Coming out as a transsexual is a different event for everyone; however, there are some proven methods that have helped many people to go through this experience successfully.

Step 1. Take a good look at your audience
For some people, coming out could be counterproductive. For example, if you were under the age of eighteen, it could be more complicated for you because, being still a minor, you would still depend on your parents; therefore, the best thing to do may be to confide in a couple of trusted friends and wait before talking to yours. Some friends and family may be more willing to help you than others. Try starting by opening up to your brother, cousin, or a friend you trust.

Step 2. Get information
You need to try to learn as much as possible so that you are ready to answer any questions your loved ones may have. It is important that you know what you are doing when you come out. You can find tons of resources online. There are many videos on YouTube that tell the stories of tons of transsexual people who have come out.

Step 3. Write a letter
Writing a letter to your family, friends, and other loved ones could help ease the tension that would arise if you interpret their reaction as rejection. Be clear about the reasons that led you to start the transition process, and reiterate its importance. A letter is the best way to come out to relatives you rarely talk to. Use letters written by others to find inspiration. [1].

Step 4. Provide them with reading material
Writings on transsexuality can be of help to those whose loved ones love reading. This way you could provide a great deal of information without having to interact with them too much. Many organizations provide information-rich brochures and flyers. Contact a local LGBT association and ask them to get you some support material. There are several books on transsexuality that have been published; read a couple and choose one that is relevant to your case.

Step 5. Sit down and talk to them
Being direct and decisive is a tactic that could earn you a lot of points with your family and friends. You will give them the opportunity to ask you what they want and, while not having all the answers to their questions, you will need to be honest about your desire to make the transition or to identify yourself as transsexual.

Step 6. Be patient
Coming out is not something you can do in one day; sometimes it can take a lifetime. You can immediately let the people who are dear to you know immediately, but you always run the risk of running into people or acquaintances with whom you have lost touch.

Step 7. Be confident
The fact that you identify yourself as a transsexual and that you know, in one way or another, that you have to take the necessary measures in this regard, is a fact about which you must be extremely clear. Speak clearly, but also listen to what your loved ones have to say and be flexible.
- Do not rush.
- Choose your friends wisely. Coming out to someone you feel you can't trust could make things even more complicated for you.
- Read books on the subject as soon as you can. Writing notes in the margins of books or highlighting passages will help you gather your thoughts and show that you mean it.
- Choose a time to give your speech during which you will not be interrupted, and so that your loved ones have enough time to ask you all the questions they want and get answers.
- Look for letters on the net to get an idea of what you will have to write. Use those letters as a guide, modifying them where necessary to suit your particular needs.
- Some family and friends may decide to stop talking to you. Many live in ignorance and are unable to accept that the world has changed.
- Coming out is something you will have to keep doing throughout your life.