How To Please The Guy You Are Interested In: 7 Steps

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How To Please The Guy You Are Interested In: 7 Steps
How To Please The Guy You Are Interested In: 7 Steps

You noticed that kid at school. He's cool, sweet, handsome, smart, and just plain awesome. You think it's the right one, but you have a feeling it won't return your interest. Don't swear it! With these helpful tips, he will definitely notice you!


Get the Guy You Like to Like You Back Step 1
Get the Guy You Like to Like You Back Step 1

Step 1. Do not overdo it with makeup and clothing

He might think you look like a weird girl. Most people get in their way when they want to impress someone. It completely depends on each person, but if you want to get a better result, take care of your appearance a little. Try a clasp, a nice necklace, bracelets, or anything cute. You can also get yourself a different hairstyle. Put a good scent, for example with sweet pea extract, with that good smell you will always find it around.

Get the Guy You Like to Like You Back Step 2
Get the Guy You Like to Like You Back Step 2

Step 2. Don't be irritating

It's the best way to get him away from you. Don't scream or mock other people in front of him. Otherwise he may think you are bad. Stay calm. It's okay to be a little crazy, but don't cross the line. Being a little crazy and outgoing is one thing, being crazy and irritating is another.

Get the Guy You Like to Like You Back Step 3
Get the Guy You Like to Like You Back Step 3

Step 3. Talk to him

Do not be shy. Start by waving to him when you meet him in class, then say “Hi” every now and then. When you talk to him, be a little provocative. Look him straight in the eye to make him nervous. Smile and make sure your breath doesn't smell (in case eat a Tic Tac or chewing gum). Touch it while you speak, but not too much. A few friendly nudges and nudges will cause a pleasant shiver down his spine. Ask him questions about him. Guys love to talk about themselves. They are so full of themselves. Make him seem like you are interested, and make a few jokes to make him laugh.

Get the Guy You Like to Like You Back Step 4
Get the Guy You Like to Like You Back Step 4

Step 4. Send him signals

Watch it during class or in the hallways. Wait for her gaze to meet yours, then smile and look away. Compliment him. Say something like "Hey, these shoes look good on you." Ask him if he wants an orange Fruittella and then give him one with another flavor. They are small things, but they will work.

Get the Guy You Like to Like You Back Step 5
Get the Guy You Like to Like You Back Step 5

Step 5. If you feel your interest in him returns, come forward and he may ask you out

If it doesn't, don't feel hurt. You are always gorgeous and any guy would be lucky to date a girl like you! Walk with your head held high!

Get the Guy You Like to Like You Back Step 6
Get the Guy You Like to Like You Back Step 6

Step 6. If you know he is shy, he may not feel comfortable telling everyone about you

That is fine. You can help him become less shy by dating him. Ask him if he wants to play tag or other games.

Get the Guy You Like to Like You Back Step 7
Get the Guy You Like to Like You Back Step 7

Step 7. Try to sound normal the first few times you talk to them

Get noticed, but not too much. Don't be totally hooked on him right away, if anything you will become him later on. Also, when you talk to him, stand with your feet turned towards him but with your torso slightly turned. You should never look down, rather look at a point in the distance but keep your head up. You'll do great.


  • Be yourself! And don't let anyone tell you to be different! You are YOU and no one can change it, not even a boy. For example, if you support a certain football team, but he supports another, he makes jokes about the rivalry between the two teams. Don't automatically say things like “I hate * enter the name of the team that supports him. They are pitiful”. Just say something nice and a little flirtatious like "Hey, opposites attract" and in the meantime smile.
  • Get noticed! Say hello to him or try flirting with him.


  • Don't try too hard. Different guys are attracted to all kinds of things in a girl. Just try to get to know him and his favorite things (hobbies, sports, music, etc.)
  • It may happen that he doesn't like you or that he already has a girlfriend, but trying to do it doesn't hurt anyone.
  • If he reciprocates your feelings, make sure he's not just interested in your body or putting pressure on you to do something you're not comfortable with.
