interests, her schedule, or what happens to her. When he is no longer interested, he stops being attentive and remembering these details.
- For example, if he forgets your birthday even though you've been telling him about it for several weeks, he probably doesn't feel fond of you anymore.
- If he systematically forgets what you say to him, such as a job interview or the arrival of your family in town, it is possible that he is no longer interested in the most important aspects of your life.
- It may also stop making significant surprises and gestures like in the past, such as wowing you with a bouquet of flowers or a gift.
Part 3 of 3: Addressing the Matter

Step 1. Let him contact you first
If you have begun to notice that he is not looking for you as often as he used to, you should take a step back and avoid contacting him. If you're the only one texting, calling, or proposing something to do without any reciprocity, it's clear he's not willing to see you.
Try this strategy for a week to see if anything changes. Avoid taking the initiative and see what his reaction is. He will notice that your conversations have stopped and he will contact you, or he will not and you will understand that he does not want to see you

Step 2. Ask for advice
If you have mutual friends and you feel like it, reach out to them to find out if he's interested in another girl or is still planning on dating.
Instead, see if she asks you for advice about her romantic relationships with other women. It is a clear indication that he is interested in someone else and that he only regards you as a friend. If he starts wondering, "How can I get this girl's attention?" or "What kind of date should I arrange with her?", obviously she has no attraction towards you

Step 3. Ask him directly
It's the best way to know if he's still interested in you. By reflecting on your contacts, their behaviors and their approaches, you can get an idea of how they feel about you, but you will never be sure if you don't talk to them openly.
- It can be scary and unnerving. Nobody wants to feel rejected, but it's a risk you have to take. Otherwise, you may misinterpret the signals he gives you or not consider the hints that are clear to him.
- You can address the topic directly or indirectly. Try asking him, "Are you still interested in going out with me or would you rather just be my friend?". This way, you get to the heart of the matter and give him the opportunity to express what he feels.

Step 4. Take care of yourself
Don't underestimate this as losing a guy you like can be an emotional blow. Whether it's your boyfriend, a simple flame or an ex, you need to be considerate and forgiving of yourself.
Engage in anything that makes you happy. You can go out with your friends, cook your favorite dishes, take a walk in the fresh air, paint a picture or go to the cinema

Step 5. Maintain your dignity
Gracefully accept that he is no longer interested in you. Distance yourself and try not to take out your frustration or anger on your mutual friends.
- It's natural to suffer from the end of a relationship and what you thought you could build with this guy. Once you get over the mourning phase, turn the page by focusing on the more positive aspects of your life.
- Don't lose sight of the big picture. It's hard right now, but there are so many wonderful guys out there who are eager to fall in love.
- Feelings change for a variety of reasons. There is nothing wrong with you. However, you need to start understanding your needs and make sure you end this relationship with dignity.
- Love yourself and remember that you are extraordinary. Don't let anyone make you feel insecure, not even those who lose interest in you.
- Don't ruminate thinking that you could have acted differently. What could have happened didn't happen, so focus on the present and the future.
- Try not to get embittered. Grudge holds you back and does not change the past.