An hourglass body is a symbol of femininity, brought to the fore by Marilyn Monroe and other icons of the 1960s. To have a shapely physique, you need to accentuate the bust and hips, but also slim the waistline and firm up the buttocks. The method to follow to have beautiful curves depends on your starting point, so read this article to understand what is right for you and act accordingly.
Method 1 of 3: General Weight Loss

Step 1. Do a cardiovascular workout 3-4 times a week every other day to keep your weight stable and tone your muscles
Remember that it is impossible to dispose of fat locally, cardiovascular exercise helps you burn fat all over the body.
You can, however, locate the development of muscle mass. Read the sections dedicated to the hips and buttocks to find out how

Step 2. Do interval workouts instead of moderate intensity workouts
You can burn more fat by alternating between moderate and high intensity exercises. A 20-30 minute interval workout may be more effective than an hour of medium intensity exercise.

Step 3. Prefer walking, elliptical, swimming or cycling to long distance running
If you are naturally thin, high-intensity workouts may cause you to burn localized fat in the bust and hip area - the parts of the body that should be curvy to have an hourglass physique. Choose a total body interval workout or walk to keep fit without losing muscle mass on your hips or breasts.

Step 4. Consider a workout that combines cardiovascular and conditioning exercises
Yoga flow, barre workouts, body sculpting, and aerobics can help build lean mass and burn fat at the same time, saving you time.

Step 5. Try to walk, hike, or run uphill or up stairs
You'll burn fat, but you'll also tone your glutes, hips, thighs, and calves.
Method 2 of 3: Slim the Waist

Step 1. Learn the typical Pilates abs set
This method aims to make you lose centimeters and promote the formation of muscle mass in depth, slimming the waistline. When performing these exercises, push the abdominal muscles in and up, contracting them as much as possible; meanwhile, lift the chest up to the base of the shoulder blades.

Step 2. Start with the Pilates series called "100"
In the supine position, bend your legs until they form a 90 ° angle, assuming the so-called "table" position. Bring your arms repeatedly between your knees and hips for 90 seconds.
During these 90 seconds, inhale and exhale repeatedly at 5-second intervals

Step 3. Switch to one leg stretch
Remaining in the position of the table, embrace the right leg and bring it towards the chest, while extending the left at a 45 ° angle.
- Repeat 2 times to switch legs.
- Repeat for 60 seconds.

Step 4. Continue stretching both legs
Get in the table position and hug your legs. Then, stretch them at a 45 degree angle. Extend your arms back to a 45 degree angle.
- Hold the position for 2 seconds, then return to the starting position.
- Do 8 repetitions.
- The torso should not move for the duration of the exercise. Only the arms and legs have to move towards and away from the body.

Step 5. Stretch your legs alternately keeping them straight
Extend both legs at a 45 ° angle to your body. Bring one leg close to your torso and gently push it towards you 2 times.
- Switch legs and grab the opposite one. Keep them straight throughout the exercise.
- Do 8 reps on each side.

Step 6. Now, raise your legs to a 45 degree angle
Put your hands behind your head, with your elbows out. Fully extend your legs upward.
- Lower them until they form a 45 ° angle, then raise them again.
- Do 8-12 repetitions.
- If your lower back starts to rise, lower them at an angle of less than 45 degrees.
- If you have lower back problems, place your hands under your hips as you perform this exercise.

Step 7. Conclude with the "bicycle" exercise
Summarize the same position used for the single leg stretch, but this time place your hands behind your head with your elbows facing out.
- Rotate the left armpit towards the right leg as you bend the latter towards the chest.
- Switch legs and bring your right armpit closer to your left knee.
- Do 8 reps on each side.
- Lower your legs and arms, then extend them as far as possible on the mat to stretch your abs.
Method 3 of 3: Sculpt Hips and Buttocks

Step 1. Try weight lifting for 30 minutes 2-3 times a week every other day
You can try bodyweight exercises, with tools or dumbbells. Along with cardiovascular training, weight lifting helps tone muscles where you want them.

Step 2. Try doing toning exercises for your glutes every other day
Get on all fours on the mat. Lift one leg slightly behind you and extend it.
- Push your foot towards the ceiling and bring it back down with a slight movement; repeat for one minute.
- Switch legs and repeat.

Step 3. Work out your hips every other day
Get into bridge position, with your legs and shoulders flat on the floor, hips raised.
- Contract your abs well as you perform the exercise.
- Push your hips down and lift them about 3 cm. Repeat for a minute.
- Rest and repeat until you are tired.

Step 4. Do the plank for one minute
In the flex position, contract your abs well. Keep your body straight for a minute as you inhale and exhale as slowly as possible.

Step 5. Do side lifts in the plank position
Do a side plank, making your body create a straight line from your left arm to your ankles. Raise your hips about 3 cm and lower them again until you recreate the straight line.
- Repeat for 30 seconds.
- Switch to the right side and repeat.
- This exercise tones the abs, obliques and hips.
- To get the most benefit, stretch the opposite arm over your head to extend your hip and engage it further as you perform the exercise.
- If your neck gets tired during the Pilates sit-up set, lower your torso and hug your knees. Rest for 10 seconds. Try to look at your abs and contract them more. As you repeat the set, you will begin to strengthen your belly muscles and be able to do more exercises in succession.
- To have an hourglass physique, the breasts must be well proportioned to the hips. If you want to have it bigger and create a noticeable gap between the waist and bust, you can use a push-up.
- You can also buy underwear that shapes your buttocks. These briefs feature padding that will accentuate the curve between the buttocks, hips and waist.